40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    You don't know how comforting it is to read how many of us are having issues with our scales...mine's been stuck for 4 weeks now. :grumble: I just keep working out and hoping to see a change sometime soon. Reading that others are having the same issue is encouraging, because then I know that I'm not messing up...thanks guys for keeping me sane!!!

    Had two awesome workouts with the trainer this week, but only made it up to the gym on my own once. Sad. Tomorrow is boot camp and it's supposed to be a glorious day, so I'll be doing yard work as well, which is always a good workout. I've been pretty good with my food intake, being either under or over by less than 100 cals most days.

    Feeling energetic, and strong, and I like that feeling. Still hoping to get to a smaller size by the end of spring.

    Hope everyone enjoys the warm weather if they've got it. Spring is acomin'!!!

    Texas, those candy dishes on admins' desks are sooooo hard to resist, aren't they? Fortunately, no one where I work brings candy in anymore, but on any given holiday it's like land mines all around! I took in a bag of clementines (little oranges) and shared those but for some reason, they didn't disappear like the M&Ms used to. :laugh:

    ETA: Welcome to all the newbies! You'll find lots of encouragement here and good people!
  • JuliaSoCal
    Well, I see a trend developing, I am not losing 1 pound a week. I lose 2 pounds in one week, and then tread water....lose 2 pound, tread water.

    This week, I am treading water:) I am down .2 pound from last frinday. 4 oz down is better than 4 oz up :)

  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55

    I'm all for chucking the scales... same boat... it's is stuck! I measure next week so we'll see if I've lost more inches, shoot, I'd be happy with 1/2 inches!:happy: It's been a good week, I've been able to get out and run and went to another Zumba class, those are great!

    Welcome to the newcomers... great group.. stick with us!

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday and Check-In Day Everyone.

    Well, the scale saved itself for another week. I was down exactly 3 lbs this week. I haven't lost that much weight in one week in a long time. Let's see if I can keep it going for another week.

    Welcome new folks!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I really can not check in. I have not been doing the best. I have not read the thread or been here in quite a while. In fact, I had to find you. I am still at the same stand still that I have been at for the past three months. I have joined a workshop at the YMCA, hoping that this will help. I have had a lot of stress in my household recently. This stress is certainly not helping my healthy lifestyle any.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    I really can not check in. I have not been doing the best. I have not read the thread or been here in quite a while. In fact, I had to find you. I am still at the same stand still that I have been at for the past three months. I have joined a workshop at the YMCA, hoping that this will help. I have had a lot of stress in my household recently. This stress is certainly not helping my healthy lifestyle any.

    Swiss........welcome back, and hang in there!!! I know what it's like to have lots of stress and that leads to unhealthy eating. Be strong............things WILL get better :heart: :heart: (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) :heart: :heart: !

    Happy Friday all................

    Won't weigh until tomorrow, but had a good week up until last night. :frown: Caved in at the supermarket deli and got lemon chicken/white rice/spring roll dinner. Haven't had that since Christmas time. Needless to say........I ate WAY more than I should have :frown: :frown: It tasted sooooooooooo good...........but the leftovers are going in the trash tonight so I can't be tempted again!!!

    The weather's switched again, nice all week, but cold front is on the way, bringing wet, heavy snow.......YUK!!!!!! Hopefully this will be winter's last gasp here in Kansas......I have tulips and daffodils up and crocuses blooming :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . I just keep telling myself that whatever snow we get won't stick around:noway:

    Have a great weekend all........
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18
    I know that Fri is Check In Day, but I only found this web site 3 days ago so shall wait til next Fri to report back. I have, though, bought some scales today. Ooooppppsss - guessing wasn't such a good idea. Still never mind I am determined to shift the weight and I think the writing of all food down will help. At the moment tho all my thoughts are of food!!
    Rudie - I too am from England, whereabouts are you? I live in the south east, near to Gatwick and Brighton.
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome. I weigh in on Thursday so my ticker is up to date. I am hoping to stay motivated and strong over the weekend. I am going to a late (late for me 8 pm) dinner tonight and am trying to figure out if I should eat a small meal at home and have a side salad at the restaurant or just wait. If I wait the chances of me being famished are huge so maybe I'll go ahead and eat the small meal before I go....I always have to stay one step ahead of the game!

