SheriffJen Member


  • I KNOW you can do this! You have been my supporter for the past 6 months (even longer) - and I will ALWAYS be here for you. We'll do this together and celebrate even more!
  • weigh every day but only log once a week
  • I was told your thyroid meds are working all the time, so it's not like it runs out by morning. So you should be good no matter when you work out. But I could be wrong, so putting my comment out there so I can read other's opinions on this as well. For me, if I miss a day of meds, I don't feel anything different, but I…
  • I was addicted to sweet tea. A glass here and there adds up to a lot of sugar. I stopped cold turkey, and it was tough. I now drink unsweetened and I'm used to it. I never was a big water drinker, so this helps me drink something with no sugar, but still beyond water. If you do drink it, log it. If you start to justify why…
  • When I eat out, I stay away from the bread, dinner rolls, etc. It seems that every place loves to offer you nice warm bread. I just skip it - figure there are a ton of extra calories in there that I don't need. I also tried to order a salad with my bigger meals. so I fill up a bit on the good stuff and then avoided some of…
  • Welcome and Good Luck! And congrats on the upcoming wedding! You'll do great with the help of MFP. There will be tough days but that's when you read all the success stories on here and it helps keep you motivated!
  • I chew gum. It doesn't always work but it helps. I also eat grapes, celery, pack 100 calorie snack packs. it's not always easy, especially when someone has brought in bagels, cupcakes, cookies, etc. I just keep walking right past them. Good luck!
  • First step is to have your thyroid checked and make sure your levels are right - with meds or not. But, you have to count the calories. My doc told me that I would only lose what my thyroid caused me to gain. The rest of what I gained was my choice (or in my case fault, for bad choices) . I've lost 23 pounds since June.…
  • I weigh myself 2-3 times a day. the scale is there, so I hop on and see where I am. But, I only record my weight one day a week. I weigh myself the same time each week and that's the one that is documented. Mine goes up/down all day/week - so I just stick with the once a week. Good luck!
  • You look great! Congrats on your success!!
  • Good luck! The trick for me was to check in every day. Good or bad days, just log your food. After a few days/weeks it becomes a habit and you are used to it. I also check many things now before I eat them.
  • Unfortunately, everyone can have different effects from low/high thyroid. Just watch it over a period of time and track how you feel with it. The thyroid is such a little thing but can cause so many issues. even when you don't have one anymore!