Too happy
Wow, your memory is excellent! :)
Not at chance, but would be fun trying :D
Leeds, England
Brassed Off
That everyone is a nutritional expert ;)
Her head :o
I love Stuart Lee :D
My name is Alexis too :p
Lacey Turner
I'm British, while travelling and working around south east Asia, I met loads of American people, some got my humour (quite dry and sarcastic) some didn't...
Best - Lovely face Worst - Pic is dark
No chance
Coloured lip balm and mascara.
Pretty Woman
My name is Alexis and TheAlexorcist was my Counterstrike name back in the day.
34 in July, no kids, not married. Was engaged but not anymore.... Not really bothered about kids, there's too many of us on the planet as it is :p
Baguette and hummus. Fave drink?
My new boyfriend :) <3
Just about to start work.
2nd one.
Me, myself and I.
Not yet