    Cheers -Happy Friday!
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member

    I'm 42 and live in England. I'm boring my family and friends to death with this site so I thought I'd try coming on here to talk about it. :wink:

    I haven't got a massive amount of weight to lose and to be honest, although I like to see the scales go down, ultimately, what I weigh isn't important. I just want to fit into my old clothes (and some new ones) and that they look good on me and on the floor, if you know what I mean. :blushing:

    I've been going to boot camp 3 times a week for 7 months. This is a very hard workout incorporating some free weights including kettlebells, powerbags, dumbbells, medicine balls, with cardio. This has toned up my muscles and improved my fitness but I need to get rid of my fat now. I have lost some since I started but have enough left for it to be bothering me.

    I love food. I have never eaten 'really' badly but do tend to eat too much. Logging everything in mfp has made me much more aware of how much food I'm putting away and making me consider better choices.

    I'm starting to try and incorporate more exercise into my life. It's not easy as I'm out at work 8 - 6 mon - fri but I do try and walk as much as I can. Now it's getting lighter at night, I will be able to take my dogs on longer walks weekday evenings.

    I don't understand what a lot of the exercises are that you all seem to be doing but I'm impressed by the frequency and dedication! :smile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Just a quick note to let everyone know that we got home from California this morning. We had a wonderful time at the wedding. I'll fill you in on the details later. Right now i am wiped out from the red-eye back to BWI.

    Have a great day!
  • teffy1
    teffy1 Posts: 12

    My birthday is coming up in April and I'll be 42.....

    I find that getting older and losing weight really helps me appreciate myself so much more. About two years ago I weighed as much as I do now (now that I've lost 30 lbs) and I hated it.. I felt so fat and ashamed. Now that I am back down to that weight again..... I think what was I thinking..... I feel great. I love putting my old clothes back on and walking with new confidence.

    I wouldn't go back to 23 and size 2 again if I had the option.
  • jacksonjean
    jacksonjean Posts: 4 Member
    Hi just joined 3 weeks ago now enjoying the site lost 2 lbs first week have stuck since but have lost inches:happy: :happy: :happy:
    Starting a new fitness plan going on a machine called flabulos it shakes you to bits for 10 mins three times a week:love: . I struggle to do normal exercises as i have poly arthritis which means i have 5 inflamed joints at one time:mad: So watch this space It is supposed to be the easy equivilant to 1 hours aerobics. Hope everyone else is doing well:flowerforyou:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I am still the same darn, was sick for 2 days and worked my long week of nights so no extra exercise. Am feeling better today and hopefully will drop some more this next weigh in.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Well it is spring and we got about two inches of snow last night! (I live in Denton, north of Dallas and Fort Worth) I have posted a picture of my redbud tree with snow on it. I saw some blue bonnets poking through the snow this morning. I will be posting some wildflower pictures as the flowers bloom for those of you who cannot get to Texas in the spring to see the widlflowers.

    Have been long distance (from here to Austin) taking care of my daughter who came back from San Francisco sick. She is much better now but was texting me on Thursday from the doctor's office with an iv for fluids and antinausa drug. Also, long distance helping my mom get her tax documentation together. Last year, I flew over to Mississippi to help her. My dad handled all the finances. When he died in 2008, she had not managed any finances since they were married 54 years ago. Anyway, she was able to complete the questionnaire from the accountant and find almost all of the documents. She will have to go to the Social Security office to get a copy of her 1099 which she cannot find. I am proud of her. She was afraid to open mail after he died, thinking she would not understand what she was looking at. Many long phone conversations at first, but she is not afraid of the mail or the bank account any longer. Yea!

    Need to get on the stick with the exercise. We are going to London is August to meet up with our daughter after she finishes a class at Oxford. You all from the UK: help! we will have a week and plan on staying in London. I like to stay at suite/apartments. I like having a kitchen and refrigerator so you ar enot eating out all the time. Our son who is 25 will join us. Any thoughts you would have would be great!
    Swiss: hang in there. We are here for you. Sing: Glad you had a great time at the wedding. Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Wow! What a difference a good night's sleep does! The weekend was busy, but wonderful. We arrived in Los Angeles at 11 pm on Thursday night and stayed at the La Quinta near LAX. The next morning we took the Flyaway Shuttle Bus to Van Nuys where my BIL picked us up. He lives about 10 mins away. We spent most of Friday catching up and relaxing with BIL, his wife (to be) and his son & family. We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in Van Nuys on Friday night. The wedding was held at a beautiful outdoor gazebo at the Odyssey Restaurant overlooking the valley. The day, the weather and especially the wedding was great. My wife and I composed and sang a song during the ceremony which was well received. After the reception we went back to their home for a few hours before we had to head back to LAX and our red-eye back to Baltimore. From BWI it is a 2.5 hr drive home, so we were wiped out yesterday.

