

  • This is the best response so far. ketogenic diets are just like any (good) diet, it will work if you stick to it. Many people experience a honeymoon phase of a steep decline, but that is mainly water-weight, and that water is retained in most high carb diets. After that it is just normal weight loss and will depend on your…
  • I don't know as I don't know what you consider "bad for you". If you are in optimum health like you claim there are a few possibilities that maybe you consider "bad for you" carrying an extra 40+ lbs of fat around. They might include: 1. looking fat 2. not having the stamina or endurance that you would like 3. Not having…
  • Well we are in agreement on this and I have never implied otherwise. I have consistently maintained that it is the fat that is gross, not necessarily the people. For some reason you think that the "fat" and the "people" can't be separated, but it's quite obvious they can; just head on over to success stories and see for…
  • I'm sorry but this is a thread about obesity and judgment, and everything I have said is relevant to this thread. I would never randomly walk up to someone on the street and tell them I think they are gross, that would be mean. I'm sorry your jimmies are rustled and that I think fat is gross. I can't help it. I think fat…
  • I'd really have to look at you to know what I would think, but I will assume for your hypothetical that you look fat, which I find unattractive. There is no good reason for someone to be 40+ lbs overweight that I can think of. I would probably think, "This person is fat and needs to lose weight". I would assume that you…
  • You say it doesn't fly and I say it does. Many people with the means who are born with cleft palates, for instance, have cosmetic surgery for purely cosmetic reasons, because they think cleft palates are unattractive. The liposuction industry is huge, because people don't like looking at fat. Saying that your fat or…
  • For the majority of people ketogenic diets (<20g carbs, adequate protein, fat to satiate) can help a lot with satiety while still eating at a caloric deficit. They are also known to boost energy. They have also been known to help with insulin resistance. Maybe look into those. Don't give up OP. Never give up. If something…
  • On this forum, in this thread, about judgments people make, my comment is clearly germane to the conversation. I have not called out anyone for being fat or having a deformity or anything else. I have called no one gross. I have simply stated an opinion on fat, and a few other things I personally find unattractive. I have…
  • I never claimed to be the end all, be all of beauty, all I said was that being fat is gross. To the extent that I am fat, I am gross. Seriously. It's not personal at all; I don't think fat people are lesser humans, I just think that they need to lose weight because fat is gross. This goes for me as well. Like if you were…
  • I judge fat, not people. If someone is obese, they need to lose weight; it's that simple (and if someone is underweight they need to gain weight). I don't judge them as a person until I hear them try to deny that they need to lose weight, or try to spout some HAES nonsense. If they are making an effort to lose weight good…
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