

  • shame cant see that....if thats what your losing what are you doing to drop that so fast?
  • INSPIRIRATION - LOVE YA WORK GUYS N DOLLS Starting today as I need to get my body moving - have been going to the gym 3 times a week and nuffin stepping it up. Will post back later today with results.
  • Rock on with the MFP - awesome work on losing the 13kg...and I have about the same to lose (if not a little bit more). KEEP IT UP. Yell if you need ya butt kicked. And please add me as a friend...need all the motivation i can get.
    in Kiwis United Comment by in2nat May 2011
  • Aww thats no good, feel ya pain. Hopefully it wont be too far away before your back at work. Keep up the gym and pilates, chin up. Fingers crossed not too many more nights of shaking for you, cant be much fun. Live in Wellington myself so know all about quakes, and feel we have been pretty lucky not be getting the same…
    in Kiwis United Comment by in2nat May 2011
  • awww so not fair dont get Skinny Cow in New Zealand...mind you I see a lot of "skinny cows" around hahaha my bad
  • Absolutely awesome tips - and a wonderful lady and inspiration you are. thanks ever so much for sharing these - not sure i could go without the red meat part...but the rest is great. keep up your awesome work. :)
  • I always find that no starchy carbs after 4pm is always good, so fish/chicken and salad or steamed veges is good. Can only do this if I have had carbs at lunch time otherwise im dead on my feet come 8pm. good luck for the rest of your goal
  • Damn so many people doing IT - me thinks I need to get my hands on a copy and see what all the fuss is about
  • Awesome work on the loss so far - walk -water- walk - water -walk...good luck.