40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Gummi bears are from Germany?

    I really do not like German food but I have to admit that real butter, marmelade, meats & cheese, and rich dark coffee are things that I love. There is a German district in Columbus, Ohio. Whenever we are there we will go to Schmidt's. My husband goes for the sausages and such. I go for the saurkraut and their wonderful cream puffs. These puffs are round, about five inches across and filled with yummy custard. I'll bet one contains an entire day's calories.

    I made bean soup today and had two cups of it. Wow, navy beans are not low calorie.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Gummi bears are from Germany?

    I really do not like German food but I have to admit that real butter, marmelade, meats & cheese, and rich dark coffee are things that I love. There is a German district in Columbus, Ohio. Whenever we are there we will go to Schmidt's. My husband goes for the sausages and such. I go for the saurkraut and their wonderful cream puffs. These puffs are round, about five inches across and filled with yummy custard. I'll bet one contains an entire day's calories.

    I made bean soup today and had two cups of it. Wow, navy beans are not low calorie.

    I used to live in Columbus, Ohio, Swiss! I know that area! Loved going there on weekends. We lived in the Clintonville area. I still miss that house.

    Beans are not low calorie, but they are excellent sources of nutrition! They will nourish your body well!!! Good for you for making soup!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    My son was addicted to German gummi bears, Haribo brand. So we used that a lot while teaching him many skills when he was dianosed with autism. He also loved, and still does, the Kinder eggs, the chocolate eggs with the toy inside. German food is not the greatest and for sure not healthy at all, but I do like the brotchen, freshly baked, and the sausages, especially when we went to the fests. Sing, I have visited Salzburg!!! I keep Germany close to my heart, and Europe in general, after spending 6 wonderful yrs of my life there. So think of me Sing when you are there...I really wish I could visit again soon.

    Swiss, I try to control myself as much as possible but I have to be very much on guard all the time. I only measure things such as meat, rice, beans, etc. When it comes to veggies I dont measure at all since they are very low calorie. Since I am not logging in my foods I am not using my heart rate monitor but I know I am burning over 200 calories when I do the weight trng program and over 400 calories when I teach Zumba. I only worry about eating too little especially on days that I workout more but I am trying to listen to my body and measure my energy level and hunger level. So far so good...

    Have a wonderful Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, you are burning about the same amount of calmories that I burn doing the same activities. I love my HRM. I get so much information from it.

    :flowerforyou: cardigirl, have you been to Schmidt's? Living in Columbus, I am sure that you are familiar with the Germany section.

    My husband and I rode our bikes today for seven miles. This is the same distance we did last Sunday. I was hoping to go further but my knee starting to hurt.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Happy Monday Everybody!

    singfree, you sure brought back some good memories with your mention of German food. One of my favorite memories was our first trip down to Switzerland shortly after we moved to Germany the first time. We stayed in a little B&B, and they served strong coffee, a heavy bread called fitnessbrot (which became my favorite with each visit to Switzerland) and fresh raspberry jam for breakfast, along side the usual ham and cheese, etc. I thought I had died and gone to heaven....and it was all such simple stuff but so fresh and good. I love German food....and German wine. :drinker: Like you, alf, after spending so many years there (we were in Germany a total of seven years), a part of my heart will always be there.

    alf, congrats on your weight loss. Seems you are right back on track. Good for you!!

    I hope everybody had a good weekend. I did. We got out to see a bit of Korea on Saturday, which was nice. We went to a Buddhist Temple about two hours south of where we live and found a wonderful place (along side the temple, which was beautiful) for hiking through the hills and mountains. No doubt we will return there this summer. Unfotunately the weather on Saturday didn't cooperate for a long walk, but it was nice to find such a place when we actually weren't really looking for it. Being a Colorado girl by nature (born and raised), I miss my mountain walks when I don't have them, so I'm looking forward to getting back outside again and climbing some hills once spring finally springs here in South Korea.

