

  • lol that was awesome
  • thank you.. I know this may sound ridiculous to some people because I only have 15lbs to lose, but thats honestly the hardest part to lose lol, and i just want this jelly belly to be gone over night! I know I need patience, but I had to ask for advice. Im glad I did because I would have beat myself up over it all day, but…
  • 1200 calories a day and yes im logging all my food and drinking at least 10 glasses of water. I do T25 in the morning and I will either jog or ride my bike at night for at least 45 minutes. If I cant fit those in then ill do jillian michaels 30 day shred , so I can throw in some weight training. I feel like I have been…
  • dont get me wrong, I am so Happy i lost a pound but I want to really lose in my waist.. so im really looking for suggestions on hat exercises or food I can be eating to lose an inch there
  • sorry to disappoint everyone that its not about steroids lol!!! Mseel1984 I hear what your saying but I have been doing it off and on for about a month and I just love the taste and how i can eat a ton of veggies with out feeling like a rabbit!
    in juicing Comment by JDF125 August 2014
  • I do a slice of turkey with an avacado or pickle slice wrapped up in there.. or veggies with a a little hummus.. but what i really want is chips lol
  • I am kind of feeling how you feel, and to be honest I MISS IT.. I had a banging bod with perfect curves and now they seem to be just meshing into this blob lol! I have a boyfriend and we met about 4 years ago and we were both fit and in shape... then we got into that comfortable stage with each other and he moved in and we…
  • wow thank you everyone!! i will have to check out this HRM!!
    in Calories Comment by JDF125 August 2014
  • thank you so much!!! You and your wife look fantastic btw!! what kind of work outs do you do?
    in new Comment by JDF125 August 2014