I'm going to be completely honest. I'm the type of person who needs tons of motivation when I wanna make a major change like weight and lifestyle. I easily get distracted from why I'm wanting this or I get carried away in life and make excuses for why I don't have time to keep myself in the gym. I would like to have people add me who are very motivated individuals that can help keep me motivated. This isn't my first time with this app but this time I'm going about it differently! Hopefully can make major changes.


  • naedean2014
    naedean2014 Posts: 8 Member
    You go girlfriend. I am the same way. It's easy to get distracted or lose track of what your motivation is....but you can do it!
    Little changes, one at a time, add up to big results.
    Even if you don't spend a ton of time working out, just doing something small gets you headed in the right direction. I just walked for half an hour and even though it wasn't a huge calorie burner, it was better than nothing. Trying to overhaul your whole life can be overwhelming, so just do what works for you and try to be consistent. It will pay off.
    Good luck to you!
  • uclaxtina
    uclaxtina Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I've been on MFP for years and I've lost and gained back the weight. I feel that I'm ready for a permanent change and to lose the weight for good. Feel free to add me, I'd love the extra motivation! :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    One suggestion I might make is to make yourself a list of reasons you want to lose weight. Come up with some good ones (Be alive to see my kids get married, etc.) and post them where you can see them: the fridge, the pantry, the bathroom mirror, the drawer where you keep your workout clothes. Whenever you're feeling like grabbing an extra snack or skipping out on the gym session, they're sure to help.
  • ClaireyDeexx
    ClaireyDeexx Posts: 34 Member
    Motivator at your service!! You can do this girl, there is nothing stopping you!! I'll send a friend request! :)
  • emngill209
    emngill209 Posts: 14 Member
    One suggestion I might make is to make yourself a list of reasons you want to lose weight. Come up with some good ones (Be alive to see my kids get married, etc.) and post them where you can see them: the fridge, the pantry, the bathroom mirror, the drawer where you keep your workout clothes. Whenever you're feeling like grabbing an extra snack or skipping out on the gym session, they're sure to help.

    That is a great idea! I think I'm going to do this and post it on my fridge!
  • TreJejuan
    Im glad youre taking the first step to being healthier! youre on the right track. i think we all have trouble staying motivated but the trick is to constantly give yourself the fuel you need to keep going !!
    if you like hard core rock and it gets you pumped to exercise By all means LISTEN TO THE ROCK MUSIC!
    just fed your mind what it needs to stay motivated and im sure youll see the results youre after!
    if youre interested heres a link yto my channel and my video !

  • emngill209
    emngill209 Posts: 14 Member
    Im glad youre taking the first step to being healthier! youre on the right track. i think we all have trouble staying motivated but the trick is to constantly give yourself the fuel you need to keep going !!
    if you like hard core rock and it gets you pumped to exercise By all means LISTEN TO THE ROCK MUSIC!
    just fed your mind what it needs to stay motivated and im sure youll see the results youre after!
    if youre interested heres a link yto my channel and my video !


    I'll have to check that out :) thank you!
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I'm guilty...guilty too! I sat down one day and thought about my daily schedule and realized I did not make time for me. I even limited time to get dressed (makeup etc.) and realized I did the same for my health.

    I'm such a giver but wasn't giving to myself. Hang in there and take time for you for your health and you will be better to those who need you. :)