allywilkes Member


  • I always take a packed lunch and a lot depends on what I've got as "leftovers" in the fridge. These are great sites for lunch ideas (involving lots of veggies and lots of variety): (less active now, but great archive posts) (follow the link to "blog" for…
    in Lunches Comment by allywilkes June 2011
  • I'm no expert, but I've definitely noticed my metabolism slowing down as I get closer to 30... COMBINED with a general change in lifestyle, that is. I tend to look back to the "good old days" when I could eat what I wanted and not put on a single pound... forgetting that this was when I couldn't really afford three…
  • Also any leftovers from the night before are fair game - I love a good portion of spicy daal with naan bread, and maybe some spinach to stir into it so it wilts as you eat it... yum. (I see you are Indian veg, I ate this almost every day I was in India... particularly for breakfast!)
  • I like all sorts of things as breakfast foods (as well as the obvious ones). (1) Miso soup with sticky rice and pickles, maybe a side portion of egg omelette. (2) Breakfast burrito with quorn or TVP mince, sauteed peppers and spinach and either guacamole or salsa. (3) Lentil soup with tomatos stirred in and pitta bread to…
  • Bump - creme fraiche sounds like a good idea!
  • Bump! Sounds amazing!
  • Hmm. How about beans and legumes? You can mash them up if it's texture that's the problem. Maybe something like hommous used to dip veggies or bread? That would also be a good "finger food" which she could pick up and learn to eat herself. Is she vegetarian or vegan? If ovo-lacto vegetarian, cheese is also a good way to…
  • Hmm! The sauna in my gym is through the changing rooms but is unisex, so I usually change into a tankini after my workout and go in wearing that (towel to sit on). I see a lot of men in there wearing just shorts, but I've never yet seen another woman in there so I don't know if I've got the dress code badly wrong... the…
  • I love it plain! It's such a good snack on Ryvita. I often have this as a pre-gym light meal. You can also stir it into warm pasta with a little black pepper, lemon juice, maybe some wilted spinach... delicious. It also makes a good lower-calorie alternative in lasagna. For example, I often make the Pioneer Woman's lasagna…
  • I was in exactly your position a month or so ago! First of all, don't stress about it. Most gyms are very welcoming environments for "newbies" and people are a lot more focused on their own workout than in watching you. I was so nervous about people seeing my puny efforts, but no-one notices at all and it soon becomes…
  • I lost the weight in my stomach first, which was the "last" place it was put on (I only developed stomach fat in the last 1-2 years). Now it seems to be spreading to my legs and behind. Here's hoping it makes it to those arms!
  • Same here - I've always been quite little (5 foot, 56 kg) and I've always felt the cold terribly much. I've tried getting my thyroid checked out, and taking supplements to help with my circulation, but I think it's just how I am. I never thought of other people experiencing it as they slim down though... yup, you just have…
  • I started MFP and going to the gym just because of my stomach, so made REALLY clear to my personal trainer that this was what I wanted. She gave me an "abs set" workout which uses 5 different types of ab workouts (all floor-based and without weights) and has to be done religiously every time you exercise. She said that…
  • UK here as well (West London). Hoping to lose 8 kg... so far putting on weight (but losing body fat!). Friend me if you like :)