    My eating wasn't great this weekend, but....:ohwell: . I had a great workout on Sunday, though. I'm in my final week of STS (I can't believe it!) and have decided to do each upper body workout twice this week. So I started on Sunday with chest/back. Today I did legs and tomorrow I will do shoulder/tricep/bicep. Then I'll take a day off and repeat but with a different leg workout. I also did an Insanity workout after my weight workout both yesterday and today. I'm going to punch up these workouts this week as much as I can to get ready for Hawaii. It's a shame I haven't been able to control myself with my eating, but I think I'll still look okay/be able to fit into my clothing if I just concentrate on it throughout the rest of this week (and while I'm there). I'm so looking forward to the trip right now. We leave a week from tomorrow. :drinker:

    I hope everybody has a great day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    As I sit here at my desk, all woozy and sluggish from last evening's festivities, I now recall why I need to eat right. I love parties but they don't love me. The food and drink was great, but I had WAY too much of both. I really need to rehydrate and get the junk out of my system. For the life of me, I can't understand how people can act this way all the time.

    I need to push through this and get back on my schedule. I've been making some very good progress of late, and I don't want to regress even one bit. Starting now I am going strict with my nutrition, that is, no junk food, no alcohol and a well balanced diet. I know how great I feel when I eat well, so why am I tempted by stuff that is not all that good for me? I guess we all struggle with that one!

    One thing that is a constant in my life is my love for exercise. Not just anything. The exercise that leaves you gasping for breath and sweating buckets. That's when I feel that I've accomplished something. But as Stiring said the other day, there is a real concern about overtraining. I've never really considered it before, but I am starting to think about it now. I need to train smarter as I grow older. I know that my body can't train for weeks on end without a break. Even when I do a tough bike ride on consecutive days, my body is not fully recovered from the day before because my performance is sub-par.

    So what is the answer? More days of rest or active rest when I am strength training. Here is my plan: A good general full-body strength training session on Monday, Wednesday and Friday (or Saturday). Two days per week for heavy cardio (biking or Insanity). The rest of the time will be either rest or light cardio (walking, stretching, Yoga). What do you think? I appreciate all comments!

    Have a great Day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! I had a good weekend and ready for a busy week. I did Core Synergistics this morning. It is such a great workout!!! I missed it. I realized I am not as flexible as I used to be last year. So I need to start working on my flexibility again. When I do ChaLean and Zumba I just do some quick stretches at the end of the workouts to save time but I need to take a little longer to stretch and perhaps add a day during the week to do yoga or just flexibility exercises.

    Sing, your program sounds good. I would suggest one rest day on a weekday. I normally choose my rest day on a weekday because I tend to eat cleaner/healthier and control my portions during the week. You can do light cardio on days you strength train or just the ST alone. Your plan to do heavy cardio alone is the smart way to do it.

    Stiring, your Korean adventures this weekend sound awesome. My husband tells me that Korea is very beautiful and interesting.

    Swiss, it is great that your husband worked out with you. I miss bike riding. We did a lot of that in Germany. San Antonio is not a great city for bike riding. It is dangerous. So we sold our bikes about a few years after we got here because we were not using them. :cry:

    Have a wonderful day!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, we have the most perfect area for bike riding. Our city has trails running all around it. All I need to do is ride 1 1/2 block to the west and there is one of them. They all go clear out of town and some of them into the next town. Where I lived before I would have to load up the bikes and drive five miles to hit a trail. Couldn't bike the five miles because of having little ones with me. At that time I always had one with training wheels and another on the back of my bike. Your advice to sing about having a rest day on a day that you will be eating clean is good. I never thought of doing that but I do have a terrible time eating right on the weekends.

    sing, I have way too many days like you are experiencing. The best way to get past them is to drink lots of water. Flush your system out.

    :flowerforyou: stiring, your Swiss breakfast sounds great. I am thinking that I can have that here in the States. Maybe next weekend. Can't do the bread but everything else sounds doable.

