40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • TC318
    TC318 Posts: 8
    Today is my Friday check-in. I didn't weigh, I will do that Monday. Instead I am celebrating a different kind of victory. I worked late last night and had already planned to have leftover night. Problem was, I was so hungry that while making my kids plates I snacked the whole time. Before this would have put in me into an all out binge; I have had the all or nothing mentality for so long. Instead, I made me a small plate, so that my brain would think that I had eaten supper and stopped when I felt full (really too full if I am going to be totally honest.) I didn't log my food before bed. I think I was in denial, thinking I would just pretend it didnt happen. This morning when I signed on to log breakfast, I could not shake the feeling that I had to log all that I had eaten last night. I am so proud. It is another step in the process. I didn't go into an all out binge and I took responsibility for what I did. For some people this may not be a big deal, but for me and my silly brain--It was major. :-) Thank you again for giving me a place that I can talk about this. I know I bore my poor husband to tears with all of this kind of stuff!!!!!!
  • JuliaSoCal
    15 lbs!!!

    I am down 15 lbs since I started...YEAH.

    I switched my weigh in day to align with this group all and was worried that I was going to have another +.2 week...NOPE. I was down 2.2 :)

    So that puts me down 15!




    Ok. I am done with my mini celebration.

    No wait. I was wearing 14's this... and yesterday tried on my collection of 10's. ( I have no idea why there are no 12's in my closet)...any way,,,they were TIGHT...and I could BARELY zip them up, but I could get them on :) .. I need a few more pounds before I can be seen in public with them on, but just being able to "fit" in them was a victory.

    Iok, NOW I am done with my mini celebration.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good morning everyone!

    I'm up less than a pound despite all my drama this week, so I consider that not too bad. I managed to only miss one of my workouts, and some of the ones I did were gentler than the usual ones. My eating didn't freak out too much! So, I consider this week a mild success. Sounds like everyone else is having a good week so far, so congratulations!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend.
  • JuliaSoCal
    Hey everyone (please excuse me for not responding to others' posts today) ...

    I am having a rough day. Father-in-law in hospital again (was in hospital on weekend too) and he is not local to us so we feel very stuck ... can't really help. He is having problems perhaps unrelated to his cancer (he's in stage 4) so that is not good. I keep telling my husband he can hop on a plane anytime he wants, not to worry about me or the money.

    Glad this group is here.


    I went through a similar situation with my father. He was dying of Alzheimers. He was in Colorado Springs and I was her in California. Mom would call and tell me how horrible things were and there was absolutely nothing I could do to help...I cried A LOT.

    Get hubby on that plane if he wants to or not. I do not regret any of the time or money spent that last year of my dad's life. I got to say what I needed to say...I got pictures while dad still "knew me". Now that he is gone, I can look back on that year and say I did the best I could for my situation.

    Hang in there!

    Prayers for you and your family,
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Hey everybody.....I found the thread!
    It's been another crazy week here at work, but I guess that's the new "normal" around here!:laugh:
    Got weighed/measured on Monday..........down 2.5 pounds from last measurement, lost about 4" total and can't remember the body fat%; I forgot my printout in my workout bag!!!:ohwell:

    Headed to Wichita later today to see BonJovi tonight......I can't wait!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I've wanted to see them for over 20 years, so am taking my oldest daughter and her boyfriend and we'll be dancing all night:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good day all, I'll try to get back in here tomorrow to let you know how exhausted I am from all that dancing!:bigsmile:

    Morning All!

    MK... I grew up about 30 minutes South of Wichita... everyone I know went to Bon Jovi! No longer in KS, but it is still home! Hope you had a great time!

    Hang in there Sunny... listen to Stiring, she gives the best advice on here!!

    Welcome TC... keep coming back, this is a great group!

    Way to go Julia... you are totally entitled to your mini celebration!!

    My report for the week, I'm backsliding, haven't kept track of my calories all week, but haven't eaten badly either, I just keep doing what I've been doing, running and my elliptical. Love keeping up with you all though! I'll snap out of it and get back to keeping track, it just seems like all I was doing was sitting at my computer tracking all of my food and that got a bit tedious.

    Have a great weekend!

    Take Care!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in quickly on a busy Sunday afternoon.

    JuliaSoCal, congrats on the weight loss! You are doing so well! :drinker: Share some of your secrets...please! What are you eating? What are you doing for fitness? You really are doing amazing.

    tamarads, thanks for the compliment. :blushing: It doesn't sound to me like you are 'backsliding' as much as you're just easing off a bit. Thats not a bad thing, especially since you don't have much weight to lose. Sometimes the body and mind just need a break. But since you are eating well and exercising....it doesn't sound like a backslide at all.

    singfree, what do you do for your protein? I'm thinking I need to change the carb/protein ratio of my diet, but I have a tendency to migrate towards the higher fat proteins when I eat more protein (peanut butter, nuts, eggs, cheese). I did some research yesterday, and most sites recommended some of those (minus the nut products) for lean protein intake, as well as chicken/turkey and beans. But I'm curious what you do for protein....if you don't mind sharing. I've never been a protein shake kind of gal, so I'm not sure I want to go there. I'd rather eat my calories than drink them. Any recommendations?

    Today is going to probably go down in my personal history of fitness days though....and this on a day that I had originally thought would be a 'down' day. Anyhow, woke up this morning to sunshine and warmer temps (it was about 35 when I got up)....and decided to finally take the plunge and go for a run. I haven't gone running in about 10 years. I have always hated running (to put it mildly). My goal was 3 miles. I went.....6.5 miles!!! :drinker: And I didn't stop once. Better yet, it felt great!!! :drinker: :drinker: I didn't set any land speed records, that's for sure, but I wanted to see how my body felt with the impact, and I handled it surprisingly well. I wore my HRM during the run, and my breathing stayed very steady in my heart rate zone...until the last hill at the end when I pushed it up quite a bit. I was really surprised at how well I did. I told my husband that when we get back to the US, I'm going to be looking into a half marathon some day. Yay!!

    I've also decided to start my last cycle of STS today, so I'm off to do a chest/back workout. So much for a day off. :laugh: Oh, well. I'll take it easy tomorrow.

    I hope everybody is having a great weekend.
  • JuliaSoCal
    Hi all! Just checking in quickly on a busy Sunday afternoon.

    JuliaSoCal, congrats on the weight loss! You are doing so well! :drinker: Share some of your secrets...please! What are you eating? What are you doing for fitness? You really are doing amazing.

    Honestly I STILL have not added exercise to my routine. I walk between 4-5 miles during the course of my day ( I am a teacher)...

    Having the ability to be a intentional eater has been the best part of MFP. SInce I am only 5 foot tall ,my deficit calories put me at 1270 a day, so I don't have too much wiggle room. I keep telling my self that maintenance is going to be AWESOME!!!!

    On the otherhand, I manage to fit girl scout cookies, ice cream and chocolate into my options, so I do not feel deprived...
    I need to add in weight trainging, but since my current changes seem to be working, I figure I will wait until I hit a plateau.

  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Busy week and weekend. Got to make it to water aerobics on Friday! Yea!!!

    Had to work yesterday (working lunch with boss at a Mexican place). Not the best place but I did not overdo it.

    Today has been beautiful. Spent about three hours outside: cut back roses that were out of control and pulling the down the trellis. Repaired the trellis, weeded some of the gardens and started taking down Mr. Holiday's lights from the trees and bushes in the front yard.

    It is our doaughter's spring break from UT. She flew out to San Francisco to spend time with her brother. it is nice to see them enjoying each other. For a long time (may be 10 to 12 years) Matt was very mad at us for having Anna.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    What a wild weekend...weather-wise. The weather here was brutal, especially on Saturday, when we had rain and very high wind from a storm that is still spinning out in the Atlantic and bringing us clouds and showers. The rest of the week is supposed to be sunny and warm!

    Stiring, I agreee about your preference in eating rather than drinking protein. I try to eat the same kinds of things that you do, but I am also concerned about fat and cholesterol. Therefore I need to supplement with whey protein. Think of it this way: If you calculate your nutrition for the day and find that you need to boost protein without extra fat & carbs, you might not have any other alternative but to use a protein supplement. I like to have it after a workout as a recovery drink. It also allows me to get more liquids into my system to replenish my muscles after the workout. Would powdered protein be my first choice? No, but when I am looking to get upward to 150 g. some days, I just can't eat that much! PS-congrats on the run! Since I've discovered biking and hiking, I really don't miss running (or the sore knees)!!!!!

    I can see the fruits of my labor...literally! I am now able to comfortably get into size 32" slacks! My belly is flatter and can really see a difference in the mirror. I will continue to eat this way for a while and monitor my progress. We are leaving for Calif. on Thursday evening, so I am confident that I've reached this intermediate goal successfully!

    Today is upper body day. I will do a tough strength & cardio workout at the gym at lunch, then do a short kettlebell & Insanity workout after work before I go to my rehearsal in Hershey. On Friday I did an extremely rough upper body workout and I can still feel it this morning! I feel that my strength has returned to what it was last fall before my mother's decline in health. Spring really does give me a sense of a "new beginning".

    Have a great day!
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55

    Stiring... thank you for the kind and encouraging words, I truly appreciate them!! :smile: Congratulations on the run too, that is incredible!!:drinker:

    TxMs... It is nice to hear about your children, I wonder about mine sometime and hope they are as close as yours seem to have become someday. I keep telling them they only have each other and as much as we move they need to rely on each other. Good for you for getting out into the yard, that is our plan for the weekend! :smile:

    Way to go Sing!! What do you use in your drinks, water, milk? My husband likes to mix his with orange juice, so he tells me it tastes similar to an Orange Julius, are you familiar with those? :smile: We got hit with rain for 2 days here, I was worried about our sump pump it must have run continuously for over 24 hours, just kept waiting for it to quit and then I had a bucket ready to bail! Thankfully it did not!

    Julia... great to hear how well you are doing, keep it up! :happy:

    Happy Monday!

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday everyone!

    We, too, were in the windy storm with Sing. The wind so effectively pummeled the tree branches into the ground it looks like mulch! My boss had to use a hand axe to help free a semi truck from a tree on his street, because the town said it would take them several days to get around to helping them. We were lucky only to lose power for about 5 minutes on Saturday.

    I had a pretty good workout weekend, managed to mostly stave off temptations. No sweets at the movies!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Monday All! Sorry I missed check-in day but luckily this week looks much better than last week. Had a crazy busy weekend with son's Team Tennis Championship on Saturday and daughters first AAU volleyball tournament on Sunday. My food could have been better over the weekend but I was able to rearrange my running schedule and fit my long run in on Saturday morning. Which made for a fun afternoon at tennis:drinker: Lots of bouncing around trying not to let my legs stiffen up. Like Sing we had crapppy weather all weekend but it is looking great for the week ahead.

    I'm still loving the Lean phase of CX. Definitely kicks my butt on some exercises but loving the results.

    Stiring: You'd asked about me and Dr. Fuhrman - I'd say that I am still following some of his rules. I start my day with fresh fruit and have been consistently getting 3 servings of fruit - I could do a better job with the fresh veggies but hopefully now that it isn't a major expedition to get to the grocery that will improve. I have not given up milk - I am doing some almond milk instead of cow's milk and I still have my string cheese or laughing cow. I have cut back on my animal products and have really been trying to only have 3ozs a day.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good Monday morning all! Am busy building an ark here in the Boston area. :laugh: Hopefully the rain will move out by this evening and my basement will start to dry out. Plus the humidity is making my hair frizzy and me no likee. :grumble:

    Had a pretty good weekend, and boot camp was awesome, in spite of the fact that I fell, HARD, on my patootie, during the wall squats with the swiss balls. Floor was extra slippery. Sooo embarrassing!!! :embarassed: But this is the 5 or 6th class I've done and I find I'm keeping up much better, which is my goal. Hopefully soon, I'll do 100% of the class and not just 90% or so. :tongue:

    Also had a good weekend with cooking, made a white bean and kale soup which should provide some good lunches this week, and grilled extra chicken breast for quick meals. I find that that's when I am most vunerable to making poor food choices, is when I get home and there is nothing healthy available to grab right away.

    Was reading OnFitness magazine and these were the foods they listed for "ab attack" : chicken breast, ground bison, egg whites, whey protein powder, turkey breast/lean ground turkey, white fish, wild Alaska salmon, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, bell peppers, green beans, kale/collard greens/chard, berries, apples, old-fashioned oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, low-fat yogurt, raw almonds, natural peanut butter or almond butter (no more that 2 tbsp per serving), chunky salsa, water, green tea, unsweetened cocoa.

    I do eat most of these, but not exclusively. I'm wondering about trying to eat from this list only for a week and see how I feel. I bet I would miss whole wheat. :frown:

    Other than that, weight is static...can't seem to push past the 32lbs lost mark. Not too worried about it, as I feel great, but I know I still have some weight to lose, and it does get frustrating to not see that measure change on the scale.

    Texassipian, lol about your two kids. My two are the same, but as they have gotten older, they seem to be better friends. It's nice to see.

    Hope everyone has a good start to their week!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tammy, I use whatever happens to be in the house at the time, usually skim or almond milk and some ice. On occasion I will add some OJ concentrate to make a tasty "Orange Julius" type drink.

    Cardi, sorry to hear about the rain in Boston. The storm is surely a slow mover. The National Weather Service was concerned about river levels due to melting snow in the north combined with heavy rain. We were lucky. Not too much rain but lots of high wind. Some pine trees behind our house blew over.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    Hi. I would like to join.

    I have been using MFP for about 8-9 months and have gotten to my goal weight and am doing my best to maintain which has proven to be more of a challenge than losing.

    At any rate, I have crept up 3 pounds over my goal and have jumped back on the bandwagon. I had slacked off on exercising and although I was eating well I was eating in excess and having splurges when I went out with my girlfriends once a week.

    I am happy to say that I am back on track now with working out approximately 1 hour a day (except on Wednesdays), doing a combination of running (2-3 days a week), Aerobics (1-2) days a week, weight training (2 days a week) and yoga (on sundays).

    I have cleaned up my eating and have begun tracking my calories again.

    Now that we have an extra hour of light and the weather is warming up, I am really looking forward to taking my runs outside.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome paulkj to our little group! Please feel free to post and join the discussion. We are here to help you reach your goals, whatever they may be!

    I did a killer upper body workout yesterday. Unlike the regulars who go to the gym and do one set of exercises per hour, I do not rest between sets or exercises. My muscles are completely wiped out in 45 minutes. I try to do about 7-8 different exercises and 3 sets of each. I then did some kettlebell work after work. I find that I really need to hit the weights when I am trying to lose fat so that I can maintain my muscle mass.

    Today will be lower body and lower back and abs. Since this is a shorter workout, I will add some cardio at the gym and do a bike ride after work. Fat be gone!!!

    Just a heads up about later this week. If my posting is sporatic, please forgive me. I am working today and will come back to work for night shift tonight and tomorrow night. This way I can finish on Thursday morning, take a nap and head to Baltimore for our flight to LAX. We will arrive at LAX after 11 pm Thursday night, so we will stay at a hotel near the airport. On Friday we will then meet the family and just relax and catch up a bit. The wedding is on Saturday morning. We then have a red-eye back to BWI on Saturday night, arriving in Baltimore on Sunday morning....hence the sporatic posting...

    I hope all is well with everyone!

    Have a great day!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Tuesday - Sing enjoy your last push before your trip to California for the wedding - I know you've been looking forward to this trip for along time. Don't you just love a killer workout - that is why I'm loving the Lean phase of CX - it is really the most intense phase and your muscles are just spent when your done.

    The forecast for the next few days is great here and I'm looking forward to my tempo run today. My right foot is giving me a little problem at the start of my runs so I'm crossing my fingers that it is better today. If not I'm thinking these brooks shoes may not be the best for me - good news is tomorrow I have a dental appt in the same neighborhood as my favorite running store.

    Welcome all the newbies -
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good Morning All:

    Sing, we'll enjoy your posts whenever you are able to post them, so don't worry!

    Its getting warm here and the sun is actually shining, so everyone's mood should improve!
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Enjoy your trip Sing... you might need a vacation from your vacation after all those red-eye's!! Be safe!

    Duffy... my husband has foot problems (achilles heel/plantar fasciitis) he has been taking a Glucosamine supplement with his anti-inflammatory and says it has worked amazingly well... just a thought!

    Welcome to you Paulkj... great group here, stick with us!!

    Happy Tuesday!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion Tamarads - unfortunately I'm already on Glocusamine for my creaky old knees :laugh: I actually think it is a shoe problem - I've never really been all that happy with these Brooks but thought it was something I could break in - but these shoes now have about 75 miles on them and I put in expensive insoles and they just aren't getting better.