Dont see a change

So a bit of background, I went on the diet to try and get thin legs, My legs were a bit chunky but I have always been quite small on the upper part.

So started back in June as a Uksize 14 and currently am a Uk size 10, to me this is a great change but no surprise it hasnt come off my legs. They have started to thin but not like the rest of me. I am concerned that I have only lost water and lean muscle and not actual fat

I have done all the leg exercises I can imagine and still not shifting.

I am a tad worried that when I hit my goal which is only 4kgs away that my legs wont have changed and this will all have been in vain.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.


  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Keep in mind that doing leg exercised will tone and add muscle to your legs, but not actually make you lose weight in that specific area. Your body chooses where to take the fat from first, Unfortunately, it sounds like it is taking it from other places more so than your legs.

    Stick with it. Eventually you will see the results, your body has a limited number of places to burn fat from so it will get to your legs eventually. Hopefully, that will be soon!! In the meantime, keep toning those legs so when the fat melts away you have some nice muscles. :)

    Good luck!!!
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I think the body does it on purpose, you focus on an area you want to lose weight and it is the last area to go, keep at it and it will go.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    I'm in the same situation, although I have a lot more left to lose. I slim everywhere else first and the legs are always the worst. I don't have any suggestions other than to tone your upper body too so that there is not so much difference between your top and bottom halves. Also if your upper body looks great people's attention will be drawn upwards. I'm sure that your legs aren't as bad as you see them (I'm the same way about my legs) but I do find that if people are looking at my top half I feel more comfortable knowing that they are not looking at my legs, lol. You will have definitely lost some fat, it's just some places are harder to slim than others and I'm sure you'll see some more improvement with time, especially if you are exercising :happy:
  • larr91
    larr91 Posts: 11
    my legs only tone up from uphill powerwalking on a tredmill, but I guess any uphill fast walking should do the same x
  • Clarea85
    Thanks for the posts. Have introduced a morning walk everyday to see if that will help.

    Will keep at it and hopefully it will work
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I hear you. I've played softball my whole life. I have nice strong thighs. I'm never getting rid of them!