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  • Hi all thanks for the comments please feel free to add me as a friend or just follow my story here
  • I was recommended gaspri myofusion as it had a slow release so it supposed to keep u full for longer not sure cos that's the only One I have ever tried other than herbal life stuff I know a lot of ppl use this because of the taste
  • Ye ur def right about my muscles iv lost a lot of strength how good are kettle bells for strength as I just bought the heaviest one I could get quick which is 16lbs is that ok I thought about to kettlebells maybe in evening and cardio in morning but scared if I over do it will but me off
  • What was ur starting weight and current weight I see it shows u lost 71lbs how long has it taken u What sort of excercise u been doing looking at jetting that c25k app and join up for a 5k race in august time So I got something to motivate me
    in 277lbs Comment by mfarmt10 May 2011
  • Thanks for the advice guys think I will try to get my calorie intake up a bit more on traingin days
    in 277lbs Comment by mfarmt10 May 2011
  • Hi What part of Wales u from