Very true!
I don't eat rice anymore. I can live without it. However I LOVE pasta & I allow myself a pasta dish occasionally. I don't think you should be that strict with yourself...some carb is good for you. If you MUST substitute just go for brown rice, whole grain, and unprocessed carbs in small amounts.
Hi! 23 years old, 5'0. 120 pounds. I recently lost 5 pounds. Going for 10 more! :D Nice to meet you all. :smile:
I'm not sure how to tell the difference between being bloated or just simply having too much belly fat. I'll do some research on it though. Thanks.
I'm not sure how to tell the difference between being bloated or just simply having too much belly fat. I'll so some research on it though. Thanks.
Thank you all for the advice and tips, I will be incorporating some strength training into my exercise & give it more time. I really need to improve on my diet also.