HillSlug98239 Member


  • I hike a lot. Over the past few years, I've figured out that my average calorie burn per mile is 130 kCal. I want to make sure I'm carrying the right amount of food because at the start of a week-long hike food is the single heaviest item in my pack. What calculation should I use to determine how many calories to bring?…
  • I have a pandemic puppy, and I'm balancing getting him enough exercise & training, and my getting enough sleep & exercise. I'm in the Lower Columbia Basin of Washington State; it's not unusual for us to have a 2-week period in the summer during which the highs are in the triple digits (F - low 30s C). I just started a new…
  • I switched to coconut cream about a year or so ago. It's expensive, and it's pure saturated fat. I like it, though. I've found my digestion improved as I stopped using any non-fermented dairy product. I wasn't using much half & half, but my gut seems to notice the difference. I've never like plain milk or any non-dairy…
  • After several years of always working toward a race, I decided to spend this winter to fuel & workout for weight loss rather than performance & endurance. And then, I signed up for another race. Thus, I am now in the position of trying to do what I thought was impossible. This fall, I took two seven-week sessions of core…
  • I use RunPhones - little speakers built into a headband. I rarely listen to music or podcasts while running for a few reasons. One, I don't get bored, even on long runs because I run trails. Two, I think it's incredibly important to be aware of my surroundings. Because the RunPhones look like a headband, I don't look like…
  • He needed a therapist more than he need a girlfriend.
  • Bi Mier Bis Du Schoen by the Andrews Sisters.
  • I wouldn't have taken those comments as them making fun of my arms -- to me, they sound like compliments. Enjoy being you. Don't let the negative voices - including the ones in your own head - hold you back.
  • I use it to track my saturated fat intake. My doctor has told me to not worry about overall fat intake, but to keep my saturated fat intake below 10% of total calories. I can figure it out by going through each individual item, but that's pretty tedious. I don't use much else. I only comment on the message boards…
  • I have a desk job, but I'm able to get up an walk around as frequently as I want. I also have my own office, which gives me the privacy to do workouts in my office at lunch. I mention these things because what works in my situation may not work in yours. After reading Dr. Jay DiCharry's Anatomy for Runners, I started…
  • It depends. After hard workouts, absolutely. I'm a triathlete, I just completed my first half-marathon, and I hope to do a lot of cycling this summer. I train for endurance, and my body needs that fuel to rebuild and repair. For shorter, less intense workouts, I don't. Because my Garmin 910 measures my heart rate, it seems…
  • Years ago, Team Estrogen sold t-shirts with a replica of a yellow warning street sign with a graphic of a slug on a bicycle on the sign, and the words, "Warning: Hill Slug." I'm a hill slug - it will take me forever to get to the top of that hill, but I will get there. 98239 is the ZIP code for Coupeville, WA, a tiny town…
  • I agree with Matt Fitzgerald: there's no bad food. It's fuel, not poison. Under the right circumstances, a can of Diet Coke and a handful of Oreos could save your life. Fuel your body. If you want performance, fuel it with high quality stuff. Although I cannot think of any good reason to drink diet soda or eat anything…
  • I started doing triathlon a few years ago. Nothing lowers my blood pressure like running. I'm 5'6", 175 pounds (I stayed that weight all last summer - training for an endurance event often means you don't lose weight), so I recognize that being heavy creates challenges for beginning runners. Ease in to it. Don't skimp on…
  • Everyday, first think in the morning after voiding, naked. But like the others who have mentioned this, I know it's a roller coaster and I try not to take any one day's numbers seriously. I have a Tanita body fat scale, and I wish MFP would let me just log my body fat pounds. It's the number I'm more concerned about. I do…
  • That's great work! I applaud you for investing time and energy into being a healthier person - you're worth it. :)
  • Nobody. Everybody dies. They'd just die again.
  • I agree with strong_curves - you may not be eating enough. Too many of us think 1200 calories is an appropriate amount for an adult woman. You don't state what your bedtime snack is, so this may be what you're already doing. I recommend about an ounce of nuts. They have protein and healthy fats, both of which help you feel…
  • I pay about $70 a month, including sales tax. That's a little high for this area, but it's worth it. And here's why:* The club is eight miles from my work and eight miles from my home. I commute by bike a few days a week, and I can ride my bike to the club. Yeah, you get uber-bonus points for riding a bicycle to a club.…
  • Americans are addicted to protein. The elite East African runners who have dominated the world marathon circuit for a while now get about 10% of their calories from protein. You'll be doing the right thing to discuss the specifics of how much protein you need vs. how much you can safely consume. Carbohydrate is not, and…
  • If you like sweet potatoes, do an online search for sweet potato cakes from the Feed Zone Cookbook. They're portable - they're designed to be carried in a cycling jersey pocket and be eaten during a ride, so they'd work for a lunch that doesn't need to be reheated to be palatable. And they're adaptable: the recipe calls…
  • The food guidelines are changing to reflect the difference between naturally occurring sugars and added sugars. Milk has "sugar" in it; in reality, that's lactase, a naturally occurring sugar. That's a whole lot different that the added sugar in chocolate milk or flavored & sweetened soy & almond milks. Sodium is in almost…
  • If you want something to happen, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find excuses. I'm a firm believer that if someone is happy with how they are, that's good for them. But when I hear people complain about how unhappy they are with their fitness level or their weight, I think about how much they talk about watching TV or…
  • People who end nearly every written sentence with an exclamation point. Seriously, people, what's wrong with the utilitarian and perfectly functional *full stop*?
  • Keep at it. Your health and fitness will improve. I haven't run for months because of plantar fasciitis, so when I start again, I'll be right back at square one. And it always takes me several weeks at the Week 3 schedule before I can move to Week 4. It's your body; respect what it wants and needs. The time you're taking…
  • I think it's great that you're involving your kids in deciding what they eat. They're going to have to learn to make choices as adults; might as well practice that now! I tried so hard to like quinoa. The only way I can eat it is if I add a bunch of shoyu (soy sauce). I can't stand kale, either: clearly, I will never be…