40+ Club: Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tex, can I come over to your house to eat? :laugh: :laugh: Your Easter dinner sounds delicious!!!!! And so gourmet...:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Tex, can I come over to your house to eat? :laugh: :laugh: Your Easter dinner sounds delicious!!!!! And so gourmet...:flowerforyou:

    Wow, I agree. Sounds good AND healthy. So much more than my ham dinner.
    By the way... I told the YMCA that I was dropping out of the workshop that I was in. I was told that if they feel that I had a good enough reason to drop out then I would get my money back. I couldn't bring myself to say that I simply was not getting anything out of it. I just said that I didn't like it. Hoping that they will refund at least some of the money.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,810 Member
    Good Morning Everybody!

    Thank you all for your recommendations on bikinis. I'm going to look into the tankinis as well. The funny thing is I was always very confident wearing a bikini top, but I wanted to wear jeans on the bottom to hide my legs! :laugh: Well, they don't make swimsuits like that. But since I've lost the weight, my legs are actually better than my abs are, so I'm thinking a tankini may be my best option. We'll see. But thanks again for all the recommendations.

    Glad to see so many are enjoying spring weather now. We have been in the 60s the last couple of days, which has been wonderful. We have a trip planned on Saturday to see the cherry blossoms in bloom at a national park a few hours south of where we live. Of course, it is supposed to rain. :grumble: But since it is cherry blossom season, I'm not going to miss it because of a few drops of water. Besides, we haven't had much opportunity to get out and enjoy Korea, and I'm more than ready to change that.

    crispy1990, good to see you again! :flowerforyou:

    pepper06, where are you logging in your fitness? I put everything (including my strength training) under cardio. I think if you log it in elsewhere, it won't show up. But you can log virtually anything under cardio (including non-cardio workouts), so my recommendation is to log everything in there so it shows up on your food chart.

    singfree, I don't know if I want to know why you know that JIF makes for a good hair conditioner. :laugh: But since you brought it up, care to explain? :wink:

    TxMs, I'm with alf and Swissmiss! We'll be seeing you next Easter, okay? That sounds like a great meal!

    cardigirl, I'm with you on living a new mantra--the whole 'Do Your Best and Forget the Rest' is probably one of the best things out there. I just need to ask myself when I'm making decisions 'Is this the best I can do?' and if the answer is 'yes', then go with it. Because, somedays, the best I can do is eating only two cookies (as opposed to six). Other days, the best I can do is eat no cookies. It is going to vary. But I don't want to beat myself up anymore and would prefer to approach it from a more positive outlook.

    Swissmiss, I hope you get some money back on that workshop. Why did you feel you couldn't say you weren't getting anything out of it? I'm just curious.

    I had a couple of great workouts today--a tough shoulder/bicep/tricep workout followed by Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning. My eating remains good (so far) this week. I'm still a little sluggish, but that seems to be improving with each day. I only have one more week of STS, which is SO hard to believe. These past 90 days have just flown by doing this program. I've really been enjoying it.

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • SofieJack196
    SofieJack196 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I would like to join the 40+ club. I am new to myfitnesspal so how do I add you to do this? Thank you, also I have been tracking for 25 days with an initial goal of losing 2 pounds per week. Today I updated my fitness to increase my exercise quit a bit now since I can go outside and walk but my goal dropped to 1.4 pounds per week loss. I am unsure what I have done wrong. Any suggestions? Thank you and it's great to see others like me over 40 and wanting to shapeup!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Stiring, since you "dove head first" into a jar of Jif PB the other day, I just thought you might benefit from the experience in a more tangible way. I read somewhere that PB is used as a hair conditioner. Sounds silly, I know, but I've seen some real doozies when it comes to beauty tips!!!

    We had a really nice day together yesterday. I took a half-day vacation from work. We had 90 degree temps and sunny. I took my wife for a pre-birthday lunch. It was wonderful and you all will be proud of my choices. I had grilled tilapia over a wild rice-orzo mix and a fresh green salad, and Pellegrino water. Very satisfying and delicious. On Sunday I am giving her a birthday bash at a local restaurant. With around 20 invitees, it will be expensive but great. It's so nice to have a mate who loves clean eating and exercise!