    I may not be eating well on the weekends but with the weather warming up I will be getting a lot more exercise.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, we have the most perfect area for bike riding. Our city has trails running all around it. All I need to do is ride 1 1/2 block to the west and there is one of them. They all go clear out of town and some of them into the next town. Where I lived before I would have to load up the bikes and drive five miles to hit a trail. Couldn't bike the five miles because of having little ones with me. At that time I always had one with training wheels and another on the back of my bike. Your advice to sing about having a rest day on a day that you will be eating clean is good. I never thought of doing that but I do have a terrible time eating right on the weekends.

    That is exactly how it was in Germany. It was only a short ride to any of the trails and then it was a beatiful ride for miles and miles and miles away....so enjoyable. :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    singfree, I hope you are feeling better. I hear you about wondering why I eat some stuff when it makes me feel so poorly. :sick:

    About your workout plan, I think it sounds good. Is there a reason you opted to do three full body strength workouts a week though? I'll tell you what I've heard and, since you asked, present an alternate plan. I've read in a number of places that the ideal number of times to do strength training per week is two (working each body part twice a week). There is nothing wrong with three times a week, but, as far as I know, it isn't going to give you signficantly different results than two times a week. In addition, you should be doing cardio four days a week--two tough sessions (as you have planned) and two more steady state/slightly lighter sessions (as you have planned).

    Personally, I like to separate my upper and lower body workouts. I find if I'm doing my entire upper body (all five body parts) that the work on my legs gets a bit short (given time constraints). My legs need alot of work, so I focus on them quite a bit. You might not need as much strength training focus on your legs given what you are doing for cardio (specifically all of the biking you are doing). As an alternate to three full body workouts a week, I would suggest either one of the following: Monday and Thursday do upper body strength training; Tuesday/Friday do lower body strength training AND cardio (I'll explain more in a minute); Wednesday and one day during the weekend do intense cardio.

    Back to the leg days for a minute, I really like to combine my leg workouts with cardio into a circuit session because I can generally get my heart rate up working my legs and the cardio helps exhaust the muscles more as well (since I workout at home, getting enough resistance on my legs can be an issue for me). So I like to do plyo kind of workouts for legs, and I really like to alternate plyo moves with strength/resistance moves for my lower body (again, keeping my heart rate up the entire time). There are so many benefits to plyo training, and I'm sure you are aware of those. But another benefit of adding plyo and strength together into one session is that plyo has a tendency to make legs bigger. But adding the strength training to the same session prevents that. That's good for us gals, but I don't know if you have issues with your lower body bulking up too much.

    An alternate if this is too much lower body would be to do upper body on Monday/Friday and lower body on Wednesday, adding cardio to two of those days as desired.

    Just some alternatives. Again, doing full body workouts three times a week isn't a problem, but if you prefer to focus on you muscles a bit more, there is no harm in cutting it back to two days a week and taking more time to workout the muscle groups.

    alf, I hear you on the stretching. I find I get much tighter faster these days than I used to. I try to stretch for about 15 minutes each day. Some days, I don't want to take the time to do it, but I can tell a HUGE difference on the days I don't in how I recover from my workouts.

    All here is well today. I did a good shoulder/bicep/tricep workout this morning, followed by an hour of 'drill' style cardio. It was a good workout. I've lowered my carbs again this week, and it continues to amaze me how much of a positive impact that has on my body. It's a shame since I love my carbs so much. :cry: But I'm willing to stick with this through our trip to Hawaii if it gives me the 'beachbody' I want while I'm there. :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Stiring, thanks for the input! I tried doing a full-body workout at the gym yesterday, but it is impossible for me to do everything in 45 minutes! I agree that training each muscle group 2x per week is sufficient. I'm going back to alternate days of upper-lower body workouts.

    My lower body day consists of:

    Leg press (3 sets, 10 reps, 500 lbs)
    Squat machine (3, 10, 320 lbs)
    Calf raises (3, 10, 90 lbs)
    Seated leg extensions (3, 10, 150 lbs)

    I do core training on this day also:

    Incline bench crunches (100+)
    Ab machine (3, 10, 150 lbs)
    Lower back extension machine (3, 10, 200 lbs)

    Upper body day:

    Pullups (4 sets, 5+ reps)
    Decline pushups (4 sets, 25 reps)
    Shoulder shrugs (2 dumbbells @ 60 lbs each), 3 sets, 10 reps
    Tricep machine (multiple sets, increase weight, decrease reps until 1 rep max is achieved @ 150 lbs)
    Bicep machine (same setup as triceps)
    Seated rows (3, 10, 200 lbs)
    Shoulder press (3, 10, 70 lbs) Keeping this lighter due to slight shoulder problem

    Plus: KB workout at home

    There you have it! I try to mix up the cardio a bit, depending on the weather. I hate being stuck indoors, so my outdoor cardio consists of either biking or power hiking steep hills on the Appalachian Trail. Indoors it is mostly our spin bike or Insanity.

    Why am I saying all of this??? Well, first to let you know how much I truly enjoy working out and second, to give you some insight as to how much exercise we should be doing as we get older. It's a fact that we need to INCREASE our workouts as we age just to keep up. It does not have to be a losing battle with the dreaded "bulge". I do plenty of exercising, but the problem remains my inconsistent diet. Like Stiring, when I eat clean and up my protein, while keeping bad carbs low, my body responds very quickly. I just can't seem to say NO to certain things!!!

    The next six weeks will be exciting as well as challenging for me. I'm determined to take "after" pix toward the end of May...on second thought.......
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Hi All! Back from a great spring break trip - Thank goodness the weather in Florida was great for our week -

    Now back to reality which is even more important because my husband and I are head to an all inclusive in Mexico in less than 5 weeks. Actually I didn't go overboard with the eating and drinking on this trip so my weight is just up slightly and I'm sure that has more to do with hydration. You know me if I'm not on a schedule I don't do a good job of getting in my water. I took the entire week off of running (hoping that the foot problem is gone when I start back this week) so the only real exercise I got was walking (although if you'd see me heading through the amusement parks you'd know that is speed walking :laugh: ) Thought of you Sing while eating at the Biergarten in Epcot. I had the beer flight so that I could enjoy a little bit of the German beers.

    I am starting the Lean for Life phase of CX this week as well and will probably do that program until Mexico and then decide what I want to do strength training wise for the summer. ALF: I know Chalene recommends just rotating thru her 4 phases monthly - do you know anyone that does that?

    Oh well have a great Tuesday and once suitcases and laundry are taken care of I'll do a better job of saying Hey!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hi everyone!!!
    Good news and bad news for me.........
    Good news..........got weighed and measured last night.........down 3 lbs, lost 2.2lbs body fat and .55%BMI!!:bigsmile: The bad news............the waist and belly stayed the same - no change in measurements:noway: :noway: :grumble: :grumble: . It seems like everything is shifting nicely except there!!! The worst part of it isn't below the belly button - it's above!!! I know it all looks flabbier now that I weigh less, but I'm getting frustrated with the "muffin top" not getting any smaller:huh: :frown: :frown: I do 100+ crunches almost every day, and I can feel the muscle tighter below the flab, just can't get rid of it!! I'm at the point now where I don't care about the scale - I'm content with that; but am going crazy trying to figure out what to do to shrink the #$&&^^% belly!

    Any suggestions anyone?????????????
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi everyone!
    Back from a weekend trip to Mississippi to check on family. Everyone doing very well. BIL with new liver is now healthy enough to look for a job. Mom and BIL who lost spouses in 08 doing well. I went shopping with my mom who has lost 25 pounds since my dad died in November of 08 and is now convinced she can stay this size. She bought a pair of "Not your grand-daughter's jeans" in a size two sizes smaller than she was wearing. She also bought a couple of other things for two weddings she will be attending.

