

  • Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has had experience with meds causing health issues with weight and other problems. I recently had a kidney stone due to a pain med. I still have a stent inside and I am feeling yukky and sore. I tried exercising on Friday. Well, it was actually more of a walk to the medical clinic for X…
  • Sorry to hear about your dog, I hope her condition improves. I can relate to the outside animal thing you mentioned as growing up it was the same for me. Since then I lost two indoor cats and they are sadly missed. Vet bills can get so high and sometimes they cannot make a difference to the animal. That was the case with…
  • I have read that weight fluctuates daily so you should only weigh yourself once a week or even less frequently. My weight loss was about two pounds a week until I got sick so I think that can be okay. I would just keep off the scale until the same time each week to avoide disappointment. Also it helps to weigh yourself in…
  • I am new to the site and wanted to say "hello" to everyone here. My name is Josie and I hope to reach my goals using this and other tools I find. I gained weight from medicine and from poor eating habits. Also the medicine and pain were keeping me from exercising so the inactive life I was leading did not help me. Since…
    in Hello Comment by JosieCan September 2008