40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    Well, the girls happy hour is postponed until next week. that is probably a good thing since we have sunnweather weather in sunny New England! That is before the rain comes back........so I need to plant the asparagus that I b ought yesterday, move a rose bush and finish digging the garden-only a tiny area left. I might even plant some seeds since we have the rainy days coming.
    I will do all the above after I do my cardio class and stop at the store to pick up whole wheat bread! Fun, fun.

    I am surprised that the couple wanted to move into the buidling-would think they would want to be in a younger crowd. I wonder if she just found out she was pregnant???They must be expecting they are going to have to move-sooner will be better than later.

    Have a good hump day everyone!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Pepper they say she is 3 months pregnant, but she looks more, and they have lived there less than a month. When I went to help them with the garbage disposal she was trying so hard to hide her stomach, that it made it even more obvious.

    After seeing this building in action for over 5 years, I personally never want to live in a building where everyone is over a certain age. They drag each other down. We call it Melrose Place for older people. My co-worker's mother lives there, too, and my co-worker and I have vowed to shoot each other if we every get like these cranky old people.

    Most of my motivation for getting fit now is to have a healthier old age. I don't want to be stuck in a wheel chair being pushed around by nurses like my mother-in-law. My Grandpa was physically active and mentally active until he was 90, and since he was born in 1889 that was quite an accomplishment..

    Happy Wednesday everyone.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Zebras, I too do not want to be like my parents. My dad died of a heart attack at 53 years old, and my mother died in January at 80, a very frail and feeble 80 I might add. They did not exercise and they both smoked. End of story. Actually, this is a common occurance today. Childhood obesity is rampant. Men and women in their 30s looking old and bloated. Everone in the mall is riding in a scooter. It drives me up a wall when I see people parking in handicapped spaces, with no handicap except for gluttony. I have too much respect for my body and my family. I fully intend to live a full, long and active life, God willing!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I really found the number of people using scooters at Disney World appalling. I never want to become one of them, and believe me it was very tempting, I was very out of shape when we went, and every day it became more painful for me to walk around. Now I would revel in being able to get around as fast as I would want and on my own two feet, but I'd rather go to a place and hang out with other more fit people. I"m going to try to do a lot of walking in Maine this summer when we go.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    zebras, I will have to ask my daughters if they noticed the scooters. They were there the first of April.

    sing, my mom died at age 50. She was very out of shape, never did anything. Thankfully, I do not take after that side of my family but I am still going to try to stay active the rest of my life.

    I think that I am coming back to life. I have been down for the past two days. Stressed my back on Monday and then began throwing up on Tuesday. I wonder if there is a connection between the two. I am still weak. Fortunately, all my classes at the YMCA did not meet this week.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hey, I got some exercise. I walked to the YMCA to sit in the whirlpool. I walked about a mile. I would have taken my bike but I don't want to ride after dark. I will be doing this until I get my car fixed. It broke down last night and I had it towed to a shop today. I am planning on returning to work in the morning and have lined up a ride. My husband works only 1 1/2 miles from home so he walked tonight. It would be nice of each of us had our own car. Maybe that will happen next year.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's really great to have a frank and open discussion about aging and obesity. I think it's something that we speak about in private but never in public. I guess it's because we do not want to offend anyone, and I can appreciate that. One of my choir members at Church is morbidly obese. She is highly offended when her doctor dares to suggest that she lose some weight to help her knees and ankles. He wanted her to lose before he did any surgery, a very real and rational request under the circumstance. Her reaction? She went ballistic on him!!! She is only in her early 40s, with a 7 year old son. Her husband is exactly the same way. For the life of me, I can't understand why they would want to feel lousy all the time. I can feel it when I have just a few extra lbs on me.

    When I see people struggle with even the simplest of tasks, it motivates me to do even more to help myself. I am so thankful that my wife eats well and exercises regularly. In the past year she has had to buy new clothes and get other chothes altered because of her "new" and improved physique. She just turned 60 last week and she looks much younger than that. When we exercise together, she can pretty much keep up with me...that's saying something!

    Swiss, I hope that you are feeling better soon!

    Zebras, I have no problem with scooters for people who have a real need. I have a big problem with those who choose to do nothing for themselves. It speaks volumes about our society in general. If we don't get a handle on this problem soon, I'm afraid the greater part of the population will be "disabled".

    Alf, are you still there? We miss you!

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Morning All!

    Ah, the great obesity debate - I found it interesting that Zebras brings up Disney World when discussing the obesity epidemic. It never fails that we as a family discuss this very issue on every trip to WDW. Not the scooter thing but just the obvious numbers of obese people and more noticeably obese children. This trip my husband and I noticed the number of children who may not qualify as obese but who had visibly jiggly middle sections. I honestly think that is a huge difference from when we were young in the 70s. Then, there were chubby kids but it was more of a firm chubby not a rolly polly chubby. I think activity level has a lot to do with it.