    Needless to say, no exercise and bad eating was de rigeur this past weekend. Back to reality. Healthy eating and back to the gym today. My next focus is on Easter Day wihich is only 2 weeks away. I NEED to continue to concentrate on the ultimate prize, namely fitness and good health. I know that I feel and look better when I act in a responsible way. If I set a number of goals based on dates in the future for getting into shape, so be it. As long as I make positive strides each week I will be satisfied.

    It's great to see so many new postings on this site. Welcome to all! And to my "old" friends here, I'm thinking of y'all.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Good Morning everybody! I hope everybody had a good weekend.

    singfree, I'm happy to hear you made it home safely from California. Sounds like a good, though busy, trip. I'm sure you'll get back to your good habits today since you are so disciplined. Just think....a little more than two months and you'll be heading off to Germany! :drinker:

    duffy, I hope your foot is feeling better. I can't say enough positive things about STS, so if you are leaning towards purchasing it and need a push, I'll be happy to push you! :laugh: Yes, it is quite the investment, but it is also 40+ DVDs, so I think it really is a decent deal for the variety and versatility of the program. You asked about the produce here....actually it is quite good. I've had the best bell peppers I've ever eaten here in Korea. So fresh produce isn't really the problem. The problem is more the limited brands of American-specific foods I like. For instance, I used to get my natural peanut butter (unsalted) from Trader Joes. Now I have to rely on the commissary since peanut butter isn't a Korean food. And sometimes the commissary has unsalted. And sometimes it doesn't. It's those little things that I'm finding difficult right now and is one of the reasons my sodium intake (among other things) is more unpredictable than it used to be.

    cardigirl, I love your new photo!!

    Swissmiss, good to see you! I've missed you. I'm so sorry to hear about your stress at home. Please know we are here for you. Don't worry about your eating right now. You don't need to be eating well to check in here. If that were the case, I would have had to chuck myself off the website for the months of November and December completely. :blushing: Again, just know we're here for you. :flowerforyou:

    lalalady, I know I'm three days late discussing this, but I think the idea of having a small meal before you went out on Friday was a good idea. I hope that worked out for you.

    Welcome to all our newcomers!! Thanks for sharing so much about yourselves. Please continue to join in the conversation. I wish I had time to respond to all of you right now, but I don't. I'm sorry. But please keep posting! :flowerforyou:

    TxMs, sorry to hear about your sick daughter. I hope she is feeling better. Sounds like you have been having quite a time of it recently. I'm happy to hear your mother is adjusting to her life without her husband. It makes me think of my grandmother who didn't know how to balance a checkbook when her husband died. That is one of the reasons I try to stay as independent as I can. I never want to be in a the situation of being afraid to open my mail for fear of not understanding it.

    I had a pretty poor weekend eating-wise. I think I'm just not eating enough still so I'm having a tendency to over-compensate for that at times because I'm getting too hungry (I was awake all Friday night because I felt like I was starving :noway: ). So I ate alot on Saturday and Sunday, but I also tried to control it pretty well. I had some great workouts though. I'm starting my second week of this last cycle of STS and continue to feel strong (especially with the extra food). I hope I get my arms wrapped around this eating issue soon because it is beginning to drive me crazy. :grumble: It seems like something in my metabolism has changed recently, and I'm having a difficult identifying what it is right now.

    Hope everybody has a good Monday.
  • GoodGollyMolly
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All!

    Sing: Sounds like you had a great fast paced weekend!
    Stiring: My foot is much better - I did a 10 mile run on Saturday and really only starting feeling it at the very end (much better than in my old shoes).

    Our weather took a turn for the worse over the weekend which was fine because we had plenty of indoor activities planned. It looks like this week will be a good one. Less than 2 weeks till our spring break trip to Florida so I'm hoping they start warming up.

    Welcome all the newbies - Tiffy I turn 42 in April as well.
  • crispy1990
    Hi everyone

    can I join you guys..... please :happy:
    I'm Karen and am coming up to 45, gosh it seems to come round quicker every year. Have been overweight for the last 19 years (since baby no 1) Have probably tried almost every diet there is, lost weight & then put it back on with a little extra every time.
    I joined MFP a couple of weeks ago and have found it really helpful. My starting weight was around the 215 mark and I have lost
    9lb so far.:bigsmile:
    However have just had a weekend away in France, (lots of wine & a little cheese) so will have to be really good if I am going to show a loss this week.
    Have a good week

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: You are quite welcome to join the thread crispy1990.

    I have to get back to logging in everything. I had an evaluation at the YMCA on Saturday. I have gained seven pounds.:sad: The trainer thinks that I need to add more cardio since three hours a week are not enough. She says that I am fine with the weight work. I sure wish that the weather would get nicer so that I can take my new bike out.