40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    It looks like we are finally getting into the spring season here - Cold in the mornings but warming up nicely during the day. Forecast calls for 50s all this week. It should make running easier although yesterday I was completely unmotivated and had to drag myself out for my tempo run. My energy level is back to being very sluggish. It could be the long runs on the weekend or sill having DST delay.

    Today is a strength training day for me (right now in the Lean phase I'm trying not to do any cardio on circuit days because I'm totally wiped out when I finish).
  • Karen, I would hold out for platinum or emeralds.:laugh: Congratulations on your anniversary.

    Karen: I think a lovely vase in platinum encrusted with emeralds and filled with lilies sounds nice. We have been married for 26 1/2 years now: Yikes! I have been married longer than I have not been married. About to be a Texan longer than I was a Mississippian. For our 20th, we went to New Orleans and took our then 15 year old daughter and my parents met us down there. We had a great time.

    Swissmiss & Texissipi

    Thank you for your kind words, sadly there was no Platinum or Emeralds, but there was a huge bouquet of lillies, Bottle of Moet & a bottle of my favourite red - Fluery :happy:
    I have been promised a shopping trip (after pay day) :laugh:
    AND all the family - 20 of us are back out to France for the Easter weekend. Which will involve lots of eating & drinking :drinker:

    Do you every get the feeling life conspires against you sometimes !
    have a good day
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Was in the pool today swimming and heard that they are now doing a pool Zumba class in the warm water pool. That sounds kinda cool.

    Hope everyone is well, am behind in the postings but just wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well.

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning All:

    Swiss, feel free to buy that Weight Watcher's scale. LOL The reason why I am laughing is that the company I work for makes them for Weight Watchers. Ironically I'm using one that is not ours, that that department was giving away. They probably buy or get samples of competitors' scales to compare etc. I do like weighing myself every day when I'm trying hard. Its very motivating and my body tends to show the results the next morning of a good day or a bad day. A bad day doesn't discourage me, like it might some others. Despite the threats I have made to my scale right here on this website. My problems always start with life stress that cause me to start overeating. Speaking of my scale, it gave me excellent news this morning, but I won't report till Friday's results just in case I was delusional this morning when I looke at it.
  • sherdou
    sherdou Posts: 4
    Hello everyone!
    I've not been tracking here for awhile. Need to get back.
    Since I hit that milestone of "40" (3 yrs ago - lol) weight is creeping up. I am a lifetime WW member but using this site to track protein, carbs, sugar and caloric intake. Been working with a trainer since January and have seen some results. Just finished my 3rd half marathon on 3/14/10 and have 3 more in the next 11 months.
    Anyone on this board from San Antonio, TX?
    Have a great day everyone!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Found out this morning via a message from Singfree that I posted last night to the old thread and not this one. I am hoping that I can find the time to post and check in every day again.. things get a bit crazy around here this time of year. Did my 50 minute circuit training with aerobics this morning. Tonight after work it will be my challenge...45 minutes of 1 minute sprint/walk at 6/3mph at an incline of 3. Busy day at work again today so I need to get going... will check in tonight. Hope everyone has a great day
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: hisangel, I have many times posted in an old thead and then I have to try to find the new one.:smile:

    :flowerforyou: sherdou, I also have been slack in logging in and adding to the thread. Glad that we both are going to get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: Sure zebras, I will help support you.:laugh: I feel as you do about weighing. I have recently gained 7 pounds and had not been weighing myself. I think that if I had continued to use the scales I would have caught my gain sooner and maybe have put a stop to it.

    sunny, please keep us updated on the pool Zumba class. I have never heard of it.

    I have been doing well this week. Getting my strength and cardio. Been watching what I am eating. And, my husband has to bring home steaks this morning.:mad: Not sure how I am going to handle this. Probably will eat one.:bigsmile:
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All - Happy mid-week! I am proud to say I didn't get on the scale this morning. :happy: Yahoo! Thursday is my weigh in day so tomorrow is a go but after that I will put the scale back in the drawer and forget about it till next week.

    I walk to and from work everyday (about 2 miles). Nothing strenuous but I am consistent. I am thinking about how I can incorporate strength training and cardio into my schedule. Since everything is working right now (losing weight/feeling great) I am ambivalent about changing my routine.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I've not been tracking here for awhile. Need to get back.
    Since I hit that milestone of "40" (3 yrs ago - lol) weight is creeping up. I am a lifetime WW member but using this site to track protein, carbs, sugar and caloric intake. Been working with a trainer since January and have seen some results. Just finished my 3rd half marathon on 3/14/10 and have 3 more in the next 11 months.
    Anyone on this board from San Antonio, TX?
    Have a great day everyone!

    Wow, you started working with a trainer in January and you've already run 3 half marathons???? I'm impressed. I'm just hoping to run a 5k sometime this year.

    Welcome to this thread, Sherdou, you'll find lots of great people and good support here.

