naedean2014 Member


  • I need motivation as well. (As I sit here watching "Ellen" and thinking I should probably go work out instead lol)...
  • Everyone is different....I find that I tend to be all-or-nothing. I have cut out all "junky" carbs (no refined sugar, no white rice, no pasta, no bread), and that might be a little extreme for some people. But by doing that, I have almost no cravings for that stuff. Sugar has always been my go-to food when I start feeling…
  • What an amazing post. There are no words big enough to respond. Wow. Thank you for being brave enough to put it all out there. Just think of how many people you have inspired by sharing what you've been through (myself included). Best of luck to you!
  • Lol to "I only run when being chased"....I am the same but caught the running bug a few years ago too. I haven't been doing it lately (am doing mostly walking), but after seeing your post I feel the urge to sign up for a 5k! Maybe I will choose something at the end of the year and give myself time to train. Congrats on…
  • You go girlfriend. I am the same way. It's easy to get distracted or lose track of what your motivation is....but you can do it! Little changes, one at a time, add up to big results. Even if you don't spend a ton of time working out, just doing something small gets you headed in the right direction. I just walked for half…
  • Thank you!
  • Hello! I am not new to weight loss or MFP but haven't used these message boards before. I too am from California. I am trying to lose weight in a way I can maintain for the rest of my life....taking my time and doing it slowly, in a way I can live with without feeling deprived of the things I love. Falling off the wagon is…