

  • GREAT JOB! I know it takes lots of motivation!
  • Haha - that's what I have to do too! But you know what...I belong there too! And...if I can remove the weight to make the bars weight that I can lift, then they can add it back on! :) Actually...since I've joined a co-ed gym (which took me a VERY long time & 65# to do...) I've had A LOT of guys who would easily be…
  • Hi there! I am Nichole - 38 y.o. mother of two boys - I was 200 pounds at my heaviest and at only 5' 2" that was pretty heavy for me. I am down to about 137 right now. At this point, I am happy with the numbers on the scale and the size of clothes that I am in - I'd still like to lose another 10 pounds, but my main goal is…
  • WTG! I'm an "Insanity" workout girl, I do know the dedication that it takes! Keep it up - it's a lifestyle for sure - not just a phase! :) ~Nichole
  • WTG! I'm an "Insanity" workout girl, I do know the dedication that it takes! Keep it up - it's a lifestyle for sure - not just a phase! :) ~Nichole
  • I think weekends are hard for most people...Me included. When I do get "off track" that's when it happens... I try to make sure I have "good choices" in the house if it's an around the house kind of weekend and make decent choices if I do go out - I can never eat the whole meal - but that's ok...most items make a great 2nd…
  • CONGRATS! I think mine was buying a size 6 (which I haven't been since sometime just out of high school)! I have lost 65 pounds throughout my 'journey' to become fit and I still have goals that I'm striving to meet! It's a lifestyle change for sure. I thank Insanity (the workout) and MFP for making me accountable for…
  • I, too, feel your pain. I'm right about 1200/day net, but somedays more and somedays a bit less...either way, I'm at a plateau right now... I have lost 65 pounds (before I started MFP), so right now I'm at the last about 10 pounds and toning... keep in mind that if you're toning (strength training/lifting weights) you may…
  • Welcome Keri! I've never spent a dime on weight loss plans...only on DVDs, equipment that I use frequently! I've lost 65 pounds total (that was before my journey here began) and have maintained for over a year. My goal now is another 15 'ish' pounds, but not so much the numbers on the scale, but to tone. BTW...I'm 37 and…
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