i don't judge obese people



  • JUDDDing
    JUDDDing Posts: 1,367 Member
    One problem with a conversation like this (and a forum like this) is that, seemingly to a lot of people, the opposite of "judge" is "accept all of my excuses and commiserate with me".
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I see someone got salty.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    Cliff's notes?
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    Hitler seems to have had a healthy body-weight (at least at some points, I'm not a Hitler expert).

  • mercurysfire
    mercurysfire Posts: 144 Member
    xxantiheroxx- next time you run into a fat person or someone with a physical abnormality in the real world, make sure and tell them how gross you think that is and that they should get some plastic surgery. make sure and tell them it's nothing personal and you're totally not judging them as person, but really that's gross man. throw money at that problem and make it go away.

    or if you see a 12 year old girl that's maybe a little husky(that's always what people called us-husky) make sure and tell her how gross that tummy is or her thighs. and then make sure and pat yourself on the back for planting the seeds of an eating disorder. it'll be one less gross fatty you have to look at.

    you may not ever think of it when you spew opinions into virtual space- but those words no matter what the intent- can destroy someone.
    you missed the point of this thread. it is supposed to be positive, encouraging and helpful. your opinion on fat being gross is none of those things. at all. you can't pick apart a person and accept one thing and not another. it's not your burden to bear in the first place. a person is a whole package, lumps stumps warts and fat- but they come with a heart too and feelings. and a lot of those feelings happen to be self-hate and guilt for those things you are calling gross. the body acceptance movement isn't about "i'm here i'm fat deal with it." it's about finding the strength to love yourself in spite of those things so maybe you can change them.
  • Polishprinsezz
    Polishprinsezz Posts: 249 Member
    Quit beating a dead horse already. Move on. So much butthurt here in the support forum. Why even worry about what people think about your weight and keep doing you?
  • xxantiheroxx
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?

    I'd really have to look at you to know what I would think, but I will assume for your hypothetical that you look fat, which I find unattractive. There is no good reason for someone to be 40+ lbs overweight that I can think of.

    I would probably think, "This person is fat and needs to lose weight". I would assume that you were at least slightly unhealthier if you didn't tell me "I'm in perfect health" (and who knows, you could be lying anyways, either to me or yourself), and I would think, "this person should lose some weight to be healthier/have more confidence/be more attractive/have more energy".

    Or I might not think anything at all. It all depends on how you carry it, I guess. I certainly wouldn't compliment you on being overweight, unless you used to be REALLY overweight and had lost some weight and were in the process of trying to lose weight, in which case I would compliment you on your progress and tell you to keep it up!
  • Mistapholeezkat
    Mistapholeezkat Posts: 80 Member
    Unfortunetly, I didn't see the original post about judging fat people. That being said I feel I have a good understanding of the direction it took. I certainly don't judge a person by their shape or weight, or looks. I have been heavy and I know how hurtful it can be. It seems that there are a lot of people commenting in defense of fat people. Just because someone is heavy doesn't make them a bad person, but it doesn't make them a nice one either. I would like share a bit of a recent conversation at my work. There is a young gal who just started (24 yrs old) She is very plump to say the least. That doesn't make her a bad person. Her attitude does. While we shouldn't judge her because she is heavy, she felt very comfortable telling us her opinions of other women she is working with. An "older" gal brought her birthday card from her husband to work. She was very excited that it said something like..."after all these years you're still sexy (or something to that tune.) She is about 48 years old. The young gal said and I quote "That's disgusting! Old people shouldn't be having sex. I think that women over 30 shouldn't have long hair and women over 40 shouldn't; have sex." She then went on defending her reasons. I was insulted because I have long hair and I am 40. She also told us her opinions about single moms and welfare. She didn't know us or our backgrounds to be so vocal. I will not excuse her for what she said or write it off because she is young. I have an 18 yr old daughter and she would never be so insulting about people especially in mixed company. So while I didn't judge her on her weight, she...in all her glory....certainly had nasty opinion about others and made it known. I wondered what she would have felt or said if I told her I thought she is slothful and disgusting because she is heavy?
  • xxantiheroxx
    xxantiheroxx- next time you run into a fat person or someone with a physical abnormality in the real world, make sure and tell them how gross you think that is and that they should get some plastic surgery. make sure and tell them it's nothing personal and you're totally not judging them as person, but really that's gross man. throw money at that problem and make it go away.

