Holiday weight being stubborn
Hello there! I read a lot of holiday topics on these forums. The common idea seems to be that after a week or two of overeating, any weight gain should come off within a week or so, seeing that it will be bloating, extra food and water. Fair enough. Thing is, this was not the case for me. I went on a two week holiday, and…
Still losing weight...Why?
The past few weeks I have gone into maintenance mode. I slowly upped my calories from 1400 to about 1600-1700. The reason was that I did not want to lose more weight (obviously) but also because I would have surgery on the 25th of september and would need my body to be as strong as possible. After surgery I would not be…
Obsession with counting
As I have been trying to get into maintenance, I have noticed I am obsessed with counting now. And it bugs me. First you should know that I have never been overweight. I weighted 51 kilos at 153cm (I know, as a male I'm extremely short). All I wanted was lose a few kilos to look lean, and then start bulking. Before I…
Weight loss mode to normal eating troubles
So, this has got me worried for a while now. I’ve been counting calories since May, lost about 5kg and am happy at my current weight. It’s time for maintenance. But somehow, I feel like I can’t go back to my happy, oblivious ‘not having to count a single calorie’ self. Before my diet, I felt like I ate normally. I ate when…
Weight keeps creeping up
For the past two/three weeks my weight has been creeping up and I can not explain why. Truth is, I did not need to lose any more weight and am in the process of switching to maintenance this week. But this was also sparked by the weight gain because I was like 'well, I guess I can't lose anymore anyway' I haven't got an…
Hey guys, Maybe a very odd first post, but I just have to ask this. Surely some of you have had the same problem. I'm not trying to lose weight as I'm already borderline underweight, but I am watching what I'm eating as I'm trying to stay lean. In order to do so, I eat on average 1600 kcal per day. I have been doing this…