

  • Hi all, thanks for the really quick replies! I like some ideas there and i love chicken n steak so thats somewhere to begin, ill just need to start preparing for the week! I like the idea of salads but i find if i have that i dont get that many calories, but i could chuck more meat in i guess! Thanks again
  • Thanks for the motivation! A good gym session tonight, with the owner commenting on good form helps alot :). After filling in my log i see i need to find some high protien and much lower carb foods! Google is my friend!
  • Thanks guys! Great to hear some advice from people who see results! It all just seems very baffling to begin with, ill stick to simple ideas i think and see how i get on with a basic strength gain 5x3 compounds. And eating the right things! Must sort that out! I suppose your right RCKT82, what we eat plays a major role in…
  • Well done , thats great! Im finding motivation hard but am finally getting into it now. Just gotta find the right food to go with! Whats your routine like now?!
  • Many thanks all! I like the idea of 40 35 25, cause that would up my fat would be a little easier and agreed with protein. I liked the idea of eggs but never realised they were that high in fat ( Thanks MFP!) Thanks for the workout advice, i like to think Squat is a good all round excercise! Im still new but i read so many…
  • Can i ask why your 40 35 25? Im still real new to everything so trying to figure things out! Whats your best high protein low fat meal any ideas i can steal :) Again new to the workout so still learning, trying something like Squat , Overhead Press , Deads Squat , Barbell Rows, Bench machine With Pull ups/ dips ( trying to…
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