    Last evening I took a what was to be a 20 mile bike ride. I had a flat tire with 2 miles to go. Since I use special biking shoes (not meant for walking), I called my wife who picked me up in the Subaru Forester. Today is back to the gym and tonight is kettlebells and a hike up the hill. These last few pounds of fat will be history soon!!!! I hope.........

    With 7 weeks to go before Germany & Austria, here is my plan of attack: Stay the course, eating as clean as possible and exercising daily. As the weeks progress, I will monitor my physique in the mirror and my vacation clothes, making adjustments to my diet as needed. The last 2-3 weeks will be strict monitoring of my diet, especially bad carbs. I do not want to deny myself anything while I am there. Those of you who've been stationed in Germany know full well that no person can resist German brot und bier.

    Have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I don't know, Sing, about that Peanut Butter. I work in the divison that orders the stuff that goes into shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, and we don't do PB. However, I think we do order peanut oil. Every year some brand or another comes up with a new ingredient craze, then everyone has to copy.

    Scale is saying good things this week. I walked about a total of 2 1/2 hours through the day yesterday, and I have to say I basically missed dinner, but not on purpose. I find one really low calorie day seems to have a beneficial effect on me, but I never do it deliberately, so its not something where it will become a habit and cause me to go into starvation mode.

    If anyone subscribes to the TV Guide, my husband's Reader's Jeer got published on the last page in the new one with House on the cover. He was completely surprised, and started reading it, and said this sounds awfully familiar, and then he noticed his own name!
  • pepper06
    pepper06 Posts: 89
    StiringWendel-thanks for the updating info. I was not putting everything in the cardio section. On the days I do toning-I would log that in that section(below the cardio section-you will see and just click on it). I wonder what this area is for if it does not calculate anything-what is the purpose?
    I am so sore today from the workouts I have done at the gym, but it is a good sore. I hope I have dropped 1/2 lb this week. Boy did that TX Easter meal sound great! The spinach strawberry salad sounds like Rachel Rays-yummo!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, I just couldn't bring myself to hurt the instructor's feelings. I really should have told the whole story so that they can correct what is wrong. This instructor admits that she doesn't have the time for all that she is involved in so this should not come as a surprise to her.

    bobcat44....welcome to the thead. To find us again just click on community at the right top of your home page. Then click on My Topics. And look for us 40+ Club:Hop Into Spring With A Fit Bod. You will be taken to the last post and can scroll up to read all of the others.

    :flowerforyou: zebras, I do not get the Tv Guide since we can not get any reception but I will have to buy this one to read your husband's Jeer.

    sing....wow, 20 miles. I thought I was doing well riding for seven miles on Sunday. I love to bike and the weather isn't cooperating with me.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Don't spend the money, just read it while you're in line at the grocery store. ITs right inside the back cover. I won't tell him though, because his head will get bigger!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, I love to bike also. My goal is 100 miles per week and 2000 miles per year. I actually like riding when it's hot out because I work up a real good sweat. I do this in addition to strength training and hiking!

    After work I must drop off my front wheel at the bike shop, since I am always blowing out inner tubes. On the way home I can stop off at the Appalachian Trail and hike up & down the mountain which takes about an hour. The climb up is over 1000 feet of elevation rise. Going down is actually tougher for me because it is VERY steep and rough on the knees and ankles.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    sing, I read about your bike tire. Good thing that you had a cell phone with you. I keep forgetting to take mine and I know that is not a good thing. I am not up to 100 miles per week yet but hopefully will be soon. I just got my bike in February and have been impatiently waiting for the weather to cooperate. I want to be able to ride to the gym instead of driving. I did this on Monday but it has been to wet to do it the rest of the week. We have the most wonderful bike trails here and one of them run two blocks behind my house.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,810 Member
    Happy Friday All!

    singfree, thanks for explaining the JIF=hair conditioner thing. Now I'm going to be giggling everytime I look at my peanut butter jar. :laugh: Thanks for the laugh. Sounds like you have a great plan in place for getting ready for your trip. I have no doubt you will both look and feel great by the time you get on that plane.

