EAT - Are you serious?



  • ruthim
    ruthim Posts: 1 Member
    I've been informed that you must take in at least 1200 calories per day. You must also take them in over the course of the day not all in one meal. This program teaches what a portion really is not what I was raised with. I used to enjoy a light drink in the evening but alcohol is a diet killer - I never knew that either. Plus, you should get your blood pumping for at least 30 minutes per day everyday to loose 1 pound per week. I'm ADD so I don't do the gym very well but I love this Gladiator Camp I just started. They mix it up and for the most part it is outside but when I get tired it is ok to take a short break. The high is incredible! Good Luck with your weight loss I know you can do it.
    Cheers, Ruthi
  • corymomma
    corymomma Posts: 405 Member
    ok, so apparently I will go back to eating a bit more, because eating less to lose more didn't work at all...
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    It works. You have to take in the appropriate amount of calories so your body has the proper fuel. If you don't take in sufficient calories, your body will think you are trying to starve it and then it preserves the fat. In fact, I saw on MFP boards here that Jillian Michaels and other nutritionists/doctors recommend eating a 2,000 calorie day one day a week to trick your body into thinking that you aren't going to starve it. I was on a plateau for three weeks. I had a 2,000 calorie day and that's just what my body needed to drop the pounds to get to the next level. We have to play "mind games" with our bodies! :laugh:
  • CathiAnne
    CathiAnne Posts: 193 Member
    Great post Amyoliver. That was very informative and helpful.
  • It does work! I like to think of it like I'm a car. In order to just go and go really fast I need fuel. To go super fast and perform well I need supreme fuel. That's why you should always have your gas tank full and fill it with the best stuff possible. Chicken nuggets, fries and a soda aren't the best fuels for your body. Salad, fruit, protein and water are excellent.

    I usually have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack and dinner. I also work out and dance almost every day. You can't "trick" your body. The blue prints for the human body has been around a lot longer than any of us.

    Also remember, everyone is different when they start loosing weight. Sometimes you loose a lot at first sometimes it comes later. Everybody's metabolism is extremely different. Don't get frustrated! It will work!
  • Definitely add in high fiber foods to feel full, but also for many other health benefits. It is exciting to see so many people knowledgable about healthy food choices. Remember, losing weight isn't just a "diet." It is a change in your life style that you need to be able to maintain for the rest of your life. If you have one bad day, don't make it the end of your journey. Continue to strive for your goals and for a more healthy you. I have struggled with my weight for years, and when you make the conscious decision to make a life style change it makes a huge difference.
  • Kushgetti
    Kushgetti Posts: 146 Member
    y be afraid of food?
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    I understand that we're supposed to eat our exercise calories & everything, but I find it really hard because when I get home from the gym at puts me at about 1,000 calories left for the day. How in the world am I supposed to eat that at night?? I also eat a lot during the day as well! That's what confuses me.
  • I want to thank everyone that replied to this post - I have learned alot from all of you. I will attempt to eat my 1200 suggested calories per day. When I first started calorie counting I only eat in a range of 600-900 so this will be tough for me.
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    I cannot believe that if I eat more than I have been that I will actually start to lose weight but since you guys are the professionals I will try it out what is the worse that can happen - I'll end up back in the 240's instead of where I am at in the 220's my goal is to get back down to 140 - this is my prayer- God Willing!!!!!

    I read an article called, "Living With Obesity At 700 Calories Per Day!" I feel it explained this question very well and it might help you and several others. Check it out-

    Otherwise, I just went to check the forum rules and such before I posted a link and found other links available that might answer this question as well on MFP:
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I cannot believe that if I eat more than I have been that I will actually start to lose weight but since you guys are the professionals I will try it out what is the worse that can happen - I'll end up back in the 240's instead of where I am at in the 220's my goal is to get back down to 140 - this is my prayer- God Willing!!!!!

    I have to agree with you. Sometimes after a really hard workout it wants me to eat 2200 calories, that's way too much food for me. I'm curious if it hurts to just eat the same amount you would had you not worked out, I've never tracked what I'm eating when I workout so maybe that's why.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    I cannot believe that if I eat more than I have been that I will actually start to lose weight but since you guys are the professionals I will try it out what is the worse that can happen - I'll end up back in the 240's instead of where I am at in the 220's my goal is to get back down to 140 - this is my prayer- God Willing!!!!!

    I read an article called, "Living With Obesity At 700 Calories Per Day!" I feel it explained this question very well and it might help you and several others. Check it out-

    Otherwise, I just went to check the forum rules and such before I posted a link and found other links available that might answer this question as well on MFP:

    Great article, thank you!
  • Thanks for the question.. I've been trying to shed the weight myself.. I feel like I'm eating so much.. I've only been on here a few days and have learned quite a bit from all the posts.
    I feel we are in the same boat. Good luck.
  • PudgyPigeon
    PudgyPigeon Posts: 89 Member
    You are very welcome, missjoci!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    bump for later!