Bijee Member


  • As this user said it is designed for you to modify your calories when you work out. in additon to logging your food log your exercise so you can see how much more you can go over. This method works. When I did weight watchers it incorporated the same thing (increased eating for working out). You have to fuel your workouts…
    in 1200 Calories Comment by Bijee July 2013
  • it was from a restaurant and while i know what was in it i am not sure of the proportions that made it up. So that was my main concern.
  • thanks! I am gonna see how it goes.
    in P90X Comment by Bijee August 2011
  • You can!! Start making gradual changes and be realistic. I hate water too, but I add propel packets to it which adds some flavor. Eating out kills you on the calories and weight gain, I am trying to stay away from eating out as best I can until I can control myself. You can do this!!
    in Hello... Comment by Bijee August 2011
  • your apps can act up if you dont power your phone off daily - if even for a few minutes. Mine works fine, but also keep in mind that if you use your browser on your phone it takes you to the mobile version which is very similar to the app and is using your internet connection. That way if there is a kink in the app you…
  • Thank you, this all helps. Now if i can just kick my habit of baked goods i'd be okay....
  • Lol. not ready to share yet, cause i have BAD habits....but thank you!
  • Thank you good post. Do you have an recommendations for people who pack breakfast and lunch and dont have the lixiry to be able to be home and make meals. This is my greatest struggle trying to find things i can take with me and prepare easily with the microwave or whatnot without taking the whole fridge to work with me.…
  • Now THIS sounds good!...will be trying it tomorrow for snack.
  • baked goods and bread are it for me. like fresh baked good not that out the package stuff. :embarassed:
  • Hi Amy, I suffer from this same thing. My husband works out 4-5 days a week and he also prefers healthier foods. So while he doesnt pressure me to cook for him the way he prefers or anything, I typically do. If its just you, how about finding someone that is on the same journey as you that you can be accountable to and…
  • Can this be done over the weekend where I don’t necessarily double my BMR but where I may go over my calories on both those days and still be okay? On Saturdays I normally just have a home cooked breakfast a snack and then something for dinner, and Sunday it’s normally something quick in the morning before church a snack…
    in cheat days Comment by Bijee August 2011
  • Do you have one of these days every week?
    in cheat days Comment by Bijee August 2011
  • Thank you!! I felt wonderful at my wedding and even my first time in a bikini on our honeymoon! While I am pretty comfy with my size right now I want to tone and build muscle. I know I have to lose weight first to get that going. I appreciate the encouragement!
  • Thanks! Forgot to mention I hate water! i am working on that too! lol. :embarassed:
  • sweet! I am going to check the exercisetv thing out.
  • Thanks! I appreciate it.... Congrats on your progress!
  • Yup! thats me in a nutshell. So the exerisetv thing has videos? Thank you!
  • Try one of these: I used that at my last job when I couldnt get to the gym.
  • my weakness(es) are fresh baked cookies and any typed of baked goods usually. I have not found a replacement for them really, but i use that stuff as a reward when i am making good progress and acheiving mile marker goals.
  • maybe go for a walk. enjoy some outdoor time and go for a walk outside on a trail/track or something. I know during my time tha tis better than actually going to the gym and working out. Just put on your music and walk, evben if just around the neighborhood. :smile:
  • Hello all! I have the same goal. I wll be thirty this year and beyond getting married this summer I want to go into my thirties looking and feeling as good as I thought I did when I entered my twenties. I dont really aspire to loose much weight, but inches I would, as I tone up and make my body look nicer. This site is…
  • I make pasta salads with tuna or chicken salad, salads, or sandwiches, or leftovers. I have moved away from lean cuisines cause of the high sodium content and a trainer at the gym said you really need to "eat clean" whcih means to stay away from all that processed food. But i also wake up and make lunches every morning,…
  • Just be careful of the cholesterol in them. My husbands cholesterol jumped up and we realized it was related to the protein powder he was using. Be sure to check the labels. Good luck!