

  • Oat so simple porridge made with semi - skimmed milk - golden syrup flavour! for three reasons.... it tastes yummy and satisfies my sweet tooth, also satisfies my hunger till lunch - really fills me up comes in a packet so that I know the portion size is appropriate (as i tend to overfill my cereal bowl!) and finally it…
  • Hi!!I joined this week too and am finding that I am being much more sensible with my eating and exercise now that i am logging it all! Feel free to add me if you want some support and motivation! Laura
    in Hello Comment by ljs23 May 2011
  • Hi Zina, I am new too! So far this site is helping me keep track of what I am eating which is great!!! Laura
    in Hello All Comment by ljs23 May 2011
  • Hi! I am new too, but finding this website a really great way to keep track of what I am eating! I signed up to a 10K run and that has really helped me get my *kitten* into gear!!!It means that i have an actual reason to go to the gym! Anyway please feel free to add me :) Laura
    in new here :-) Comment by ljs23 May 2011
  • Hi I am training for my first ever 10K run too! So far I have run 6K and today I am hoping to get to 7. Physically i reckon I can do it, but sometimes I stop to easily when I am on the treadmill which is a major problem for me! I find imagining finishing the race and telling people I ran 10K really helps me to motivate…
  • Thanks guys, I am feeling more motivated already with these messages! :)
    in Good Morning! Comment by ljs23 May 2011
  • Hi Eva! I heard this site was great for calorie tracking too but now I have decided that a bit of support from like minded people can only be a good thing! I want to lose a few pounds and am currently training for my first 10K which is in 2 weeks! Please feel free to add me. Laura