    or if you see a 12 year old girl that's maybe a little husky(that's always what people called us-husky) make sure and tell her how gross that tummy is or her thighs. and then make sure and pat yourself on the back for planting the seeds of an eating disorder. it'll be one less gross fatty you have to look at.

    you may not ever think of it when you spew opinions into virtual space- but those words no matter what the intent- can destroy someone.
    you missed the point of this thread. it is supposed to be positive, encouraging and helpful. your opinion on fat being gross is none of those things. at all. you can't pick apart a person and accept one thing and not another. it's not your burden to bear in the first place. a person is a whole package, lumps stumps warts and fat- but they come with a heart too and feelings. and a lot of those feelings happen to be self-hate and guilt for those things you are calling gross. the body acceptance movement isn't about "i'm here i'm fat deal with it." it's about finding the strength to love yourself in spite of those things so maybe you can change them.

    I'm sorry but this is a thread about obesity and judgment, and everything I have said is relevant to this thread. I would never randomly walk up to someone on the street and tell them I think they are gross, that would be mean. I'm sorry your jimmies are rustled and that I think fat is gross. I can't help it. I think fat is gross. I think physical deformities are gross. I think going days without showering is gross. That's just the way it is. It doesn't make me a bad person.

    If you are happy with yourself and the way you look it shouldn't matter what I or anyone else thinks. If my opinion truly "hurts" maybe the person has issues with their own appearance. If a person has issues with their own appearance they should work to change themselves so the no longer have issues, not "pretend that everything is gravy".

    You say it's about finding the "strength to love yourself" or whatever bs platitude is in vogue right now, but the reality of it is we all have our issues and loving yourself doesn't come by ignoring them or pretending they don't exist, it comes by facing those issues head on and doing your damndest to overcome them.

    I have stated time and again that I don't judge a person based on their weight, and that I applaud people who are overweight and working on losing weight. I think that's fairly supportive.

    What I am not going to do is coddle someone who is overweight or tell them "that's great that you're fat!". Because it's not.
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    if understanding and compassion are too difficult for you, try. then try harder. they're two of the best qualities we are capable of having and sharing with other people (and animals, &etc). and if you truly can't see beyond your own experiences far enough to appreciate our differences, maybe just fake it 'til you make it. something, anything, other than projecting your negative judgments onto others who are here looking for support.

    for those of you who were hurt by the other forum post, i'm sorry. i'm sorry for the OP and i'm sorry for the rest of society that has judged to the point where one more forum post is just the tip of the iceberg. i'm sorry for myself and all the times i haven't been the understanding person i want to be. i hope you can brush the negativity and judgments off and carry on being the strong person you are.

    i'm happy you're here, on MFP, and i believe in you. you have the power to take control of your body, and it's going to feel sooo darn good to read your success story when you succeed.

    This is perfect. Thank you for this post. There is so much negativity in the world. Why bring it here, where people are here to work on improving their health? If you judge people who are overweight, then you should also be cheering for them when they want to make healthy changes.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?

    I would tell you that everyone knows BMI is a bs scale, and go get a bf% test of some reputable accuracy done.
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    I don't judge fat people because they could have a binge eating disorder, which is just as real as any other eating disorder. Some people are emotional eaters, and are depressed, it on medications that cause a lot of weight gain. I personally am an emotional "not eater." But I also was a big drinker for years, which caused my weight gain (eating French fries when blackout drunk = not good at all). Neither one of these extremes is healthy. But I have very different standards for myself than for others, unfortunately. The type of women's bodies that I am attracted to are much curvier than what I strive to be, which is really weird. So I try to love myself and not judge anyone or endlessly compare my body to every body I see. Everyone has their own struggles with weight and food, and happiness should not be dependent on weight or size. I have an obese friend who has a very positive body image and I envy that.

