

  • Since you have some to begin with, unlike my case...[I went with surgery] you could go the padded bra route. I don't think you can target where you lose from and where you don't. When you lean out and have implants, they do start to look a little like baseballs glued on your chest... padded bras and bikini tops seems way…
  • 5'1" 35 yrs 99lbs 3wks 900-1100 3wks 1100-1250 3wks 1250-1400 6wks and current 1400-1800 23% - 17% BF in 6wks C% 17% I am working on gaining muscle. After being pg and bfeeding forever, I got back to getting myself back, and I realized, I lost 5lbs of muscle and gained way too much fat in its place. I have been on my…
  • Your binging might be a result of this other extreme behavior... Do you notice a pattern of eating to much for a few weeks, no enough for a few weeks and then just right for a few weeks? I think listening to your body is important, but if you think your body is telling you it only wants that little of food, you might not…
  • I had a c-section, and my baby weighed 9lbs. See for yourself, no apron here... but a lot of hard work has gone into what you see. No surgery here. I used a neoprene belt during workouts to help me re-learn to hold it in and to sweat more in that area. It made a difference.
  • I eat pretty clean. I guess there are different degrees of this. I have not read any books on it, so I might be way off base... For me, it means, no processed foods, organic, and home cooked. This is tough to do, but I make up batches of stuff and portion it up and freeze it or make enough for just a few days and keep in…
    in Eating Clean Comment by LaTerri May 2010
  • Why can't you eat smaller portions 6 times a day. Can you eat a meal, drink a protein shake, eat a meal, drink a shake, eat a meal, drink a shake? I get hungry about every 3 hours or less. I listen to my body and eat often. I am also eating a low carb / high protein program right now, so I need to eat more frequently to…
  • You can try ground turkey instead of hamburger. What about flank steak, that is sort of like chicken breast for consistency and more juicy. I agree with eating real food and staying away from packaged junk. My first suggestion would be to try sauces. You can hide a lot of stuff that is good for you in them, and you make…
  • I eat 1/2 cup of Rice Select Brown rice, 6 egg whites, and 3 tablespoons of home made pico de gallo. or I eat my fruit serving at bfast 1/2 cup of steel cut oats, 2 oz no sugar apple sauce, 1/4 C blueberries mixed together + 6-8 egg whites I only get 2 servings of fruit a day. My food diary is public, incase you want to…
  • You have to change what items you are tracking... I think you go to home, settings.... you should be able to change it to what you want to track... I track fat, carbs, protein, salt, and sugar.
  • Emotional eating is tough. I think figuring out how to manage it is a good step. I don't know if going to the gym is a realistic plan. I mean, when you are in that state, you are not thinking rationally in the first place, the reason you go off the deep end and head for fast food palace... kwim? Maybe the first step is to…
  • AFTER, it is the weight of the meat that you consume that will give the accurate protein count.
  • I weigh about 100lbs and I am eating about 200 a day. I am trying to build muscle and gain muscle weight. Protein consumption will not make you gain weight. I eat about 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fat. Eat all the egg whites you want!! yummmmm.
  • I am a OJ snob. I love me some OJ. I am the same as you. Right now, I am not drinking OJ and it is killing me, KILLING ME. Ok, having said that... one thing I did before giving it up momentarily... was dilute it 1/2 OJ, 1/2 water. I drink only fresh squeezed. I love good OJ like most people like good coffee. It has to be…
  • It is hard, but I am doing it and having success. 1. I plan out my meals ahead of time. 2. I eat every 2.5 hours, I eat a meal, drink a shake, eat a meal, drink a shake, eat a meal, drink a shake 3. I make my kid eat some variation of what I am eating, but with more carbs 4. I make some of my food ahead of time and freeze…
  • Maybe think about cutting out the milk and replace it with a protein shake. That is what I do. My sugars stay around 25 a day.
