

  • Thank you all. It is this kind of support that makes the difference. That, and just getting up and doing it again...every day. Now, if I could just put the freakin' scale away and just go by how the clothes fit. But, the actual lbs goal for my son's wedding is important in its own way. Hopefully, once that passes, I keep…
  • I'm a binger...big time. First off, always record the binge. That is eye opening. Even if you don't try to do anything to stop it. Record it and feel the results as you go through the exercise of putting each calorie/item in your diary. Then, try to do better next time AND, most importantly, get right back on track. Don't…
  • bump - anyone else have this experience?
  • I had mine done at both a weight loss clinic associated with a hospital (only $85 if you pay cash since insurance usually doesn't cover it) and my GYM actually has the gear to do the testing as well as VO2 testing (to see how many calories you burn when exercising. Good news, people. You CAN increase your RMR and…
  • Certainly could be the case! As many have stated, it is awfully hard to put those extra calories in my body, especially when the scale hasn't moved when I've tried it before. Maybe I just need to give it a little more time. Thanks. I am not "lifting heavy" but I did try my hand at a 5k. The route is through my neighborhood…
  • Polar FT60. Chest strap no prob. I love it
  • Yeah, what she said. I've gone through the EXACT same process as she describes above except for the nutritionist. I've been told by a doctor to eat BELOW my RMR by 15-20%. I can't seem to get a good answer on "eating back" exercise calories from him.
  • OK. I like this one a lot. Should I just avoid training on "the road" before the race and let the morning of my race be the first time out on the road for 3.1 miles or do you think I should mix in some real "road work" along with the treadmill cycles? Thanks again!
  • Thanks. Both comments are good ideas. I couldn't agree more that running outside and running on a treadmill are different. Boy, are they. :)
  • I went to a weight loss clinic and they did my RMR and gave me a number to hit. After a month, I had only lost one pound and was pissed. I called the doctor and he said to go 150 calories LOWER. I thought that amount would be crazy (1150) so instead I decided to track everything on a spreadsheet with my RMR in one column,…
  • Two things. First, I do think everyone sucks at estimating exercise, calories burned, calories consumed etc. My strategy is to ALWAYS overestimate the calories in and ALWAYS underestimate the calories burned (through exercise). When you can, get the constants and stick with them. Get your RMR/BMR measured so you know YOUR…
  • If this is important to you (as it was to me) invest in a Heart Rate monitor watch. That way, you can start the monitor before you start lifting. See the average heart rate or how often you were in which heart rate zones, and mark that down. Many gyms will have the VO2 max test as well which tells you your own calorie burn…
  • Wow, I'm still confused but this thread is awesome! I'm a 230 lb man (was 248 6 weeks ago) and I had my RMR calculated at 1550. My doctor told me to take 20% off that number and stick to it. He said that my RMR would go down as I lost weight so for every 10lbs I lose, my RMR would go down by 7-8%.roughly, lowering the…
  • Tough situation and one I"m unfortunately familiar with. I'm 5.8 and weighed 247 but am down 12 lbs. I'm struggling meeting my daily calorie count and am often low. Mix in the fact I'm working out pretty regularly and it makes it even harder. However, the deficit isn't taking off weight like I thought it would. Everything…