    This, exactly. Having had anorexia, I know about the fact that a person of any size can be in unimaginable pain because of eating issues. Eating disorders are a mental illness. Judging an overweight person with BED is like judging a person who looks unkempt because they have schizophrenia. And because no one walks around wearing a sign saying "I HAVE AN EATING DISORDER", I personally think it's best to reserve judgment. They will not come out and tell you unless they're emotionally close to you (or on the internet).

    Judging people based on their body is stupid. Having a personal preference is one thing. But choosing to talk to someone or not because they're fat, excluding them or thinking less of them...it's shallow and small-minded, in my opinion.
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?

    I would tell you that everyone knows BMI is a bs scale, and go get a bf% test of some reputable accuracy done.

    But you're judging based on sight. And often, if someone is carrying a little extra weight, or depending on their natural composition, you can't tell if they are fat or not. People don't walk around with BF% stamped on their forehead.
  • amandzor
    amandzor Posts: 386 Member
    If they didn't judge me for my weight, they'd find something else to judge me for.

    The only way to truly combat it is to not give a **** what people say. Who are they to you? Their judgement is usually their own insecurities surfacing.

    After a terrible existence in high school, I grew out of caring what people thought about me. And thank goodness for it.

    Love yourself. Love those who judge you.

    My mom once told me, "If they mind, they don't matter, and if they matter, they don't mind."
  • xxantiheroxx
    I won't be a smart *kitten*, on this one and tell you that I know quite a bit about Hitler, WWII, and Germany. I'm absolutely fascinated by history. But case in point, you made my case for me, by the logic that you present, that *fat* people are gross. You showed that the Supreme Chancellor of Germany, a man, that, for all intents and purposes was considered to be of average height and weight, and by your standards would be considered "not gross", was yet, a vile, heinous human being, not because of the way that he looked, not because of his body, any part of his body, or the package that came with him, but because of the acts that he, and his inner circle carried out. Now, you know who Adolf Hitler was. You know the heinous acts that he and his inner circle orchestrated and committed. The average person, walking down the street. We know nothing about them. We don't know if they have bodies under their homes, or if they are running a soup kitchen for the poor. We don't know their hearts. If they are obese, we don't know the reason. If they have scars, we don't know why. If they have a deformity, we don't know the cause.

    The point I'm making, it took me a great many years to look beyond myself and realize there a hell of a lot more people on this earth than just me. People go through things that I can't even fathom. My worst day on this earth, may be the best day that someone is praying for. I don't know their struggles and successes, and I sure can't tell by looking at them. I have zero room to look at another human being and judge who they are, or what they've been through, simply by what they look like. I constantly remind myself of this if I find myself making a judgement when I'm looking at a person. There are times, and often, I do see people and wonder what their stories are, what they've been through, what they are going through, are they happy, and various other questions, simply because I am a curious person by nature, but until someone actually opens their mouth, and speaks, and lets me in on who they are, what they believe, and where they stand on things, I do my best to reserve judgement.

    Well we are in agreement on this and I have never implied otherwise. I have consistently maintained that it is the fat that is gross, not necessarily the people.

    For some reason you think that the "fat" and the "people" can't be separated, but it's quite obvious they can; just head on over to success stories and see for yourself.

    Do I think that fat people are gross? No. I think fat is gross, so yes I do think that fat people have at least 1 gross attribute. Their fat. I am fully supportive of anyone who is fat who is working to eliminate their fat. I don't judge them. They are fat, that is a fact. I find fat gross, that is also a fact. Thus, I think fat people should work to lose fat.

    It has nothing to do with the type of person they are. I am not demanding that they hide themselves from my sight. I am not even asking them to lose weight. I just think it would be in everyone's best interest if they did.

    If anyone is happy being fat and doesn't like my opinion that fat people should lose fat, tough titties for me. It's no skin off my back and it won't be the first time I have had a difference of opinion with someone.

    Again, and again, and again, and again... and again, I do not judge people based on their weight.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?

    I would tell you that everyone knows BMI is a bs scale, and go get a bf% test of some reputable accuracy done.

    But why? What would be the point in knowing that number? I'm healthy AND carry extra weight. Why do I need to know my BF%?
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    I am simply saying that it's bad to be fat and that if someone is fat they should try to lose weight.

    So, what if I told you that all of my most important health markers are well within the "good" ranges, I lift like a boss, crossfit several days a week, and carry at least 40 extra pounds for my height per BMI charts. What part of all of that is bad?

    I ask this because you would look at me, see that I am fat (and gross, let's not forget that part) and assume that my being fat is bad. In what way?

    I'd really have to look at you to know what I would think, but I will assume for your hypothetical that you look fat, which I find unattractive. There is no good reason for someone to be 40+ lbs overweight that I can think of.

    I would probably think, "This person is fat and needs to lose weight". I would assume that you were at least slightly unhealthier if you didn't tell me "I'm in perfect health" (and who knows, you could be lying anyways, either to me or yourself), and I would think, "this person should lose some weight to be healthier/have more confidence/be more attractive/have more energy".

    Or I might not think anything at all. It all depends on how you carry it, I guess. I certainly wouldn't compliment you on being overweight, unless you used to be REALLY overweight and had lost some weight and were in the process of trying to lose weight, in which case I would compliment you on your progress and tell you to keep it up!

    So, I realized I asked the wrong question. What part of being fat is bad FOR ME knowing that all of my health markers are good?
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member

    My mom once told me, "If they mind, they don't matter, and if they matter, they don't mind."

    ^ This is a great saying.

    We all judge just because we are human. Part of our makeup I believe.
    Some people just get a little vocal about it and should just keep their mouths shut. It does'nt do anybody any good to spout off about your self righteousness , Including my own judgemental self. :happy:
    A little kindness never hurt any one that I know of.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I won't be a smart *kitten*, on this one and tell you that I know quite a bit about Hitler, WWII, and Germany. I'm absolutely fascinated by history. But case in point, you made my case for me, by the logic that you present, that *fat* people are gross. You showed that the Supreme Chancellor of Germany, a man, that, for all intents and purposes was considered to be of average height and weight, and by your standards would be considered "not gross", was yet, a vile, heinous human being, not because of the way that he looked, not because of his body, any part of his body, or the package that came with him, but because of the acts that he, and his inner circle carried out. Now, you know who Adolf Hitler was. You know the heinous acts that he and his inner circle orchestrated and committed. The average person, walking down the street. We know nothing about them. We don't know if they have bodies under their homes, or if they are running a soup kitchen for the poor. We don't know their hearts. If they are obese, we don't know the reason. If they have scars, we don't know why. If they have a deformity, we don't know the cause.

    The point I'm making, it took me a great many years to look beyond myself and realize there a hell of a lot more people on this earth than just me. People go through things that I can't even fathom. My worst day on this earth, may be the best day that someone is praying for. I don't know their struggles and successes, and I sure can't tell by looking at them. I have zero room to look at another human being and judge who they are, or what they've been through, simply by what they look like. I constantly remind myself of this if I find myself making a judgement when I'm looking at a person. There are times, and often, I do see people and wonder what their stories are, what they've been through, what they are going through, are they happy, and various other questions, simply because I am a curious person by nature, but until someone actually opens their mouth, and speaks, and lets me in on who they are, what they believe, and where they stand on things, I do my best to reserve judgement.

    Well we are in agreement on this and I have never implied otherwise. I have consistently maintained that it is the fat that is gross, not necessarily the people.

    For some reason you think that the "fat" and the "people" can't be separated, but it's quite obvious they can; just head on over to success stories and see for yourself.

    Do I think that fat people are gross? No. I think fat is gross, so yes I do think that fat people have at least 1 gross attribute. Their fat. I am fully supportive of anyone who is fat who is working to eliminate their fat. I don't judge them. They are fat, that is a fact. I find fat gross, that is also a fact. Thus, I think fat people should work to lose fat.

    It has nothing to do with the type of person they are. I am not demanding that they hide themselves from my sight. I am not even asking them to lose weight. I just think it would be in everyone's best interest if they did.

    If anyone is happy being fat and doesn't like my opinion that fat people should lose fat, tough titties for me. It's no skin off my back and it won't be the first time I have had a difference of opinion with someone.

    Again, and again, and again, and again... and again, I do not judge people based on their weight.
