Weight loss mode to normal eating troubles

So, this has got me worried for a while now. I’ve been counting calories since May, lost about 5kg and am happy at my current weight. It’s time for maintenance. But somehow, I feel like I can’t go back to my happy, oblivious ‘not having to count a single calorie’ self. Before my diet, I felt like I ate normally. I ate when I was hungry, felt satiated, and wouldn't think about food until hours later. I didn't gain weight back then, nor lost it. I was balanced.

But ever since I’m counting calories I don’t trust myself anymore. My days have been all about food. When do I eat? How much do I eat? What do I eat? What foods are the most filling? I feel like I can’t go back to my old self. I feel like I would start binging and overeat if I don’t count what’s going in. And this is depressing me, because I do want to go back to not counting and just be happy. When I think back to my not counting days, I’m amazed I didn’t gain weight on what I ate. So much guilt free bread, cheese, pasta and the likes. I really want to go back to that, but somehow it feels like if I would, I would gain so much weight back.

Does anyone relate? I know it is a very odd way of thinking and any tips to go back to normal eating would be more than welcome.


  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I can't really relate, but I think you were probably in your set point range before, which just means you were at a weight that your body wants to naturally be at. Which is why you could eat in a very relaxed manner and not have to worry about weight gain.

    Now, you haven't lost all that much weight, so you could still be in your set point range but at the bottom end of it. To stay at the bottom end, you'd probably need to maintain some level of focus on your food over time.

    On the other hand, if you are below your setpoint range it will be very hard to stay there and take concerted effort over time.

    Although it is nerve wracking, try loosening up in various ways and see what happens. If you do end up regaining some weight, you can evaluate if it is worth it to you to maintain the lower weight and if so go back to what you know works.
  • skinnyD2308
    skinnyD2308 Posts: 92 Member
    There are a few options for transitioning away from calorie counting now that you are in maintenance mode. One you could continue to calorie count at whatever your maintenance calories are and you might need to play with the numbers a bit to find it. I've also heard that if you want to transition away from tracking food and calories, you can just weigh yourself everyday to sure you maintain your loss, and if the scale creeps up a more than a couple of pounds you can return to calorie counting for a week or to get back to maintenance, and then transition off tracking again as you figure out where portions need to be to maintain your new weight. Congrats on all your hard work!