Cookingcolavita Member


  • Bob Harper Total Body Transformation, Bob Harper Ultimate Cardio Body, Bob Harper Cardio Rev Conditioning (Over 60 minutes each includes warm-up and cooldown). Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, Ripped in 30, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism.... Shaun T's Insanity and Focus T25 are really intense and under 30 minutes. Jeanette…
  • The Black Keys - Little Black Submarines Love this song!!! Saw them in concert last week... :love:
  • Just finished The Giver by Lois Lowry. Have yet to see the film. Reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green and it's really funny and poignantly written. John Green is a genius. Going to reread Shakespeare's Macbeth because it's my favourite play.
  • That's great for you! Yes, strength training is great but not everyone knows how to safely do strength exercises with proper posture and form while using dumbbells, kettlebells, and such so cardio is always the "easiest" and simplest of exercises to begin with before you get technical.
  • Night snacks like chips, chocolate, candy are not good because since you won't be exercising or moving much throughout the night (assuming you're sleeping right after eating) then your body will store the unused calories (energy) as fat. Healthy late night snacks can be a piece of whole wheat bread with 1 tablespoon of…
  • Hello! I've been a pescatarian for 3 years and I rely on lean protein sources like black turtle beans, chickpeas, black eyed peas, cottage cheese, salmon, tuna, tilapia, greek yogurt, natural peanut butter, almonds, cashews, and whey protein powder. I have one or two protein sources per meal so try adding more and a…
  • Hello! Green tea has tons of antioxidants and health benefits but you can't expect to lose weight just by drinking it. It's an effective and healthy replacement for coffee but you need to eat right and exercise regularly to lose weight. I drink green tea everyday and it helps with detoxing my body and giving me added…
  • Nutrition is everything. The key to losing belly fat is proper nutrition (whole grains (1/2 cup of quinoa, couscous, brown rice), lots of vegetables and fruits, plain greek yogurt, skim milk, and lean proteins (4 or 5 ounce of skinless chicken breast or fish). You need to eat right then move on to cardio exercises. The…