    Time for my Friday check-in. I didn't weigh or measure myself this morning, but I had a good week of working out and a pretty good week of eating. I've decided over the next little bit that the only measuring I'm going to do of myself is measuring how I feel. Like I said earlier in the week, I've been a bit sluggish lately, and I have no doubt that is because I'm tap dancing dangerously close to overtraining right now. So I'm going to try to be a little smarter with my fitness to see if I can't get back to the other side of the line where fitness energizes me and doesn't tire me. There is a fine line there, and, again, I think I'm dancing on it right now if I haven't crossed it altogether.

    I hope everybody has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy Friday everyone!

    Check in day. I really feel that my hard work is beginning to pay off. I look slimmer in the mirror and my clothes continue to get looser. I do strength training nearly daily and my overall strength is very good for my weight and age. The only downside of being in a caloric deficit is the inability to put on some real muscle mass. Yes, I am getting stronger, but it's not showing very much in muscle size. This is not a terrible thing, though. Since I am 5'8", I would look heavy if I had a lot of bulky muscle. I want to have the strong, lean look. I know it's vanity, but I want to look as good as I feel!

    My exercise plan for the weekend is mostly cardio (hike, bike and Insanity), and maybe a Kettlebell workout tomorrow. Weekends are tough for me, eating-wise. I need to concentrate on less bad carbs and higher protein. Sunday evening will not be pretty. Our friends from Virginia are coming in for my wife's birthday party. They are stopping in for some pre-party champagne at our house before going to the restaurant. They serve great German beer on tap there (Franziskaner Weissbier). Our friend Jim (retired Lt.Col. Army) was once stationed in Germany and loves his German beer! Needless to say, I will be in full celebration mode and not thinking about what is "best" for me.

    Stiring, I feel the same way about overtraining. Even though I don't feel it at the time, somtimes I get sluggish and am fatigued after days of tough workouts. I need to train smarter, not necessarily longer. I know I don't always eat enough to support my workouts. I just need to make better fuel choices!!!!

    I hope that everyone is well and has a great weekend!
  • JuliaSoCal
    Good Morning...
    Friday morning weigh in brought good news. Easter did not do any damage to my weight loss...
    Down 1.8 lbs.

    Officially at the "overweight" mark instead of "OBESE" on the wii... It is the little things in life :)

    So, next weeks loss should be under a .5 a pound, 'cause that seems to be the way I am losing weight..

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday All:

    Ate a big dinner last night, and lost some ground the scale this morning. I'm down .6 lb. Hopefully it will all even out over the next few days. I chose a grilled chicken Kabob, and I only ate about half the rice they put on the plate, but then it came with the greek salad, and the bread was just too good looking to pass up. My workouts were consistently great all week, and besides last night, might eating was stellar, so I know I'll make up for it in a few days.

    OK now I have these crazy images in my head of Sing putting Jif in his hair, and Stiring gigglin at jars of peanut butter!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello dear friends!!! I lost another pound!! Yeah!!! I continue with my workouts, Zumba classes and eating clean and often. I am still not logging in calories. I have felt very satisfied lately and when I get hungry it has usually been at the right time when I need to eat, every 2.5 to 3 hrs. I have increased my lean protein intake. I feel energetic for my workouts so far.

    I am at work so I'd better get off...

    Have a great weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on your weigh loss success this week!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: alf, you are doing so good. I am surprised that you don't have to log in your meals. You must have a lot of self control.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Julia, you will be soon at "healthy".

    sing, this is a special occasion so enjoy it. You can go back to healthy the next day. You do so well most of the time that I don't see where this weekend should hurt you.

    I don't have any plans for the weekend yet. With all the people living at my house I may not be able to do anything but work.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428

    I do not want to deny myself anything while I am there. Those of you who've been stationed in Germany know full well that no person can resist German brot und bier.

    Have a great day!

    Sing........don't forget the awesome brotchen (definitely better than brot), wurst, caasetorte, wein und gummi bears!:laugh: :laugh: Nothing like gummi bears fresh at the factory :laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    MK, I love the Brotchen (Semmel in Austria). I am looking forward to our first morning in Salzburg: Fresh Semmel (Brotchen), real butter, marmelade, meats & cheese, and rich dark coffee. I love Apfelstrudel, but their Topfenstrudel is to die for. Wash it all down with a shot of Obstler (Austrian Schnapps)....I'm drooling already!!!!!!

    PS- The BEST rolls we ever had was in a little German town called Hattingen. There was a bakery where the rolls were encrusted with pumpkin seeds on the bottom...great!