

  • I LOVE 5 hour energy!!! I use the Extra Strength, it's good if you need a big energy boost :) I take the whole thing if I'm REALLY tired, and just 1/2 of it if I only need a regular boost. No jittery feelings, no side effects at ALL for me :) I don't rely on them, but when you haven't gotten enough sleep and you have to go…
  • What a great idea, I never thought of using sqaush before!! :happy: I am SO making this!!
  • I roast mine, have never had it steamed since! You can do it in the oven or on the grill. Use olive oil and some seasonings, or just salt & pepper. Place on cookie sheet for about 10 mins on 425. The ends get all crispy and nutty, really yummy! On the grill, I use a grill sheet with small holes so they don't fall through.
  • I like Crispeez, and also veggie straws, both are very tasty and satisfying. Oh and Cape Cod potato chips come in 40% less fat :smile: