Slowtri Member


  • Long distance running over a longer period of time tends to create thin, muscular legs and a great but... However, the shape and size of muscles are almost always a genetic thing. As long as you aren't power lifting you are very unlikely to make them bigger, which is good, but you are also going to have a very difficult…
  • When you lose fat, it comes off of your body pretty evenly as far as percentage of loss areas. So, areas that have larger fat deposits will seem to change differently than areas with smaller fat deposits. So, there are no exercises that will make you lose fat faster on your hips than on your chest or legs or anywhere else.…
  • I freaked out at 30... 40 was no problem... Okay, I did go through my own form of mid-life crisis and did an Ironman.. but that was just being insane... well, actually, it's the point of what I was gonna say... I kinda started "growing" up at 40. I decided to really start taking care of myself and putting that attitude of…
  • There was a lot of Kryptonite... I just avoided it... 16.5 hours of swimming, biking, and running
  • Probably close to 17,000 in one day... Yes, it was a very long day!
  • It's an awesome resource! I use it on my phone all the time!
  • Thanks! :D