    A couple of weeks ago my son who is an 8th grader made a perceptive observation. NPR was doing a piece on childhood obesity and he commented that if they want kids more active they need to get rid of middle schools. While living in Canada, my children attended a local public school that was K-8. They had 3 recesses a day. 2 15 minute and 1 half hour. Guess what that adds up to the 60 minutes of exercise that children need each day. In the US, if you child attends middle school no recess and in our school district there is an intermediate school for 5th and 6th which only has one short recess a day.

    Swiss - I definitely think the back and stomach issues were related.

    Sing: How is your pretrip countdown? We're at 23 days till Mexico and last night when my husband had red wine with dinner I just smelled it so yeah me:drinker:

    Yesterday my schedule was so hectic I had to split up my strength training and cardio and wow I was hungry all evening. I've been trying to do my exercise near the end of my 3 hour food window. A recommendation from Shaun in Hip Hop Abs. To burn fat you need to have very few carbs available to burn. Let's see if that makes a difference. I still find the Fat Burning Cardio workout a little tame. Today is Burn Intervals for CX -my favorite plus I'm going to try another run and see how the foot holds up.

    Happy Thursday! Stiring - thinking of you in Hawaii. ALF: How's the Flat Belly Diet treating you?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, I'm at 35 days (5 weeks) until we leave for Munich. I check Munich airport's website daily to make sure they are still flying, due to the volcano ash. Happily, they are fully open right now and the ash threat is diminishing. I am cautiously optimistic that we will be ok getting there. Actually, I won't mind if we are "stuck" there for a few extra days!!!!

    My Friday report tomorrow will be a happy one. The diet and exercise is kicking my body into high gear...finally. My 32" waist jeans are fairly loose and I can see a huge difference in the mirror in the last few days. If I tighten up my diet a bit more, I will really see some huge results!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    You make me fondly remember recess from school, and we really were active. Kickball, jump rope, jungle gym, etc. All I can do is picture these kids now standing around texting each other or playing video devices, etc. I even wish I had someone whom I could still play jacks with!

    Sing: We are keeping our fingers crossed that the volcanos only conspire to keep you in Germany and not away from Germany!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Sing, I'm glad your regimen is working so well for you! Congrats! You will have such a great time on vacation, being in the best shape you can be! And I totally agree that trying to remain as fit and as active as possible will lead to a productive and happier "senior" life, although we are FAR FAR FAR from being seniors yet. :laugh:

    I'm so pleased with how much I can do at my advanced age right now and am planning to be able to do even more in the coming years. I tell people all the time that it is NEVER too late to start trying to live healthier and more active lives. If I can do it, anybody can.

    That being said, my weight is driving me nuts again. I thought I had broken through my plateau and was heading downwards again, but this week the scale shows only a gain...phooey!!!! Clothes still fit the same, but gosh darn it, when am I gonna get outta these size 8s? I want to wear a 6 at least one more time in my life. (hey, a girl's got to have goals)

    Swiss, I hope you're feeling better today. And I hope your daughter is doing better. Teenage heartbreak is so hard to watch because they have such a tough time with it. They have no perspective other than right now, since they are so young. Hopefully she will go to the prom, with her head held high and have a great time!

    Stiring, very envious and thinking of you in Hawaii! Hope it's awesome!!!

    Duffyz, I will be very envious of you in Mexico. (as I will be envious of Sing in Germany). Gee I think I need to plan a vacation.

    As far as the obesity epidemic, it saddens me no end to see people who could do something about their weight refuse to even try. Some get so discouraged because it is not an "instant" thing, but really, if they just cut down on the processed foods, ate more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, we all know that they would see real change, and without too much "suffering." Just hard to convince people sometimes (my sister and her family come to mind).

    Gorgeous day here today for Earth Day. My trainer has switched up my schedule, so I have a workout with him tonight. I'm wondering what I should eat afterwards, as it will be kind of late (8:30ish) before I get home.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: cardigirl, thanks for your encouraging words. I, also am having the same "stuck" problem. My will last for months and then suddenly things start to go in the right direction. Don't lose hope. I did gain about seven pounds in the past month but with being sick the scales are being good to me. I plan on continuing to lose.

    :flowerforyou: zebras, I was the fourth grade champion at jacks.:laugh: I think that I had a callus on the side of my right hand from it.

    sing, so glad that all is going well with you. I am sure that you will be in even better shape by the time you leave.

    :flowerforyou: duffy... Should we eat protein before a workout?

