

  • Can I join you guys please? My original 'shred thread' seems to be dwindling! I have just done day 8 level 1 and am totally addicted to it!! I'm not losing any weight though :ohwell: Anybody else finding that? And I can't find my tape measure no not sure if I'm losing inches either! Feel GREAT for it though!! :happy:
  • Just finished day 7 ( I missed a day :/) and still loving it! Hope everyone else is keeping up! :wink:
  • I don't think that's odd! We're going away for the weekened next weekend and my first thought was 'Aaarrrgghhh I won't be able to shred!' I actually look forward to it! I can't do it tonight as my partners girls are staying, I may have to get up during the night :laugh: Ok, maybe I'm odd too!! :wink:
  • Everyone seems to be sticking at it! Well done! I did day 3 at 10 o'clock last night as I worked all day and was out in the evening but felt I couldn't miss a day as I would fall behind eveyone else! Def helps having a group to do it with. Only just done Day 4 but am starting to find it easier and more satisfying. Hope we…
  • I think it's quite common to not lose weight or even put it on as you're building up muscle which weighs more than fat but apparently muscle also burns more calories than fat does so the more you build the more calories you burn!! Yay!!!! I am going to do day 2 just as soon as my dinner has gone down! My daughters…
  • My arms are killing me after doing DAy 1 today! I had shower after and could barely lift them to wash my hair!! Good luck with tomorrow!
  • Welcome aboard everybody :wink: I have taken before pics but they will NOT before posted until I have gorgeous trim ones to compare them to!!!:happy: Found the first workput tiring but ok just worried how I'll feel in the coming days. Am prone to sciatica so just hope it doesn't bring that on cos it's very debilitating!…
  • You're welcome to Lin but be warned, Paul will be sat in the corner !!! Unless of course he joins in. There is a reggae one in the box set so he might!! :laugh:
  • Thanks guys! I do cycle every day and have noticed a difference so I guess I'll stick with that but step it up gear! Have also ordered a Zumba DVD and am gonna try those lunges and squats too. Buns of steel here we come!!! :wink: Claire
  • Hi guys! Good to hear some banter from the UK! Is it just me or are people from the UK on a completely different wavelength to those in the US? I read other chats and think 'Oh god I'm not taking this seriously enough' I do my 20 min bike ride and feel pretty chuffed with myself but then read other people seem to be…
  • You can build muscle as you lose the fat so it might be worth taking measurements to see how you actually slimming down. i found this really satisfying putting the tape measure around my waist/hips at what I USED to measure and actually SEEING how much smaller I was!
    in WHY =/ Comment by TheGooby May 2011
  • I'm cycling everyday and had an afternoon off today so my partner and I took bikes to the coast and cycled for an hour. Was absolutely lovely! Otherwise, just cycle round the neighbourhood? You say you're newlyweds, if you haven't got bikes there is plenty of exercise you can do in the comfort of your own home ;)
  • There is definately a difference and the more you lose the more every pound will show! Keep going and keep us updated!! :)
  • So how do you find your 'magic number'? Trial and Error or is it more scientific than that?
  • Am I reading this right? If you UP your calorie intake you actually lose MORE weight? Please tell me it's true :drinker:
  • Thanks guys that's very encouraging! I do try to make sure snacks are healthy ones such as cereal bars or fruit but might give rice cakes a try. The only diets that have worked really well for me in the past have been post- natal depression and marriage break up so will persevere and doing it properly! Any low fat/sugar,…