

  • You took the words right out of my mouth - I couldn't have said it better, especially your first sentence (well, I'm only 62, but hey). Whose bright idea was it to store fat in our bellies after menopause? Good grief. What I'm doing - consulting with a dietician, journaling my food and exercise, walking more, climbing…
  • Don't dwell on the number your trainer gives you as your ultimate goal after a year. Focus on each smaller goal that you do achieve, whether it's one pound or five or ten. Then just keep moving forward. Best of luck to you!
  • Why would you "force" 4 cups of water? Spread it out over the whole day, sip it as you go. I might suggest something different for breakfast sometimes like eggs with some vegetables, if you like that sort of thing. Filling and satisfying but won't make you feel bloated. Good luck!
  • Very well said. One piece of cake will not kill you or blow your whole program. If anything, it will take care of any cravings you might be having for something sweet and you won't feel resentful for being deprived of something like that for a special occasion.
  • (1) Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted grain bread, toasted, with all natural peanut butter (no added sugar), sometimes slice a half banana on it as well, 4 oz. 1% organic milk, and hot tea with Stevia; or (2) organic oatmeal with cinnamon, a bit of sugar or honey, and raisins or blueberries, milk and hot tea. Sometimes lasts until…
  • I know right? I recently ate at Don Pablo and thought I was doing so well ordering Mama's Skinny Enchiladas which were said to have less than 500 calories because the tortillas were heated in water instead of oil. What they don't tell you is that those same "skinny" enchiladas contain something like 1500 milligrams of…
  • Technically, I believe it would be considered a chain restaurant. Every chain restaurant I've checked into (Chili's, Olive Garden, etc.) all have incredibly high amounts of sodium in their foods, not to mention the fat and sugar. Makes it harder to get a healthy meal out.
  • Excellent! How wonderful. You should be very proud of your accomplishment. God bless you and your family!
  • The first obvious thing is the excess sodium. Case in point - the sandwich from Subway. Restaurants, even the nice sit-down places, are notorious for having way too much sodium. It's really eye-opening when you eat out and then log your food and find out how much sodium you ate even though you only ate half your entree…
  • First of all, I don't use the word "cheat" because that implies you're doing something wrong and you will ultimately feel guilty about it and have to pay a price (weight gain?). I don't deny myself anything specifically (except for artificial sweeteners and chemical additives that I can't pronounce), but I factor into my…
  • O.M.G., I am just blown away by your story. It certainly puts my itty bitty struggles into perspective. You are a brave warrior, my friend, having been through so much and come through it this far and now on your way to not only survival but a better, healthier, happier, more rewarding life. Do you have any idea how…
  • I'm 61, 5'8", and obese (according to that darned BMI chart). I have 65 more pounds to lose to reach my goal. Yes, it is much harder to lose weight after 50 (or thereabouts), but if I can do it, anyone can. I believe you (and I) have come to the right place! I need all the encouragement and support I can get as well. We…
  • As a 61 year old woman with 65 more pounds to lose (I've lost 3 pounds in the past month), and who is battling a sugar addiction as well, I can say to you no, it is not too late! In August, I started seeing a registered dietician who has helped me enormously by having me record everything I eat and drink and any exercise I…
  • I hear ya! I don't have all those activities with kids after work, but I do a lot of sitting throughout the day - working at my computer most of the day, sitting in traffic in the car, or sitting on the subway. When the weather is agreeable (to me - meaning not hot/sticky or pouring rain/snow), I like to put on my sneakers…
  • I am also Type 2 and have been taking Metformin for a couple of years now. But until now I have not been eating appropriately or exercising enough. I decided to consult a registered dietician (my GP has never recommended this to me) and fortunately with my health insurance I did not need a doctor's referral. I found one…
  • I enjoy a fresh crispy salad now and then, but couldn't live on them day in and day out. I find the biggest danger in eating salads comes in the dressing, at least for me. I'm fond of creamy dressings, which are loaded with fat and calories and can negate the reason for going "low cal" with a salad. There are loads of…
  • I'm right there with you! We can do this!