  • Calories are not just the key here... What make up those calories can affect your water weight, puffiness, and ability to shed fat. Diet really is the key here. What makes up that diet is also key. How much dairy are you eating? What is your salt intake? How much protein and carbs are you eating a day? Look at what makes…
  • plums are 7 1/4 of dark berries are 4 cantelope grapefruit nectarine peaches... just look around and which fruit is lowest in sugar and concentrate on those. I eat fruit twice a day, between bfast and lunch and then between lunch and dinner... I also eat tomatoes and my sugars stay around 20-25 a day. Eat smaller portions…
  • How much protein are you eating? How often are you eating? You can add 2- 3 protien shakes in your diet, that will add another 300-350 calories a day, 75 more protein... No carbs in those. I love Jay Robbs Egg white... That should put you where you need to be for sure.
  • My goal is to put on muscle. I weigh about 100lbs and I am eating 150 a day. I am trying to loose about 3% more in fat and gain about 5lbs more of muscle. I also have kidney issues, but I have no problem on high protein diet. You need to drink plenty of water, like 100 + oz a day. I have also had kidney stones. Once I cut…
  • I eat more fruit to satisfy my sugar needs... You should pick fruits low in sugars too like grapefruit, plums, cantelope, blue, black, raspberries... I agree with putting in season fruit in yogurt for a tasty dessert... Getting cofee and other drinks you need to sweeten out of your diet might be something to think about…
  • I think that 340 is too much for any human to consume. I doubt your body could use that much in a given day..anyway... I think 6 meals at 25g each should be enough to put on muscle. I can't imagine eating more than that. I struggle some days to get that down. That is 3 meals and 3 shakes a day. I think you should modify…
  • I make most of my stuff in bulk and freeze it in single serve portions already weighed and measured... I cook up a lb of ground turkey at a time, divide it into 4 portions = 4 meals Then I make a huge batch [about 16 servings] of a maranara sauce with loads of veggies in it, and I freeze those in 1/2 portions. Then I made…
  • Jay Robb Egg White Protein powder - choc or vanilla mix with water, drink between meals or with your snacks. = 120 calories, 24 protein, drink 2 a day I just like Jay Robb, you can get any powder though I usually drink one with a low sugar fruit like blueberries and 6 almonds between bfast and lunch, another after lunch…
  • I just had my first baby [almost 2 years ago... ;)] and I finally finished BFing her in January [at 18mos]... I was back to my pre pg weight, BUT I still had a HUGE gut. I could fit in my pre pg clothes, but the gut HUNG over... I looked 5mos pg and would constantly get comments about being PG again. AGH!!! Six weeks ago,…
  • This August will be 9 years. The HARDEST thing I EVER did, period! 1. the cravings pass, get up and move, and tell yourself over and over and over again. I AM NOT A SMOKER! 2. the cravings pass, I can't say it enough. 3. It will be hard, but I did it and so have 1M+ others, and believe me I am a whimp, so you can do this…
    in X-Smokers Comment by LaTerri March 2010
  • A MAZ ING!!!!!!
  • Try making up some sauces to go over the chicken, etc... and freeze them. You could combine the sauce with meat and eat a veggie for dinner, and for the kids put it over pasta and cut up the meat small to make it like meat sauce on pasta. I make a maranara sauce that has all veggies in it, spinach, zuchinni, and tomato…
  • I second the making a menu idea. That is what I do. Then I only buy the stuff on my list. OH, and always avoid the soda/chips/cookie aisle. I make a menu first, then the list. You can see a menu of mine on my profile. Menus really help me stick to my plan, help me avoid having to choose what to eat in the moment, and give…
  • I eat about 120 a day. I weigh 103lbs. I eat 1 cup of rice split between two meals and then veggies and protein with the rest of my meals. I eat 6 a day. The fat is falling off. Good luck.
  • Plank, lift put in the air, return to plank, 15 reps 3 times, takes about 15 min. Make sure you keep your back a little bit rounded, you don't want to dip, keep it straight. Practice sucking it in all day, every day, 24hrs a day to retrain those muscles to hold in your tummy.