

  • Not sure if it will be of any help but it worked for me. I was using diet coke to keep me full but was under eating and constantly craving sugar and chocolate so decided to kick the diet coke addiction which also meant caffeine. Granted its pretty hard but my sugar cravings are non existent. What I also found is foods I…
  • I was getting a box once a week but found it was stimulating sugar cravings that I had under control. Just be careful which ones you get some are really high in calories and not worth it. I liked the dips and the spicy snacks but the sweet stuff is ok it just has its pitfalls
    in Comment by Clarea85 March 2012
  • Thanks for the posts. Have introduced a morning walk everyday to see if that will help. Will keep at it and hopefully it will work
  • 5ft 11 and the goal is 143lbs, currently sitting at 154. however the least i can weigh is 134 for my height so hoping to be around 140