tjk0905 Member


  • Another simple tip: Stay in the kitchen while food is in the pan/ microwave. Keep your face out of electronics as well. Use your senses smell, sound, sight to help learn right from not quite right. Food requires and deserves your undivided attention. Read recipe instructions through at least once before you begin. Then go…
  • This was super delicious and a bit different. The last time I made it I "cheated" some. (Mostly because of what was hanging around in the fridge) Browned the chicken, threw in 2 tbsp jarred pesto, 2 tbsp sun dried tomatoes, 1 cup white wine and 2 cans of the…
  • 1lb ground turkey or chicken 2 tbsp prepared pesto 1/2 cup breadcrumbs Form into patties and grill. Really awesome with tzatziki sauce or topped with fresh tomato and slice of mozzarella drizzle of basalmic. Also pretty darn good meatball style with alfredo sauce and pasta.
  • The family really likes when I use the McCormick marinades, especially the Zesty Herb or Tomato Basil & Garlic. Sometimes I just sprinkle Jerk seasoning mix on the breasts as I'm grilling. Another yummy option is to grill then finish with General Tso's sauce.
  • I have 3 teen boys and a tween girl and The boys like to have a cereal snack at 11pm . To curb this I have laid down a no eating after 9 - you should have eaten more dinner rule, and a turn off xbox and get your butt to bed by 11 rule, the snacking seems to have slowed. I also stopped buying sweet cereals, now we have…
  • I need to firm up this squishy apple shaped butt, before it turns into old lady butt! (shudder)
  • McDonalds Egg McMuffin 3 months ago while driving from FL to PA. There are few options on the open road at 6 am. My body rejects almost all fast food chain foods, and ice cream. The pain and agony are just not worth the paying the price - to the point I dont even crave it when I see or smell it.
  • Well I already sleep like the dead 8- 9 hours nightly. Pretty sure I'm well rested. As for the In-My-Head: all there is is Circus Music playing anyway! Ya da da da da! Ok I'll just pull up my big girl panties and press on! Thanks!
  • I am also 113 and 5'1" and stick to 1200 calories as best as I can to reach my goal of 105. I found eating something small full of fiber or protein every 3 hours works. Coffee with creamer, an apple and yogurt for breakfast, I often eat the apple first then an hour later eat the yogurt. Lunch is a salad with light…
  • I'm 5'1" 112 # 41yrs and have a super petite build (think 12 yr old girl). My goal weight is 105, and at my heaviest I was 128 about a year ago. I have been counting calories, cardio 3x a week. Just this the past month I started strenght training and have noticed the difference in my butt and thighs! This change has…
  • Introvert/Extrovert behaviors- truly an interesting perspective.
  • When they crank up the incline and hang on for dear life. Seriously why do they do this?