    I was planning on going back to work today but my car broke down the night before last. Had it towed to the shop yesterday. For two days it would not start. Well, they get it in the shop and it starts right up. They have driven it three times and can not find any problem. It isn't even missing like it has been doing for me. They said to just continue driving it until it happens again. Now I will be worried every time I drive it anywhere. My ride to work this morning forgot to pick me up.:sad: So, here I sit.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I know when it comes to children and obesity (I dont know about all schools but the ones in my area) the schools have gotten rid of P.E. My kids attended a grade school K-8 and the only classes that had P.E. were 6-8 and then they only had it 3 days a week. When I was in jr high we had P.E. every day. Add in the video games instead of going outside with their friends to ride their bikes or what not and there is a huge lack of exercise with the kids of this generation.

    My son in law leaves for boot camp this Sunday. We were gonna go on another hike on Saturday but instead we were invited to attend his going away party at the local pizza place... And of course on my husbands days off its supposed to rain and snow again. Hopefully we will get this weeks hike in. The place where my husband works is putting on these weekly hikes and altho we don't go with that group we do have a couple of friends come along and we do the harder hike before the others get there that way we can finish around the same time as the every one else. Its nice because his work finds new hikes we haven't done before and furnishes maps of the area.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have given up on our public schools to aid in my kids physical activities. I have signed up my girls for things outside of school. My oldest was taking Zumba with me and the two youngest take ballet. They each also have their own bikes. I think that as parents we are going to have to see to this on our own. I know that the government in the past had programs in the schools that reinforced exercising but they have fallen to the wayside.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Friday check-in day again! I am happy to report that in the past few days especially, my body seems to be making a remarkable transformation. I now see a strong & athletic body in the mirror. ALL of my pants are loose. Love handles are all but gone. For the heck of it I got on the scale last night. As predicted, my weight is not dropping much. It just confirms one thing to me: The scale will drive you crazy if you let it!!!

    So, let's see...am I happier with myself in the mirror or on the scale? Guess which one I chose!!!! This just illustrates that the scale is really not your friend. If I went by the scale alone, I would really be bummed right now. So, what is the answer? MUSCLE, pure and simple. I've worked very hard on strength since the beginning of the year and it shows. Pound for pound I fell that I am as strong as anyone...and in much better shape than anyone my age.

    A funny thing happens each time I try to get in shape. It seem that nothing happens for months, and then one day, I look in the mirror and the fat is gone. That's the mystery that I need to solve. One would think that it would come off gradually. Not with me. The body fat seems to hold on until the last moment, and then...whoosh...away it goes.

    Now for the next 5 weeks I need to concentrate on my diet so that I can get a bit more lean before I attack the German Bier!!!

    Sorry, I don't mean to be boastful, but I am really starting to feel good about myself again. And none too soon!!!

    Have a great day!!!!
  • JuliaSoCal
    WOW...down 2 lbs this week...23 total. Every week I keep the the plan and every week I think...well it is about time to hit a plateu...hmmm Not complaining. It is that everyweek I am surprised to see a drop :)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday Check in! Like Sing - I've had a great week nutrition and exercise wise. Stepped on the scale and not a budge but couldn't care less - I'm noticing the changes in the mirror so I won't worry about the scale. I think part of my issues is that I'm on a series of 3 a day Ibuprofen for my foot (which seems to be working ran 2.5 last night and it was good). Because of the 3 a day I have to take one before bed with food. I've been keeping it to about 100 calories but knowing me food after 7 pm makes a huge difference in my body.

    Sing: According to the philosophy of Hip Hop - if you are trying to loss fat from your body your furnace should be empty before exercise. For me this has caused timing issues galore. Um, I must eat 1 hour within waking CHECK - Eat every 2-3 hours CHECK Last food of day at least 3 hours before bed (this week problem) and then tell me exercise should be done 2-3 hours after eating - That math is too difficult.:laugh:

    Take Care All and Have a great weekend.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Congratulations everyone on this week's success!

    I, too, had a great week. I am down 3.4 lbs and both the scale and the mirror are making me happy! I am only 5.4 lbs above where I was when I gained some weight back. However, I think I am fitter than I was before I gained the weight back too, so I'm really ahead of the game!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    well up 1/2 lb-GOOD-cld hv bn far worse(so the extra wrkout had to hlp in this respect), but planned the gain as I had too many homemade oatmeal choc chip cookies and a few twizzlers....even w/the exercise. That food was out of the norm, and happy to report no additional cravings.
    Hitting the gym today and tomorrow, so looking forward to that. I do feel better and have pulled out some of my old clothes...including jeans I could no longer fit into-now they are a little loose. My goal is to loose an additional 20lbs....it is slow going...loosing only a couple lbs a week, but am glad it is not a drastic 8lbs a week-that just seems like a yo-yo waiting to happen.
    I am planning on WDW in Aug, so am curious about how many scooters I will be dodging.

    I noticed some of the posts abv are cut off mid sentence.....whats up w/that????:huh:

    TGIF have a great weekend!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    I noticed the posts are cutting off mid sentence...including mine that I just did
    Why is this happening?????:huh: