

  • I performed in my first burlesque show this past December and it was possible the most fun show I've ever done :)
  • I agree with a lot of what people are saying. When I was bigger I had a lot easier time being sexy because I knew I had to be sexy from within, it wasn't coming from the outside. Now I'm a lot smaller and through everything I've seen/been told smaller is sexier. The thing is, I don't know how to be sexy at this weight.…
  • When I tried I had some guys come on waaaaay too strong at first. Had quite an interesting first date, which made me take a break from the site for about a month. After that I found my current boyfriend whom I live with and we both plan on getting married (yay!). Yes there are weirdos out there, but you will…
  • I had the same problem when I first started eating healthy. Then I realized that I'm only limiting myself, not the food. The internet is truly your friend. All these websites are great! I also work for a healthy navigation system called Guiding Stars. On our website there are hundreds of recipes ( It…
  • This is such an awesome idea! Just the pick me up I need today :) I hate my thighs but love my calves. I hate the jiggle under my arm (which is getting smaller) but love my shoulder muscles. Thanks for this :)
  • That's so great! Thanks for sharing :) Congratulations!
  • To loose weight you have to eat. It's really that simple. I tried a diet much like yours every time I started diets and whatnot. It didn't work. Then I started researching and educating myself on what to put into my body to get fat off my body. And yes, my biggest results have come from eating correctly and working out.…
  • I LOVE the Biggest Loser. It also became available to watch the past seasons on Netflix. I am now super addicted :) Who do you think will get kicked off tonight?
  • So many things... now! At first it was so difficult to stay motivated. The world is full of temptations and all of them easy to get. Then I buckled down (I'm doing a burlesque show in a month) and started eating well and working out everyday. It feels so awesome! I don't feel anything jiggly on my body when I walk. People…
  • I've had that same problem before. I love to research things and came across articles like "eat healthy snacks higher in fat" for example, roasted edamame is a great way to get protein and fat that your body craves without packing on the calories. Also, fruit is a great filler. It takes longer for your body to digest the…
  • That's so awesome! Having someone like that on your side makes all the difference :)
  • It does work! I like to think of it like I'm a car. In order to just go and go really fast I need fuel. To go super fast and perform well I need supreme fuel. That's why you should always have your gas tank full and fill it with the best stuff possible. Chicken nuggets, fries and a soda aren't the best fuels for your body.…
  • If it makes you more comfortable to weigh yourself everyday to see the fluxes, then do that. I do because I'll go crazy otherwise!! I've had the same problem before. I would work out and eat right intensely for a week and then there would either be no loss of weight or I gained a pound or two. It was driving me silly, but…