Piddy47 Member


  • Wow, your face looks amazing, like a whole new person! Keep up the good work.
  • Sweet good job! I try to do my weigh-ins during the middle of the week so that the inconsistency of my weekend activities don't affect my true weight. Sometimes too much salt in my diet or changes in sleep or activities have an immediate impact on my weight on Monday, but I always balance back out by mid week when I get…
  • My 32nd bday will be July 31st, and I' ve maintained my weight loss pretty easy so far because I'm so active with workouts and sports, but I will admit, my diet has been bad on the weekends lately so my week day effort and losses are gained back with my weekend festivities. It always ends up being a wash because my…
  • I was is the same dilema and although I don't drink pop, I will do a diet soda with vodka when I am making a choice to drink which is every other weekend. You are going to get the calories from any form of alcohol, so it's better to just stick with a diet soda of some sort and save yourself any extra calories. I never…
    in Alcohol Comment by Piddy47 May 2011
  • Thank You Thank You....for keeping it real and helping us all remember that Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy!