Who made you the judger of weird things? You can f*** off. Please don't ever reply to me again...
To me, in love with a pretty basic concept. It means you just want to be with that person. You love them, you care about them.
Ah, I see!! Thanks.. and *kitten* do I feel dumb....
Me and mother nature are having a visit...
I want to be hot and sexy to make my ex super jealous!!!
If at 53, if you do not know what in love is, you have deep issues. I think you have an attachment problem. You are not nice even though you like to tell everyone what a great person you are. Quit lying to yourself and others.
Yeah, yesterday I was about 700 calories under. But I went for a long bike ride. I just wasn't hungry, and most of those 700 were exercise calories. I don't always eat back my exercise calories. Some days I go a little bit over some days I go a little bit under, I look more for a 1200 to 1400 calorie range. I am not super…
To be able to ride my bike 20 miles in one go and not be exhausted afterwards. I am up to 14.
Because it's cranberry juice. Um.. No... Not eating that straight. Because my doctor told me to drink it....
I am a chubba wubba.....
Mine says 21 and I did 34 today.
- Oatmeal Freshly harvested whole oats have a fiber-rich, protective outer coat called bran. Beneath the bran, an oat kernel contains a starchy endosperm, which surrounds a tiny, vitamin- and mineral-rich reproductive structure called the germ. For some…
It depends. If I go to a coffee house, americano decaff, black. Mmmm.. So nice and roasty.... If I am making it from my coffee pot, or getting it from Mac D's, black with two sugar. Not so roasty. I am thinking of getting a Areo Press though... That might brew a better cup at home.
I still eat processed foods. But I have started cooking more than I was before. Not as near as much takeout. I am enjoying cooking more though. It's hard sometimes to cook just for one.
That is so aweome!!
You know you can live your life without another smoke again. Sometimes it just seems easier when you can walk away from something and you never have to do it to live. Food is just not that way, and temptation is everywhere.
Get out now. Get out now..... Did I say get out now? Leave, run, as fast as you can. If he says he's sorry, he will behave for a while, and it will occur again. This is not the type of person you want your child to grow up around. What if he starts on the baby next? Leave. Get out. NOW....
I really like refridgerator oatmeal. I know a lot of people make up several days in advance, but I do mine everynight before I go to bed. I have 1/2 Cup old fashioned oats 1 cup of almond milk 2 tablespoons raisens 1 tablespoons of Paradise Meadow - Lean Crans 2 teaspoons of raw sugar 1 tablespoon of chia seeds. Mix it in…
Congratulations on quitting. I know what a demon that is. :) You should be proud of the heatlh changes you are making and succeeding with in your life. You look beautiful and I love your hair!! I was born a blonde on the outside, but my mind is a redhead!!!
I too love me the raw carrot. Cook it, and it turns into horridness!! Those mixed peas and carrots in a box= Satan's ulitmate punishiment. They make me want to puke just thinking about them. Faux banana flavored anything. WHY o WHY must every smoothie start with: Peel one banana.....
You look great!! Good job....
I finally, FINALLY got my bike in the shop this Friday. Thunder is getting a tune up and maybe a new derailer. I know for some it seems late in the season to start riding, but I winter ride if it's not snowing to hard in the valley. I had to take two buses and Trax to get it there, but the day was beautiful, so there ya…
I have subbed some things around. Like the bocca burger. If I didn't I would move on. I consider that a home cooked meal. When I treat myself to a dine out meal, I have the real thing then. Will have to try with avacado. Mmm.. Avacado.... But I agree, if it is not a happy substitute, it will never work.
I guess I am just going to continue to walk until my bike is fixed. Then I will ride. I will ride a lot, because when I ride I would ride for several hours. I don't want to lift.... Cause I hate it. Maybe some resistant bands is about as much as I will go. But later.
I find this question quite interesting. .. Have no clue! But it does make me go.... hmmmmmm...
I was surprised that a Costco muffin had almost 700 calories... Mmmmmmm muffins. ....
I say eat that egg... I was more trying to say is that we all should find what works for us and she will find her own personal path.....
My diet is not so great, I do stay in my calories and I am losing weight. BUT, I do see an improvement over my food choices for the most part over the last month. So maybe like me, it is a learning process for them, slow but learning..... For expample: I cut out the daily egg mcmuffin and am having oatmeal instead. I know…