tammeygail Member


  • You look fantastic, congrats excellent job
  • I agree. I find for me if i am craving something or if i see something and i want it i have to have some, count my calories and its all good. If i dont then i am just gonna keep craving it and eventually i will have to have it and over do it so its best to eat whatever you want. People can give their opinions but in the…
  • Good luck to you.
  • I know my sister tried one that she got from a herbal all natural store and she said it made her feel great but yes was discusting throughout the process, but if your on any medications check with your doctor or pharmacist first
  • thanks will definelty use some lol thanks for sharing
  • sorry my mistake that should of said 7.1 not 71
  • Well i think i finally got my hrm working, hopefully its right but i did the twist board for a couple minutes and did 100 twists each side and it said i burned 71 calories, not sure if its acurate but i am going to try again in alittle bit to see if its the same, will keep you usdated
  • Think of 36 lbs as 36 lbs of butter that you were carrying around. Thats alot and you are doing an awesome job if anything you should be so proud of your self, cus your a great inspiration to me who has only been on this site a week or so. Thanks and keep up the great work............
  • Welcome and good luck. You will love this site it s great for support and information
  • I have the twist board as well and not sure how to track calories burned by using it, so i just dont. However yes i beleive it does burn calories as i do several reps throughout the day of 100 reps per session. I bought a hrm and havent figured out how to set it up yet to find the calories burned but if i do i will sure…
  • i just read a chicken parmesan recipe that sounds real good on here. I posted a baked salmon recipe earlier this week. There are actally a few if u go into recipe forum, welcome and good luck
    in Hello! Comment by tammeygail May 2011
  • Welcome and good luck
  • I got it at walmart for just under $10.00, looking forward to it.
    in Nervous Comment by tammeygail May 2011
  • Your very welcome sis i love you too. i got a 30 shred cd tonight from walmart which a girl on here told me about and im starting it tomorrow, i will let you know how it goes okk
    in Hello Comment by tammeygail May 2011
  • Oh ok thanks thats a lot of help cus i have noticed at the end of some days that i am high in the areas of sodium and fat. thanks for the info, never thought of that
  • wow, thats awesome keep up the great work and i hope some day i will be able to post similar photos of me
  • Its also good mixed with apple sauce or on tomatoe slices
  • I count everything that goes in my mouth lol. Sometimes when i am adding food to my daily list if the amount doesnt equal out to what my chart on the food says then i will change mine and add the higher amount.