Kiwis United

in2nat Posts: 12
Hey all you NZ'ers out there, thought Id start a post to see who's alive and kicking their butts into shape this year. Give us a holla and let us know your progress.


  • whateverdamnit
    HEY! I'm from Christchurch! I'm trying to lose the weight I gained after the stupid February 22nd earthquake.. been out of work because of the quake and sitting on my bum and waiting for my workplace to re-open isn't helping with the weight loss! But, trying to go to the gym now and do Pilates as much as possible. :)
  • in2nat
    in2nat Posts: 12
    Aww thats no good, feel ya pain. Hopefully it wont be too far away before your back at work. Keep up the gym and pilates, chin up. Fingers crossed not too many more nights of shaking for you, cant be much fun. Live in Wellington myself so know all about quakes, and feel we have been pretty lucky not be getting the same treatment here. Hugs.
  • kirstydoeslife
    Hey! I'm from Auckland :D
    Lost about 13kg before joining MFP - here to lose the 25kg I have left! Woo.
  • in2nat
    in2nat Posts: 12
    Rock on with the MFP - awesome work on losing the 13kg...and I have about the same to lose (if not a little bit more). KEEP IT UP. Yell if you need ya butt kicked. And please add me as a friend...need all the motivation i can get.
  • NZhogiebear
    NZhogiebear Posts: 84
    Hi guys, Beryl from NZ as well, have lost 14 kg, still have a lot to go, but loving this site, keep up the great work!!!