

  • Try to avoid artificial sweeteners! Lots of them are bad for you and can actually cause bloating. If you want to go sugar-free, use something all natural like Stevia. Also, don't stress over day-to-day weight fluctuations. There are so many factors affecting your weight at that moment. If you get upset over a small…
  • Hi! We just became friends like a minute ago :) I'm also looking for the same thing, so I hope we can help each other out! Yo yo dieting is so stressful and this time, no matter how long it takes, I want weight loss that will stick... so let's see this journey together!
  • I just started and made my account a few days ago! Would really appreciate any support/friends ^_^
  • It could be bloating :) just avoid bubbly things like carbonated drinks, etc. and there are a bunch of youtube vids to prevent this! And also whenever I start dieting I become overly self-conscious about how my clothes fit, so it may just be that. I'm sure others can see your hard work! Keep doing what you're doing!
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