    Helped my BIL do yard work which was my sister's domain. He nows feels like it is ok for him to do the work and actually enjoys it and it does not make him sad. Also did lots of yard work in my mother's backyard now that she has windows that she can actually see out of. The windows in the breakfast room were clouded over from a broken seal when they bought the house 26 years ago. The backyard actually looks better through the windows than when you are in the backyard.

    also made it back to the trainer last night after missing the last three weeks due to work. She had an ab workout for us and I am feeling it!

    MK: Try doing other kinds of ab work besides crunches. Maybe even hoola-hoop?

    Take care all! TxMs
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tex, I can only imagine how your mom feels being two sizes smaller. I am hoping that she continues to lose.

    :flowerforyou: mkwood, I know how it is to have the scales, your measurements and how your clothes fit be so different. I have gain in pounds and my clothes fit the same but I look a lot more buff. Go figure. Personally, I want the scale to move down. You might want to look into the abs diet. It really helped me about a year ago.

    I have been talking to some people at the gym. They all think that I should not be concerned about what I weight since I am firmer and have built more muscle. I think that my obsession with what I weight has to do with the way I was raised. I don't know if I can change that. I really am looking at the number on the scale and going by that.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    I've been keeping up with your posts as much as I can! Sorry, but sometimes I get too busy to actually respond to everyone. It does not mean that my thoughts are not with you!

    Nothing of note to report this morning. Just a regular work day. Back to alternate days for strength training. I didn't have enough time to do a full-body workout each session. Today is upper body and a bit of cardio. Hopefully I can get a bike ride and a Kettlebell workout in after work.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    TxMs, I'm happy to hear about your family. I hope your BIL finds a job soon. What an amazing year he has had.

    Swissmiss, listen to the people at the gym. I focus too much on the number as well, but it really isn't important. How you feel and the good things you are doing for your body by working out are MUCH more important than the number of the scale. I've mentioned a few times that I was reading a book called 'Younger Next Year' for women. I didn't really appreciate the entire book, but it did have some good points. Anyhow, one of the things I liked about this book is that it didn't focus on weight loss. It mentioned weight loss, but only as a by-product of exercising more nad eating healthier. The more I think about it, I think that is probably the best approach to long term health and fitness--to focus on health and fitness and not the by-product that is weight loss.

    singfree, your post yesterday with your workout schedule also had me thinking about that book because what you said is very true....that as we get older, we need to work hard to get fit and maintain fitness. Thanks for sharing your workout schedule outlining that point. :flowerforyou:

    duffy, good to see you back!! I'm glad to hear you had a good vacation. I hope your foot is all healed up.

    mkwood, I think you should be very happy with the change in your body composition and shape. Regarding the extra layer on the belly.....here are some of my thoughts. Every body holds on to fat somewhere. For me, no matter how thin or fit I'll ever get, I will always have an extra layer of fat on my butt and the back of my legs. It just is. It gets better with better eating and more fitness, but the cellulite and fat never go away completely (even when I was weighing 97 pounds!) It could be that your body likes to hold on to extra weight in your belly. That being said, there are a few ways of reducing belly fat. The first--and most important--is diet. I've been talking about how my body reacts to refined carbs. I eat a piece of bread, and my belly gets bigger. Literally. So maybe you can look at your diet and refine it a bit to help. The second way of reducing belly fat is through tough cardio. That is going to do much more for you than crunches/ab work will do. What crunches do is build the muscle under the layer of skin. But if there is fat on top, those muscles won't come through. But crunches won't reduce the fat in the area. Again, that comes from diet and cardio exercise. There are other factors that can put extra inches on the belly--things like stress. And I think you have been under stress for the past six months!! So that could be playing into your issue as well. And, of course, you've had children, and that is something that needs to be considered as well. So look at your diet and exercise. If you are doing all you can/want to in that area, then it could be that, like me and my legs/butt, it is just one of those things that is going to be as it is. But don't let that take away from your amazing accomplishments because you should be very proud of those!!

    Today is my husband's birthday so I made him a nice dinner. I probably ate too much, but it was a celebration so....I don't care. :tongue: I worked out very hard this morning--nearly two hours of high intensity cardio. I'm feeling really good this week....much better than last week. I think it is lowering my carbs and cleaning up my eating.

