40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Of course you can join us Crispy. This group is the best! We just wish we were with you in France!

    Sing, Welcome back. I'm glad you had a good time at the wedding.

    I ate pretty well over the weekend, and made sure I got all my exercise in, as I want to see the same kind of progress I saw last week. It was disheartening at my Doctor's office on Friday, to have my weight gain pointed out to me, since I had gained it since the last visit, however, I had also begun losing it again, and would have loved some positive reinforcement over that. My blood pressure, however was at its best ever, so hopefully it won't be too long before he can reduce my BP meds.

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Welcome all the other newcomers!
  • crispy1990
    I know that Fri is Check In Day, but I only found this web site 3 days ago so shall wait til next Fri to report back. I have, though, bought some scales today. Ooooppppsss - guessing wasn't such a good idea. Still never mind I am determined to shift the weight and I think the writing of all food down will help. At the moment tho all my thoughts are of food!!
    Rudie - I too am from England, whereabouts are you? I live in the south east, near to Gatwick and Brighton.

    Hi Carrie, Rudie

    I'm from the UK as well, just north of you Carrie in Orpington.
    Looking forward to checking in with all the ladies on here,
    thank you for welcoming me
  • crispy1990
    Of course you can join us Crispy. This group is the best! We just wish we were with you in France!

    Sing, Welcome back. I'm glad you had a good time at the wedding.

    I ate pretty well over the weekend, and made sure I got all my exercise in, as I want to see the same kind of progress I saw last week. It was disheartening at my Doctor's office on Friday, to have my weight gain pointed out to me, since I had gained it since the last visit, however, I had also begun losing it again, and would have loved some positive reinforcement over that. My blood pressure, however was at its best ever, so hopefully it won't be too long before he can reduce my BP meds.

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday. Welcome all the other newcomers!

    thanks Zebras ?
    France was brilliant, but I had no idea there were quite so many calories in a slice of Brie :laugh:
    Luckily we had done a fair amount of walking so I am hoping I won't have put to much on !
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Hi everyone,

    I finally made it back into the pool, yahoo. It was closed because of the storm and then it was too cold to swim in it until it reheated to temperature, then it was closed for the weekend for a synchronized swim meet ... man, sometimes life sure makes it hard to get your preferred exercise in. I did some walking while I was out of the pool but I do love my pool workouts.

    I aqua jogged today and used the resistance booties, felt it all over (which is good).

    Am pushing fluids today .... experienced a fattening meal Saturday night although I showed restraint and didn't eat much of the leftovers either. We were at a restaurant where one of the contestants from Next Food Network Star is the chef, that was fun.

  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    Good morning...I have been doing well with my workouts averaging an hour 6 times a week. The scale hasn't budged but I can tell a noticeable difference in my body and my clothes, for the most part fit the same.

    I am finally no longer stressing about the number on the scale.....

    I hope everyone else is doing well.
  • Carrie181
    Carrie181 Posts: 18

    have had much better day today, did not feel hungry so am hoping that my body is getting used to having less calories! Went for a swim yesterday for 40 mins and have 2 hours training tonight - am trying to increase the amount of exercise to help speed along the results.

    However, am going away this week end with a friend for a spa break - it includes breakfast and a 3 course dinner each night. I do not want to fall off at this early stage, so think it will need careful planning.

    Hi to Karen, a fellow Brit and yes you aren't far fom me at all.

  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All - I've had a good Monday. I did well with my eating and exercise over the weekend and I think that helped me avoid the "Monday Blues." I just spoke with my son who is traveling in Peru and that really made my day! I am happy and grateful that I feel strong. I hope it continues or at least I remember it when I am feeling not so strong.

    The scale hasn't budged in awhile...patience, patience. I'm in it for the long haul.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Tina, I also am not seeing any downward movement of the scales. Yes, we must be patient. Hopefully, all this hard work will pay off.

    :flowerforyou: Carrie, does this spa offer healthy food choices? I always thought that they did. If not just remember to eat slowly, leave some food behind and try to go for the healthiest items.

    paulkj, your clothes are a much better indicator as to what is happening with you body. If they are getting looser than you are on the right track. I love your picture.

    Sunny, I envy you and your restaurant experience. We love watching Food Network.

    My daughters will be in Florida next week. Yippy, a week without kids. My husband and I are also celebrating our anniversary next week.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Or is it? Of course after the hectic weekend and a bout of jet lag induced fatigue, I worked yesterday, had a rehearsal in Hershey and then had to go back to work for 10 pm. I'm starting to believe that sleep is overrated!!!! I've never tried drugs, but at times I feel like I'm on something strange!! I can't wait to hit the bed in an hour.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!!! It's very nice to hear from so many friends from the UK as well!! My wife & I have a dear friend who lives in Liverpool, caring for her elderly mother.

    Ladies, PLEASE do not fret over the scale!!! It is merely a source of frustration. Listen to your body. Eat sensibly, drink plenty of water, and by all means...move the old 'bod daily if possible. A few smalll changes in your lifestyle will make a huge difference in your appearance. Weigh yourself in the mirror and with your clothing. After all, isn't that the most important thing? Who cares what the scale says if we look and feel great? Good luck!

    Not too much to report today. I will try to get a good workout in after my rest. My best wishes to all!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,811 Member
    singfree, I did without the scale for years, so I know it can be done. You are right (of course) that there are better ways to measure ourselves than with a scale. I think the thing with the scale is that it is cut and dried. Everybody can relate to the number whereas it is harder for people to relate to other things (even clothing size). But I, too, think too much is often read into that number on the scale.

    Swissmiss, I hope you have a good anniversary with your husband! My husband and I are hitting our 20th in four weeks. Where did the time go?

    lalalady, it's interesting that you mentioned the 'Monday Blues'. I didn't eat too well this weekend and really felt down/yucky yesterday (part of that could have been the fact it was snowing again, but I won't go into that!) But I, too, find that if I workout over the weekend and eat well, I don't have nearly as many problems on Monday as I do when I don't do those things. And your son is in Peru? I SO want to go to Peru someday. I hope he is enjoying it.

    I had a really good workout this morning....chest/back. I also did a steady state step cardio workout, which felt really good after the heavy weights I was lifting. I find doing cardio after my strength training really helps ease the ache in my muscles. Had a good day of eating as well.

    Hope this finds everybody doing well!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Tuesday All:

    Thanks Sing, we always look for your words of wisdom.

    Even though I worked late yesterday, I managed to come home and have the energy for a full workout. I had to kick my husband off the main TV to do it though, as I have been having great success with the Walk It Out for the Wii. He's like a squatter with that TV, if he beats me home. I usually let him finish whatever episode he is watching, and he was all huffy, because he had just started an episode of Barney Miller. Our TV system lets you watch recorded tv in any room, so I don't know what he was so huffy! It is really funny when he when he watches it though, because he has the strangest laugh!
  • tamarads
    tamarads Posts: 55
    Good Morning All!

    Love the words of encouragement from everyone, thank you, thank you!! :flowerforyou:

    Doing okay, weather has been rainy so I'm back on the elliptical, but it's not so bad when I have a good book!

    It's great seeing the new faces, stick with us, this is a great group of people!

    Good to see you back Becky!!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • crispy1990

    have had much better day today, did not feel hungry so am hoping that my body is getting used to having less calories! Went for a swim yesterday for 40 mins and have 2 hours training tonight - am trying to increase the amount of exercise to help speed along the results.

    However, am going away this week end with a friend for a spa break - it includes breakfast and a 3 course dinner each night. I do not want to fall off at this early stage, so think it will need careful planning.

    Hi to Karen, a fellow Brit and yes you aren't far fom me at all.


    Hello everyone :flowerforyou:

    Carrie - I know the feeling, was away in France at the weekend and it is so difficult not to fall of the wagon. You just have to try and make sensible choices :laugh:

    swissmiss - Congrats on you anniversary , mine is tomorrow (hence the weekend away) 20 years, left a note this morning pointing out the choices - Lillies, Platinum & Emerald ....................... I'm thinking the Lillies might be coming my way. LOL

    Singfree - The BEST thing I ever did was to throw my scales away. I used to be on them 2 or 3 times a day. Now I have to wait till the weekend and pay for the privelige !

    Have a good day
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    The most important thing is that people fail to take body composition into account. As we eat well and exercise, several things can happen. First is to lose not just weight, but FAT weight. Second is to gain muscle mass. It seems that these two things are mutually exclusive, but they must be considered as a unit: FAT loss AND MUSCLE gain = SUCCESS!!!! You can lose all the fat in the world, but if you do not strength train and gain lean muscle, you are in for trouble.

    So if you lose 15 lbs of fat and gain 5 lbs of muscle, the net result is 10 lbs lost. The scale is now misleading you, because you are programmed to think that max loss on the scale is the ONLY way to go. For me, if I lost 10 lbs of fat and gained 10 lbs of muscle (net zero on the scale), I would be overjoyed because my body would then be lean and strong!!!

    Enjoy the fitness journey!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Karen, I would hold out for platinum or emeralds.:laugh: Congratulations on your anniversary.

    sing, I know where you are coming from. Instead of watching the scales we should be looking at how our clothes are fitting. I really do think that some of my weight gain is due to the fact that I am using weights and building muscles. And, I really do not look heavy. But, I know where the pads of fat are hiding and I want them gone.:bigsmile:
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member

    Ladies, PLEASE do not fret over the scale!!! It is merely a source of frustration. Listen to your body. Eat sensibly, drink plenty of water, and by all means...move the old 'bod daily if possible. A few smalll changes in your lifestyle will make a huge difference in your appearance. Weigh yourself in the mirror and with your clothing. After all, isn't that the most important thing? Who cares what the scale says if we look and feel great? Good luck!

    I have to admit I am a slave to the scale. I know I shouldn't go on it everyday but I have found myself unable to kick the habit. Every night before going to bed I say to myself, no scale in the morning, then morning rolls around and I jump on it. Its bad...any tips out there to help me wean myself from this bad habit?? Please help.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Lalalady: If you can't keep yourself off othe scale, then don't look at the numbers: Cover the number window with duct tape!

    Had a good workout with the trainer last night. Hoping to do some bike and treadmill tonight. We'll see.

    Karen: I think a lovely vase in platinum encrusted with emeralds and filled with lilies sounds nice. We have been married for 26 1/2 years now: Yikes! I have been married longer than I have not been married. About to be a Texan longer than I was a Mississippian. For our 20th, we went to New Orleans and took our then 15 year old daughter and my parents met us down there. We had a great time.

    Sunny: Glad you got back in the water. I have a hard time with the ankle resistance thingies. I have to really watch my posture to not over-extend my lower back. It does provide a good ab workout trying to stay upright with those boot things which want to get to the surface which can be quite comical if you are not careful!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tip for lala: Pick up your scale, look at it lovingly and say, "Goodbye, dear friend" and pitch it out the door!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Alright everyone...I also can not stay off the scales. I think that I was brought up that way. My mom was always weighing herself. She also always had a weight problem. To let you know just how much I am addicted to it, I want to buy a Weight Watcher's scale. It tell you so much information.

    sing, I was noticing in another thread that some women were talking about drinking their wine (and beer). I couldn't help but think of you and your wine. I let them know that you find it a healthy thing to do.

    I think that I am definitely back on the right track after being off of it for several weeks. I burned 407 calories in Zumba tonight and have stayed under my allotted calories. I am NOT eating all the calories that I burn, either.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Another fine night at work! This is a great shift if you can get used to sleeping during the day. My wife won't hear me snoring either!

    Swiss, what kind of info does the WW scale give you? I know some "measure" body fat, but they are not very accurate or reliable. Try to go cold turkey without weighing yourself for a week. You might just realize that it's a habit and not really a necessity. About the wine, i think that an occasional glass of red wine is quite beneficial. Yes, alcohol is empty calories, but it has so many other benefits that outweighs that aspect.

    For the heck of it, I was trying on some slacks that I will be wearing in Europe. The are already loose! If I lose any more inches, I will need to reconsider my wardrobe (or buy a smaller size).

    My exercise today was riding my bike 16 miles. This usually yields around 600-700 cals burned, so i don't feel guilty about not strength training today.

    I hope everyone has a restful evening!