    I'm not from Texas, but I love San Antonio...such a pretty city.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Sunny: Glad you got back in the water. I have a hard time with the ankle resistance thingies. I have to really watch my posture to not over-extend my lower back. It does provide a good ab workout trying to stay upright with those boot things which want to get to the surface which can be quite comical if you are not careful!

    have to admit I had problems with the booties in the beginning but once I started using them and running in the water with them all I feel these days is the burn ...

    catch up with you all again tomorrow, watching Survivor now .,... yes, I'm a reality TV addict.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Not going to log in my dinner. I ate the steak.
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Hello Everyone... had a great day.. under my caloric goal for the day and completed my 50 minute circuit training workout this morning... as well as my husbands' challenge for the day for me which was to carry up 3 very full wheel barrels full of firewood up 2 flights of stairs and stack it on the hearth. Burns lots of calories!! Tomorrow is my running day and I hope to do 5K, challenge for tomorrow is rowing on the weight bench. He made me promise that I would still like him after my challenges... :laugh promised him that I would! Sunday is suppose to be very nice and he tells me that we will be biking to the lake and back (7 miles one way) ...:noway: hope I can make it.
    Well time for bed....hope everyone had a great day.
  • sherdou
    sherdou Posts: 4
    My 3 half marathons have been over the last year. Started with the trainer in January in hopes of getting a little more motivated...some days are good. But others - like today - I just want to throw in the towel.

    Have a great evening!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi everybody!

    hisangel, welcome back!! I've been thinking about you and am happy to hear you are doing well.

    Swissmiss, don't worry about the steak!! Seriously. Yes, red meat has more fat in it than other forms of meat, but it also has some good nutritional value. It isn't as if you ate a box of donuts with no nutritional value whatsoever. So...don't worry about it.

    I'm having a good week. I'm eating clean and did a good shoulder/bicep/tricep workout this morning, followed by a step cardio session. It felt good. Like you, duffy, I seem to be struggling with consistent energy right now. Some days I feel great. Other days....not so much. I'm wondering if it is the time of year or something because my mood/energy level seems to match our ever-changing weather right now. But I'm now less than four weeks away from Hawaii and I keep telling myself that I need to kick it up a notch if I'm going to look good in my summer clothes during that week. But it's hard to think about that when it is still snowing outside. :grumble:

    Welcome to all our newcomers!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Stiring, only 4 weeks until you are in a hula skirt? Yay for you!! You will look great in those nice summer clothes! This is the month to really hit it hard, especially strength training. The last 10 days or so, add in a bit more cardio and monitor the carbs and you will be a lean and mean (nice) fitness queen!!!

    I'm in the same situation. I need to begin monitoring my exercise and food intake NOW. Today I am at 9 weeks until Germany-Austria. I am on the right track, but this night shift is really killing my system. Irregular eating and exercise is the norm. The good thing is that I do not eat much junk food, and definitely no alcohol or pretzels until the weekend.

    Yesterday I took a one hour hike on the Appalachian Trail. It's hilly, so it's a good workout in itself. After that I browsed through Cabela's (a huge sporting store), then took a bike ride. No strength training yesterday, but it's no big deal. I will probably do some kettlebells and a P90X workout after I get some sleep.

    Swiss, don't get upset over some steak. Really, some good red meat on occasion is a good thing! It's a wonderful source of high quality protein. Yes there is some saturated fat involved, but there are also some very sound nutritional aspects to it as well. Enjoy the treat!

    Hisangel, I'm glad you found us! It really sounds as though you are on the right track to meet your fitness goals! Keep it up, you're doing great!

    Have a great day all!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    My 3 half marathons have been over the last year. Started with the trainer in January in hopes of getting a little more motivated...some days are good. But others - like today - I just want to throw in the towel.

    Have a great evening!

    Heh, I know the feeling about throwing in the towel...usually after I've stepped on the scale!

    Still impressed with the half marathons! AWESOME!!! Keep it up with the trainer...mine has a way of keeping me focused that I don't get elsewhere.

    Welcome to the thread!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning folks. I am continuing to have a great week. Got my husband to do a little exercise last night too! I'm jealous of everyone's vacations. Don't be surprised if I pop out of someone's suitcase when they arrive at their destination! For various reasons we have had to cancel a really elaborate trip, and then cancel a week and Maine, and right now all we are doing is July 4th weekend in Maine. Everyone is welcome to join us, we stay at a Bed & Breakfast with a lovely dog named Zach who greets everyone.
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Morning All!

    I, too, have been struggling with my energy levels.. I'm thinking it all has to do with the nice start to March with the spring-like weather only to end up with a bit of snow forecasted now. I'm so ready for nicer weather!

    Sherdou, I believe we have a friend here who's in SA, she's out of town right now though and not posting as often... Isn't Alf from San Antonio, friends? I lived in Schertz a couple of years ago, loved it!

    Happy Thursday to you! This week seems to have gone by pretty fast!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Good Morning folks. I am continuing to have a great week. Got my husband to do a little exercise last night too! I'm jealous of everyone's vacations. Don't be surprised if I pop out of someone's suitcase when they arrive at their destination! For various reasons we have had to cancel a really elaborate trip, and then cancel a week and Maine, and right now all we are doing is July 4th weekend in Maine. Everyone is welcome to join us, we stay at a Bed & Breakfast with a lovely dog named Zach who greets everyone.

    Sounds like fun Zebras ... wish we could be there but we are staying home to feed our friends cats that weekend. Bring us back a hot dog or two okay? LOL
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Boy, Sunny, you have really mean friends. LOL
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