    I hope everybody has a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    I'm pretty much caught up on post vacation chores so today is the back to exercise day. Luckily the weather is cooperating and it will be a nice day for run and then I will probably get some yard work done. It is so nice to have the green grass before tax day. The last couple of years we've still had snow at this time so I'm rejoicing daily.

    Stiring: Glad you were able to enjoy your husband's Birthday celebration. My birthday was yesterday and I celebrated with a string cheese, 6 multigrain crunchers and a glass of red while watching Glee.

    MK: I know exactly what you are talking about because my middle section is where I hold weight. I actually have a little higher weight goal now in my 40s to accommodate for what I like to call the naked factor. Probably TMI but At 128 - I look smoking hot in clothes but naked not so much for some reason between 130-135 is my best naked weight. I blame the 10lb and 9lb babies I had - lets face it some areas not even all the ab work in the world will repair.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It must be a busy time, lots of our friends MIA!!!! :sad:

    My allergies are kicking in with this beautiful Spring weather. My car is covered with green pollon, which means a stuffy nose and sneezing for a while. I'll take it, though...it's been a long winter.

    With only 6 weeks to go before the big Euro vacation, I feel that I'm on track to meet my fitness goals. Notice that I don't say "weight" goals. When I am in great shape, the weight will take care of itself. At that point the scale becomes useless to me. I've been hitting the weights pretty hard over the past few months, and my fitness level is quite high (even by my standard). The last hurdle is the last bit of body fat that seems to be quite stubborn. A blast of high protein and some more high intensity cardio should do the trick.

    Duffy, I can't blame babies for the extra fat around the middle. Well, maybe it was those Baby Ruths I had. People seem to take great pleasure in sabotaging my diet here at work. One lady (who is diabetic) brought in a HUGE dessert yeaterday AND pizza. She's killing me! I wish I had the willpower like one of my fellow supervisors. He is on Weight Watchers and has lost 40 lbs in just over 10 weeks. His wife lost 30! They are doing great.

    Stiring, thanks for your input on diet and body fat. It should help all of us who struggle with that very problem. At least during the week I've got to get strict with my intake. I know it works. The fat just melts away when I limit or eliminate refined carbs and sugars!

    Our Grandson is coming for the weekend, so regular exercise might be at a premium. I'll do double duty today!

    Have a great day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sing: I am in the same boat with you in regards to the allergies. Mine started getting bad while in Florida and then this amazingly early spring here in Michigan is really making them worse. Like you though I'm not complaining - the last two years we've still had snow in parts of our yard on tax day and now everything is green, the trees are budding and I may need to mow soon. I love it - I'm just making sure that I take my claritin and gargling with lots of salt water for the sore throat.

    I stepped on the scale this morning and the vacation weight was gone - which means I was right it was mostly water gain due to lack of hydration. I did a baby run yesterday and cross your fingers the foot was alright this morning so tonight I plan to do a 5 mile run on the rail trails. If that goes well then I will go ahead and register for the 25K in May. It definitely won't be a fast run for me but it will be a fun one.

    4 weeks 3 days till we head to Mexico so I'm really motivated to keep the eating clean. This morning I made a list of foods that I am going to allow myself to eat (I even included the occasional red wine - just no beer till I get a cervasa and a few dark chocolate treats) It will be easier because my husband is also being good till then. Although he really never needs to diet but he loves to be ripped on vacation. Funny story from the trip to Florida - there was a little Puerto Rican boy at the pool and when Gary came out he said - "Man your the biggest guy I've ever seen" when Gary started putting on sunscreen he said " What's that is it lotion for your muscles?" :laugh: Too cute and as a fair skinned skin cancer survivor I say Oh to have the coloring where you don't even know what sunscreen is.

    Adios Amigos - I'm heading outside to do lots of yardwork today - Our forecast is in the 80s:drinker: