lalalady Member


  • Welcome to MFP! Its been a great site for me - lots of information and I love the food diary to track my daily calorie intake. Feel free to friend me :)
  • Welcome to MFP! Its a great place for information and motivation. Feel free to friend me! :happy:
  • Ron, Thanks for writing your post. I too am feeling extremely grateful for MFP. I've been on the site for a few months and make an extra effort to track all my food and exercise. Like you said, I'm not always perfect but it keeps it real. What I love about MFP is if you don't check in for a few days it emails you a…
  • Thanks for your honesty. I think the "One Day At Time" statement is so true. The bravest thing you did was own up to it, write it down and move on. I have a terrible habit of thinking its all or nothing. Each day is our chance to start anew. Again, thanks for sharing.
  • UCONNCOED - a mini goal sounds great - after the weekend of jelly beans and chocolate eggs I need it! I'll drink my water, start strength training and eat well. Best to all
  • Hey All - Hope everyone is having a good week. I am preparing myself for the Easter activities coming up in the next few days. Tonight we'll have another family over for dinner, tomorrow and Sat. should be okay (as far as food wise). Then EASTER! We'll be going to brunch at my Mom's after Mass. As long as I keep moving I…
  • Lost one lb this week! WOOT! Hopefully that will keep me motivated through the Easter onslaught of food! Hope everyone is well.
  • Thanks for posting the pic. I'm going to bookmark it to remind myself.
  • Here are my stats for March: Starting Weight: 186.5 Last week= 178 Weight today 176.5 Mini Goal by : 4/12 (when I go on a cruise) 174 Goal weight: 150! March was a good month and I am hoping I can stay strong through April. I'm going on a cruise for 5 days mid-April and it I will either be great - exercise everyday and eat…
  • You guys are really inspiring. I would love to join the group for motivation!!!
  • Good morning all. I had a very busy weekend and am exhausted this morning. My eating was just okay over the weekend. I am letting that go and moving on to this week! I am going on a cruise mid April. It is motivating me to exercise and eat well!. Okay, time to make a cup of tea and WAKE UP!
  • I'm in. Thanks for creating the challenge. :happy:
  • I wanted to weigh in on this topic. I too have been wondering why I am on a 1200 cal a day diet. I was looking at another message board last night that was talking about food diaries. Many people shared their diaries and they were all 1800 cal or 1450 cal a day diets. Why am I at 1200? I am 5'6 weigh 178 want to weigh 150.
  • Hey all - So glad its Friday! Woot! I had a good week. I walked to/from work everyday and stayed within my caloric range. I am enjoying this message board tremendously and check it everyday. Its great to read about everyone's accomplishments, struggles and ideas for food and exercise. Pepper06 I totally agree about the…
  • Vacations are on the mind...I just emailed my husband the price for plane tickets to Peru - as a joke. I like to fantasize about going to the interesting places I want to travel to (and hopefully catch him off guard and have him say great idea!) HA Glad today is sliding into Friday. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Time…
  • Your doing it for your health and that beautiful girl in the picture. Stay strong
  • Hi All - Happy mid-week! I am proud to say I didn't get on the scale this morning. :happy: Yahoo! Thursday is my weigh in day so tomorrow is a go but after that I will put the scale back in the drawer and forget about it till next week. I walk to and from work everyday (about 2 miles). Nothing strenuous but I am…
  • I have to admit I am a slave to the scale. I know I shouldn't go on it everyday but I have found myself unable to kick the habit. Every night before going to bed I say to myself, no scale in the morning, then morning rolls around and I jump on it. Its bad...any tips out there to help me wean myself from this bad habit??…
  • Hi All - I've had a good Monday. I did well with my eating and exercise over the weekend and I think that helped me avoid the "Monday Blues." I just spoke with my son who is traveling in Peru and that really made my day! I am happy and grateful that I feel strong. I hope it continues or at least I remember it when I am…
  • Thanks for the warm welcome. I weigh in on Thursday so my ticker is up to date. I am hoping to stay motivated and strong over the weekend. I am going to a late (late for me 8 pm) dinner tonight and am trying to figure out if I should eat a small meal at home and have a side salad at the restaurant or just wait. If I wait…
  • I agree portion control is key. I measure my cereal and milk every morning. I pack my own lunch in the same size tupperware everyday so I have the right portion. I also use my kitchen scale to weigh meat. I am trying to rewire my brain to be able to eyeball the right amount and also train my stomach to know when its full.…
  • My first post. I am losing weight for this first time in 5 years. It feels good to have baggy clothes again. I hope to stay motivated and reach my goal .