Stacius Member


  • Are you reaching your protein goal first? That is your number one priority. Once you've done that, then you can use the rest of your calories on fats, but your fats are not a goal, just a limit. It sounds like you have the keto flu. Please ensure you are getting adequate sodium, potassium and magnesium in your diet. keto…
  • I have 100 cal popcorn bags when I'm craving something crunchy. I always have fruit of some kind on hand (apples, bananas, pears etc) as well. If I'm craving/wanting to eat more than two servings of snacks in a single day then I always look at what I'm eating too much of/not enough of in my main meals to ensure I'm not…
  • I've got 66lbs to lose, feel free to add me and we can support each other :)
  • Have you thought about using a meal delivery program? You can pick meals that fit your goals and just reheat, eat, log it. Might be something to looking into if you are as busy as you say you are. When you are cooking dinner, make enough so there are leftovers for lunch/dinner the next day.
  • I'm looking to lose 66lbs feel free for anyone to add me. I could use the support from others in the same situation as me! :)
  • The only thing that helps me when I want to give up and just eat what I want: I focus on my only goal. For me, I am a recent cosplayer and I look back on my photos of my past convention I went too and see my fat face and go "Ugh, I never want to look like that again at a convention". IF that still doesn't work, I eat one…
    in Help me! Comment by Stacius June 2017
  • Anyone feel free to add me :smile:
  • Would love some more friends, add me :)
  • Is the body just not able to handle such long distances and also have you eating at a deficit?
  • Hi everyone, 22 here. Would love to make some friends my age. About to start training for a 26km trail run! Need to know some motivational people lol. :smile:
  • This is what I do with my psyllium. Get a glass of water. Add a little bit of concentrated orange juice for flavour, but not enough that it turns into a drink. Add 3 tablespoons of psyllium. Stir. Drink as fast as you can. If there is some globs at the bottom of the glass add a little bit more water. Should take no longer…
  • When I'm out running and biking I do the whole nod and smile thing. Though, there are some people out there that just avoid my eye contact all together. I couldn't give words of encouragement though as I'm normally too buggered to speak! Lol. If someone said something encouraging to me it would make my day :)
  • Hey there I'm keen for some new buddies :) Ill add you
  • I don't use a gym anymore but the price I was paying for the "cheapest" gym was $48 per month. Tiny gym, no classes. Only cardio machines, free weights, weight machines and a tiny free area for bodyweight exercises. Good for someone who doesn't need much. Before that the gym was $68 per week and it included classes, a…
  • Did a 15.2km ride on my mountain bike (but on footpaths) with an average speed of 17.4km/h and a max of 32.4km/h in 52:25. Feel quite happy about this as the exact same ride last week took me 57:12 with an average speed of 16km/h with a max of 33.8km/h.