KarenOregon52 Member


  • Your puppies are soooo cute! My 12 year old daughter is jealous... she wants a small dog so badly. I'm doing good with this challenge as my weight started moving. I hit the 10 pound mark today... hope it stays gone until October 1st. ;-)
  • Excellent Michelle and Kelsey!!! That's dedication. I am at my 10 pounds loss this morning... been toying with this for over a week now.... hoping for 11 tomorrow....so close. I've been so busy with canning. Two pots of berry applesauce made up in the refrigerator and ready to put in jars. I should write a comedy book for…
  • I love the transformation Kelsey!!! You're doing great!!! I'm hoping I will have a loss tomorrow. I've been fiddling around with a pound or two up and down. I think it has to do with sodium content in foods. I tend to really hold onto water weight, so too much salt messes me up. Michelle, I'm sorry to hear about your back…
  • Michelle, sorry to hear about the pool closing down. Do you have community pool nearby? Kelsey, sounds like you had a fantastic day. Thanks for the laugh Zoe.... I could just picture it!! I'm sorry about what happened at work. I've had an o.k time. Sold some chickens and had to wrangle them into pet carriers, but 3 escaped…
  • Maybe you are retaining water. I know some days I sure do. Try upping the water to flush it out. Maybe some lemon added to your water... that stimulates the liver. ;-)
  • I'm glad you are feeling the burn and feeling good about it!... able to do things you probably haven't done in years! I look forward to that. I have a tremendous amount of energy lately... so much to do on the farm. I have boxes and boxes of apples, peaches, etc. etc. to take care of, milk to make into cheese, help paint…
  • Michelle, wonderful self-control with the chili dogs/fries... that's awesome! Sarah, you knew how to remedy your splurge..... that's so great! Everyone sounds so motivated with fitness. I know as the seasons change and weather gets colder I will need more support to stay motivated and not go into hibernation mode. I am…
  • Hi, I'd love to participate. I'm 52 and this is my first week with myfitnesspal. I'm happy to have found this group. I use my Fitbit to keep me motivated and increase my steps. I've held onto this weight for too long! Time to lose it. SW- 276 CW-272 GW-262 UGW-175
  • Happy Birthday! I turned 52 on August 20th...:smile:
  • I'm trying to figure out how to join too... lol!
  • I'm 52 and would like to join. Just starting out and would like to lose 100 pounds. :smile: Karen