MrXeno Member


  • Thank you all for replying. Much appreciated :) Perhaps it is true that healing speeds up metabolism. Having a fever does the same, as the body temperature has to be kept up, I would assume. The fasting before surgery wasn't too bad as the surgery was in the morning and I just had to skip breakfast, which wasn't an issue.…
  • Thanks for the replies, guys. I'm still at a loss at what could be wrong. I doubt it is sodium, as my food isn't very high in salt. I am drinking a lot of water, as much as I always have which never caused an issue in the past months. I'm also not eating at maintenance yet. I'm in the upping my calories slowly stage. I'm…
  • Thanks for the replies so far! In order to answer the questions: I have eaten brocoli, and raw carrots. Plenty of vegetables, actually. That can not be the issue. I also eat plenty of fruits, at least 3 or 4 a day. Maybe fat is the problem. I may have to increase it, not sure. It's not like I go completely without. And I…