arondo2006 Member


  • thanks guys (& gals lol). I bought baby carrots for a steal! I also purchased cottage cheese, apples, a grapefruit, some pineapples, rice cakes, and rice chex cereal! A 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 2 pinapple slices was 140 calories. YES!!!!!
  • I will have to look for those. Thanks!
  • thanks! I see I posted a topic under the wrong header. Im new (again) to this. Sorry lol
  • I have glitter panties as well. Victoria Secret has caused me to let the secret out w/ all the sparkle everywhere!
  • Do some step areobics and cleaning until the pizza gets there! & then do a nightly walk after the pizza has settled on your stomach! (thats what I would do)
  • although eating ice isnt the greatest for you; its what I do (A LOT). Maybe its just the notion that you have to have something in your mouth and chewing. If you look to food as comfort, ice can help. But you also have to channel your thoughts on even that ONE positive thought. I, myself, am going through way too much…