

  • sodium makes your body store water the more you have the more water youl store
    in Sodium Comment by brockster June 2008
  • yol hows it going well to build a good set of abbs its a good idea to train your abbs with weight like doing crunches with a 10 pound weight across you chest there are some machines out there that are made to train abbs useing weight. your abbs are the same as any muscle in your body thay are lay on top of lay of muscles…
    in Abs Comment by brockster June 2008
  • howdy from new zealand,ok there is a big problem here your body needs a certin amount of calories for mantance this is so your body does not canabolize its self yes your body will burn alot of muscle for fuel you also strike a problem when your body runs out of fuel your insulin becomes very unsettled insulin tells your…
  • hi hows it going there are some great exersices out there but the best for burning cals is the squat i do alot fo these becuse to do a squat you call apon a lot of muscles to preform it thus burning alot of cals and is very good at speeding up your metobolic rate so you burn more caloreis at rest also walking lunges these…
  • hi there its very important to take in some whey protien before and arfter your workout this will aid recovery and stop muscle break down and help burn fat the amino acids in whey will stop alot of soreness
  • hi there im like you i love my oatmeal aswell but try to stick to a topping that is low in suger as the suger in the topping tells the pituitary gland to release insulin then any carbs that your body does not need will be stored as fat i have a banana with my oatmeal tasts ok
    in Oatmeal. Comment by brockster June 2008
  • hay mate hows it going try adding into your session some large muscle group moves like squats and pull ups befor you do your cardio this will increase your growth hormone levels so when you do your cardio you will burn alot more fat if you do your cardio for to long you will start to burn up alot of muscle mass the more…
    in Running Comment by brockster June 2008
  • hay mate hows it going a lower back ache can be from haveing weak hamstrings as hamstrings determine the pitch of your palvis when you have weak hamstrings your palvis will tilt forward this intern will put an arc in your spine causeing pain in the spine also haveing weak erector spine muscles these are the two big muscles…
  • im brock and i love fitness stuff love talking to people in regards to fitness
  • hi there carbs are very important to your body as thay are the main energy source for your muscles low carb dieting does work to a dagree but haveing a low carb diet has an effect on your brain as it slows your mental fucntions down its a good idea to have some carbs with most of your meals during the day but taper of the…
  • hi this is my first post on this site but two years ago i started a mission to lose weight i lost 42 pounds in 4 months at the start it was very hard i think the biggest thing is to keep your sights on the goel in hand i used to write my goels down on the fridge so i would see them every morning the other thing that works…