

  • Thankfully our trailer is 1200 sq ft. And we have a fairly nice sized living room. I'm usually surprised to see all these 2-3 bedroom townhouses have MUCH smaller rooms than my trailer. But I have to be careful about what exercises I do. I just saw my neurologist yesterday and he found out from my MRI on Tuesday, that I…
  • I used I saw it on a MFP post when searching for TDEE. The 1500 cals is just from today. It was actually like 1337 or something like that. I didn't exercise today because it was raining today. Yesterday, I earned 288 exercise cals so I was at about 1600 not counting those. I guess I forgot to mention…
  • Yeah, I'm almost afraid of what I'll go through. I get headaches daily and I'm just concerned that it may make them worse? But I really need to do it for myself. I miss how healthy I was 8 years ago. I felt amazing. Right now, I just feel like crap
  • I quit smoking back in 2006 when I started losing weight the first time. I used the patches and I only got through a box and a half when I realized I didn't have the desire to smoke anymore and I stopped using them. Fast forward 4 years. Got with my fiancé and picked it back up. Now I smoke like a chimney :( I really need…
  • Whew! lol. I just saw that it was so high. I had my thyroid checked recently and it's fine. I prefer canned green beans because I'm not too fond of the texture of frozen but the rest of my veggies, I don't mind frozen but prefer fresh. I love to cook, so that wouldn't be a problem. I'll try frozen green beans when I go to…
  • Yeah, I'm wondering if I'm retaining water
  • I have a scale intended for hair stylists and it has the same features as yours. Tare and fractions of an ounch and also measures grams. I love it
  • Thank you so much for that. Some of it was slightly confusing. So MFP's cal intake is pretty accurate on what my deficit should be?
  • Thank you all SO much for all your advice and input! :) Yes, I admit it. I don't measure. I guess :( Funny thing is, my scale is on my kitchen counter. What should my deficit be? My MFP plan says I should be eating 1700 cal/day to lose 2lb/week. Should I reduce that number? It also has my sodium target at 2300mg! That's a…
  • I'm right there with you too. Since Sept 13', SW-279 CW-212 GW-145. Sending a FW